My Gallery

104 photos (click to enlarge)
SCARY ! sakono photo
VAMPIRES !!!!!!!!!!!!! 0.o sakono photo
VAMPIRES !!!!!!!!!!!!! 0. o
......hehehe........... sakono photo
...... hehehe...........
this is how i feel when my mom comes home drunk and calls me a b!tch and wat not  ! XD sakono photo
this is how i feel when my mom comes home drunk and calls me a b! tch and wat not ! XD
sometimes people can be depressed ..... ugh sakono photo
sometimes people can be depressed ..... ugh
im sorry i dont like twilight that much .... ugh sakono photo
im sorry i dont like twilight that much .... ugh
fear it ! XD sakono photo
fear it ! XD
i hate you sakono photo
i hate you
dude there is a cemetary like almost across the street from my moms boyfriend sakono photo
dude there is a cemetary like almost across the street from my moms boyfriend
..... XD sakono photo
..... XD
 see be happy ! ^^ XD sakono photo
see be happy ! ^^ XD
LOSER sakono photo
it ture .... sakono photo
it ture ....
unfortunately its true ....ugh sakono photo
unfortunately its true .... ugh
.... sakono photo
care bears ! sakono photo
care bears !
i made it myself ! XD sakono photo
i made it myself ! XD
cute umbreon ! sakono photo
cute umbreon !
umbreon !!!!!!!!!! sakono photo
umbreon !!!!!!!!!!
clowny !!!!!!!!!!!! sakono photo
clowny !!!!!!!!!!!!