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Yaoi Question

Looking for extremely slashy series that aren't actually BL.

Yaoi is just porn, BL is too relationship focused with weak stories.

I really need some stories that have a metric ton of suggestive homoerotic/homoromantic tension, but are preferably of the Action/Adventure, Shounen, Seinen, & Jousei genres. I'm especially fond of mangas with fighting, destruction, explosions, & violence, ghosts, monsters, & demons (grew up in 80s anime).

Examples: These are all very story driven series with lots of action. The relationships are subtle yet consistent.

*Gensoumaden Saiyuki: All of the guys are easily intershipable, despite the mangaka's frequent hints about who the canon couples would be if they were couples. There's also a shit-ton of Foe Yay with enemies. The dubb actually added in gay jokes between Goku & Gojyo for shits & giggles. Gojyo frequently points out Sanzo's good looks. In Reload Blast, Hakkai doesn't want Gojyo to notice the mark on his back, so he tells Gojyo it would be too sexy if he took it off.

*Yami no Matsuei: I was kinda shocked that this wasn't a BL manga. The author said she even didn't want to take it in that direction, but just kept delving deeper into it. Before the hiatus (which has ended btw), it seems like Watari,Muraki, & Hakushaku are in love with Tsuzuki while Tzuzuki seemed kind of hung up between Tatsumi & Kurosaki.

*GetBackers: Ginji adores Ban & doesn't want to live in a world without him, Akabane stalks Ban 7 Ginji, all the hetero ships are sunk in the last arc, & even the gay-haters think there's something between Kadzuki & Juubei. The anime version amps up the Ho Yay 300% while the manga is ecchi.

*Black Butler: It kinda comes off like half the cast wants to bone Ciel. (Aleister, Baron Kelvin, Soma, Undertaker, Nina, Lau, Claude, Sebastian, Alois, & edgar). Grell is not exactly subtle about his interest in men. Then season 2 went full gay. the manga is very different, but it's no less slashy.

*Noblesse: You'll never convince me that Frankenstein isn't in love with Raizel.
 likalaruku posted over a year ago
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