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posted by InvaderEleanor
First name: Kari
Middle name: Nicole Rose
Last name: Moto
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation:None
Blood Type:A/B+
Financial Class (Upper-class, Lower-class, ect.):Middle class

Personality:Kind, weird, stubborn
Likes: waffles, tacos, powerful cards, Yugi, freinds
Dislikes: Kaiba, Pegasus
Hobbies:Dueling, sleeping, reading
Fears: Losing family
Weaknesses: CHOCOLATE

Favorite Food: Tacos
Favorite Person: Joey
Favorite Duel Monster: Summoned Skull
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite season: Winter
Favorite time of day:Noon

Least Favorite Food:Caviar
Least Favorite Person:Kaiba
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The Reunited Kingdom

{Scene switches back to the Outlanders, crossing a river on the way to
attack Pride Rock.}

{Scene switches again; now back at Pride Rock, where Joey and Tristan
are talking.}

I can't believe we lost her again. This is the eight thousandth time!


I thought you were gonna watch her!

Me? You were gonna watch her!

I thought you were gonna watch her!

No, you were gonna watch her!

You were gonna watch her!

Aah, watch this! {he leaps onto Joey}

Oww! Take that, you creepy watchmen! Say it! Say it!

Aaah! Aaah!

{Joey and Tristan...
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posted by Courtneyfan6
(Yami and Joey are standing in front of the Game Shop as the mailman comes walking by and puts a package into Yami's mailbox)

Yami and Joey: It's here! (takes out the package and opens it)

Yami: Behold, Joey! The official Dark Magician Back Scratcher! And it only cost me 52 box-tops.

Joey: Wow.

Yami: (scratches his back with the item) Ooh. Mm-hmm. Oh... Oh! Whoo! Oh, yes, that's it!

Joey: Let me try! (uses the item to scratch his back)

Yami: Uh, Joey, that's not the back scratcher. That's my arm.

Joey: Oh, sorry. (reattaches his arm)

Yami: You know, we shouldn't keep this all to ourselves....
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"Wait!What about Bakura?!" Mana asked panicking
"He'll be fine.We have to go!" Marik said moving her in front of himself and pushing her to a hiding place.
"We have to-"
"Hi Mana." Bobasa said coming from nowhere.
"Bobasa!" Mana yelled jumping to hug him.
"Hey,we have to get Mana somewhere safe." Marik said.
"Mana's in trouble?" Bobasa asked.
"Yeah." Mana said looking sad.
"Okay Bobasa knows a hiding place." Bobasa said picking up Mana and Marik.He took them to the back of a shop.
"Mana will be safe here...Who are you?"
"I'm Marik."
"Nice to meet you Marik.I'm Bobasa."
"cool...Cool."Marik said.Mana started...
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{Scene switch; Mana and Yugi are lying on their backs, watching the
clouds and giggling.}

See that? See that? Look at that! It's really pretty.

What? Oh yeah! Um-- look... there's one that looks like a baby rabbit.
See the fluffy tail?

Yeah... hey! There's one that looks like two people killing each other
for a scrap of food!

{Yugi laughs; this isn't Mana's cup of tea, and she grimaces.}

Ah, I've never played this before.

Really? My father and I used to do this all the time. He says all the
great Kings of the past are up there.

You think Bakura is up there?

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posted by anime_obsessed5
Last time -

"Serenity I don't want you coming to my school any more."
"A-Alright.....But that one was kinda cute...."
"Which one?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
Serenity came by Mokuba who was about to get hit by a truck she rushed over and saved him.
"Thanks."Mokuba said
"Your welcome."
"Mokuba you dumb bastard you almost got hit whats wrong with you?Didn't I tell you to NOT go when the light is green?!"Seto Yelled at Mokuba
"Stop having a moment!" Joey Yelled
"Big brother who was that girl that saved my sorry ass?" Mokuba asked Seto
"Wheelers sister."Seto answered
"But she doesn't seem like a dumb ass."
"She's not."...
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Deception and Disgrace

{Reopen on Pride Rock, with Yugi walking out onto the promontory.}

Okay-- I have to tell her today. Oh... where do I start? "Mana... Mai
had a plot-- and I was part of it. But I don't wanna be, because-- it's
because I love you. {sighs} Oh, she'll never believe me. But I gotta

{He goes into the cavern, where Mana and Atem are waking up.}

Mana... I need to talk to you.

{sternly} Mana... I don't want you talking with him. {softening} I
want to talk with him.

{Mana's face brightens; Atem winks at her, and he and Yugi go out
onto the promontory and down onto...
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"Who Does She Remind You Of?"

{Camera zooms slowly back to Pride Rock, where Mana is playing at
Atem's feet atop Pride Rock, gazing down over the side.}


{She giggles continuously, and Atem catches her as she comes near the

Whoah. Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?

{Mana wriggles in Atem's grasp as he moves her to safety.}

Daddy! Let go!

{She keeps giggling as she tries to escape}

Well, I just want you to be careful.

{She chases after a butterfly; Atem steps on her dress to pin her

Mana... are you listening? Accidents can happen. You could easily get...
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~~*With Mana*~~
"Put me down!!" Mana screamed as she kicked as the cloaked man took her away from her friends.'Oh please.Atem,Marik,Bobasa,Mahado,Bakura one of you help!' Mana thought to herself.The cloaked man took her to what looked like a replica of the palace only it was black and instead of the shining gold that radiated from her home,this had a dark aura to it.The man rode his horse into the palace he took her to a dungeon and threw poor Mana in a cell then locked it and left.Mana laid on the cold grownd tears pored from her eyes,she looked back on her life She thought of Atem,Mahado,Bobasa,Marik...
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posted by safben
Chapter 5: Work at dawn, celebration at dusk

The morning sun was rising upon the sandy horizon of Egypt, hitting the pyramids casting long shadows on their sides. As more beams of light sped across the sands, the light had finally reached the palace. The first beams to hit the palace was in Pharaoh Atem's room. Atem slowly opened his eyes only then to see his room flooded in the morning shine.
“Morning already?” he yawned as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, put a cream colored kilt on, and placed the Sennen puzzle around his neck. Atem walked out to his balcony and saw the quiet and empty...
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Another Child

{Thunder and wind. Camera passes some calmly grazeing horses; we open
on Seto's room.}

Asante sana
Squash banana
We we nugu
Mi mi apana!

{We see he is painting on his wall: a new child, with the
ceremonial mark across the forehead, next to the old drawing of Atem.}

{laughs} Ahh, Mana...

{Wind blows Seto's hair wildly, signifying Aknamkanon's presence}

Ooh, Aknamkanon! Such a day this has been! Princess Mana's birth...
another Circle of Life is complete, and the Pride's future is once
again secure.

{Wind blows at the paintings, scattering some of the markings}

Aaah! Stop it, stop it,...
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Last time on Ishtar Manor:

Odion: Master Malik, can I have your permission to fall in love with bones boy?

Bones-Boy: BRAINS?!?!?

Malik: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm busy*Later*Malik: Wait a minute WHAT!?!?!

Now :

Ishizu: OMG! Odion and bones boy are like married now!

Marik & Malik: WHAT!

Ishizu: Yea, and they totally helped me pick out your costumes for the party!

Marik & Malik: What costumes?!?!?

link gi oh/Marik Ishtar/?action=view¤t=Mariks_navidad_n_n.jpg&jwidget_action=search

Ishizu: well, how do you like them?

Marik: It's very fesitive, no, it's perfect for the holidays!

Malik: I hate it >:|...
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An Unwelcome Stranger

{As night falls over Pride Rock, Atem notices Yugi about to go into
the inner cavern with the servents; he jumps in front of Yugi with a
growl and intimidates him away from the cavern opening as he goes
inside. Yugi walks out onto the rocks to sleep. Mana goes out to speak
to him.}

Hey... uh, thanks for saving me today.

What kind of hunter are you, anyway-- Princess? You almost got yourself
killed out there.


You wouldn't last three days on your own.

{provoked} Oh... and I suppose you could teach me?

Heh... yeah.

{Atem shouts from the cavern...
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posted by kaibaluv
Since today is Monday, at lunch we had- hamburger pizza, grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, sushi, grapes, salad; chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry milk. I, of course, chose: pizza, sushi, grapes, and strawberry milk (since I detest salad and grilled chicken).
For some reason, unknown to myself, searched around the lunch room for Seto. He wasn't there... So I ended up sitting with the 'geek squad', as Seto calls them.
"Lucky you. You came in the second semester." Tristan said, as if I've somthing super awful. "Yeah," I replied, still looking.
"Umm....What did you say your name was?" Joey asked. "I didn't, you're the one who said we were in the same class"
Joey:sings* Yo, dad, you need to understand that we've got Joey in the house! *sings infalsetto*

Mr.Wheeler: Shut up and get the mail!

Joey: Fine dad! Don't you have a cake in the oven or something?

Dad: What the hell? Just do what I said!

Joey: *leves out the door*

*At the mail box*

Rebecca: *looks at Joey* watcha doin?

Joey: I'm checkin the mail box, Sophie. No leave me alone.

Rebecca: who's Sophie?

Joey: *mumbles* Dumb kid, doesn't even know her own name

Rebecca: I heard that! And teddy heard it too!

Teddy: You better sleep with one eye open for the rest of you life punk!

Joey: *freaking out* AHHH evil...
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Love Will Find a Way

{Scene switches back to Pride Rock. Atem is standing at the tip of the
promontory, staring off into the distance.}

Father... please reconsider!

You will not go anywhere without an escort from now on.

No! That's not--

He used you to get to me!

No! He loves me... for me!

Because you are my daughter! You will not leave Pride Rock. You will
stay where I can keep an eye on you... away from him.

You don't know him!

I know he's following in Bakura's footprints... and I must follow in my

You will never be Aknamkanon!

{Atem is stung,...
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posted by kaibaluv
Well, the night's not over yet, it's only 8:45. I, again, was bored out of my mind, so I guess I'll write in my diary. Before I do, there's something you guys should know. I only write in my diary for these three reasons:
1.) If something big or totally amazing happens.

2.) If I'm mad and hear my psycaitrist's voice in my head "Let out your feelings". Yeah, right. Who says I need a psycaitrist anyway? I'm not crazy - I hope.
3.) If I'm totally out of things to do and I'm bored to death. Which just happens to be EVERYDAY!
Dear Diary, February 23, 2216
This is, by far, the weirdest day of my life!...
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The Duelist Kingdom, a famous island in which the creator of the famous card games, Pegasus calls home. On this island, competors from different skill levels and sizes come together to compete for the ultimate prize: being called “The King of Games” and receiving a huge award. It is not very easy however as the competors had to receive ten stars in order to enter the castle of Pegasus and compete with him in the ultimate duel of a lifetime.

One certain indivual, Yugi, is destined to get to Pegasus and compete against him to retrieve his grandfather back- in which his soul was stolen by...
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The next morning, I got dressed into some blue jeans,and a pink tanktop, fixing my hair,brushing my teeth..... The things girls do in the morning. I feared to go out though, and I relised I never gave Yugi my number, and we were soposed to start courting today...... I hope I bump into today.... I thought. I went downstaries were my father Mahad, and mother Izzy sat eating breackfast. I sat down at the table. "Goodmorning!" I said streaching. "Not going to study the boys way today?" My dad asked. "No, I'm just going to see the town today.... I might even pick duleing up agin!" I said exitedly....
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1.Joey Wheeler
2.Seto Kaiba
3.Ryo Bakura
4.Yami Bakura
5.Yugi Muto
6.Yami Yugi
7.Tristan Taylor
8.Mokuba Kaiba
9.Marik Ishtar
10.Tea Gardner
11.Mai Valentine
12.Princess Adena(not really but she is cute, and looks exactly like mokuba)
13.Duke Devlin
1.Jack Atlas
2.Yusei Fudo
3.Crow Hogan
4.Leo & Luna
5.Kalin Kessler
6.Leo & Luna
8.Rex Goodwin
9.Akiza Izinski

1.Chazz Princeton
2.Jaden Yuki
3.Syrus Truesdale
4.Zane Truesdale
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