Benedict Cumberbatch Club
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While I am failing to have breakfast with Benedict Cumberbatch in a Hampstead bakery that no longer exists — his suggested venue, but as you will see the boy has been busy — strangers are waiting in his flat around the corner. He found them on his doorstep and they were chilly, so he let them in; luckily, they are our photography team, or at least he hopes they are. “It’ll be all right, won’t it?” Of course it will. The world is beaming so warmly on the tall, rangy 34-year-old with his lovely cologne and Old Harrovian manners, that you could toast your fingers in the glow. While...
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This is just my opinion and I have no intentions of offending anyone, that's not my style.

Okay so recently Benedict Cumberbatch mentioned his thoughts on the lack of black actors in the UK acting/entertainment industry. He said that the US was a better market for them, because they'd get a better shot at actually getting a chance to act. He wants more black actors on the acting scene.

Now that being said, some threw a hissy-fit about his use of the word "colored", in his statement. So much so that this actor, (who is doing fine in his own career and doesn't need to pander to anyone one specific...
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posted by iceprincess7492
These are my favorite quotes by Sherlock throughout the series in no particular order! Benedict does a fantastic job of delivering all the lines and every single expression is unique in its own way!!! ^__^

1. “I'm a consulting detective. The only one in the world. I invented the job.”

2. “Anderson, don’t talk out loud. You lower the IQ of the whole street.”

3. “Come on! Where is her case? Did she eat it?”

4. “Oh! You meant 'spectacularly ignorant' in a nice way.”

5. “I’m not a psychopath, Anderson. I’m a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research.”

6. “Don’t you...
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posted by benidictlover23
Ok this is a opinion of a none Johnlock fan. Don't hate appreciate. But John was never, ever gay. Just because the Shows an updated version doesn't mean there gay. trust me I want Sherlock to be in love as much as the next guy. In fact I want him to have kids with his lover. but that can't happen in a Johnlock themed show. sorry it's the truth:(. I am more of a Sherlolly fan. come on, with all the bull she takes from Sherlock, at least she'll get something out of it. Besides she is all mousy and junk, she kind of needs someone to take care of her.
Despite there being a wide range of memorabilia that is being marketed to fans these days; from the cheap and tacky, to the outrageously expensive, I believe that I have stumbled upon, not only a niche product, but also one that is truly unique, and most importantly one that provides value for money.

I am conducting a market research program, and as such, I would like to ask your opinion as to whether you would think that an interior design concept that I have developed, would be of any interest to fans, for me to move on to the production stage.

Let me give you some background information.

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So, I am one of those people who remembers their dreams for a very long time. Last night I had a most detailed dream (I know many don't want to hear of other's dreams, but this one was fit to be, i think, an interesting movie, and that's the only reason why I am sharing it.) and it had Benedict Cumberbatch in it.

It was an Adventure/Fantasy genre movie, with an African, Roman, and Asian influenced environment.

A beautiful land of golden red hues, and a strong sunlit country. People of different races, and style of dress all co-lived in this place. It was like a moving, living
vision fit for an...
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This may turn out to be a really long list but while it will include some interesting facts which I think are lesser-known, the general already widespread points such as his Heterochromia and S. Africa incident won't be mentioned! Hope you enjoy!!!

1. He has his own Production Company - SunnyMarch

2. Some of his favorite movies include - Ghostbusters, Annie Hall, 2001 Space Odyssey, John Hughes Classic Movies.

3. He loves skydiving, his first jump was in Namibia.

4. If he had to choose a literary character to play, it would be Patrick Melrose by Edward St. Aubyn.

5. He enjoys Marmite.

6. A few favorite...
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posted by criminalminds15
Captain Martin Crieff, for instance. Martin (BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH) has wanted to be an airline pilot since he was six, and before that he wanted to be an aeroplane. And now, in his early thirties, he finally sort of is- although as Carolyn points out, MJN Air is not exactly an airline. You cannot put one aircraft in a line. If it’s anything, it’s an airdot. But nonetheless, Martin is at last a professional pilot, and a captain to boot, which is one in the eye for all those people who told him he’d never make it: parents, teachers, prospective employers... examiners. No doubt other things like spatial awareness, natural authority, and ability to make decisions under pressure will come in time. For now, the main thing is the desperate struggle to stop passengers mistaking him for a steward, a baggage handler, or the YTS lad.
posted by criminalminds15
During the director/actor commentary of Amazing Grace Benedict was mentioned a few times.

Michael Apted (MA): ...Benedict Cumberbatch, this is his first really big role, and what was so interesting, meeting him, was just like Wilberforce comes from a trading community, it was important that William Pitt came from nobility, and as soon as Benedict walked in, you knew,
Ioan Gruffudd (IG): Immediately. Yes, he has that sort of quality about him.
MA: He has class.
IG: Absolute class. Classy guy. Absolutely.
MA: It's hard to act that sort of stuff. So when I was doing all this casting, it was sort of...
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Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock
Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock
Benedict Cumberbatch — What? Benedict Cumberbatch? The guy’s as goofy looking as his name. What’s to love about a pasty thin British nub with moppy hair and a dorky smile? I mean, besides the voice. The sly demeanor. The glimmery eyes. The impeccable cheekbones. His cerebral approach to his craft. Maybe it’s his keen fashion sense, or maybe it’s just the scarf. Or maybe it’s because he’s the best goddamn Sherlock in the history of Sherlocks. In real life, the man was once kidnapped and locked into the trunk of his car by six men in South Africa, and he smart-talked his way out...
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I get an email informing me that Sherlock Holmes's coat is now available to buy. It's the one Benedict Cumberbatch modelled to excellent effect in the BBC series Sherlock; it's by Belstaff, it's called Milford and it costs £1,350, which is a hell of a lot of money. But then, it's a hell of a coat. Sharp, yet swishy. Dramatic. Dandy/manly. I really love that coat. I'd buy one for all my lovers, if I could afford to.

Admittedly, I could be somewhat influenced by the fact that I fancy the – well, the coat – off of Benedict Cumberbatch. My crush on him is vast, unlikely, and completely undeniable....
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