Warriors (Novel Series) Lightningclan Comments It Makes A Story

Brushpelt posted on Jul 09, 2009 at 01:45AM
ok my friend deathrow50100 he is on you tube and we have a clan and all the comments make a story: ForeverBluestar(2 months ago)
Could i b a Deputy named Shadowsong?
Deathrow50100 (2 months ago)
My short story Lightning's Journey.
The wind swirled through Lightning's pelt as he trekked through the open plains.It felt uncomfortable being away from his twolegs and their kits. He hadn't seen them for at least a moon. He thought of the warm milk and the play mice he'd chase for hours at a time. Then his thoughts were interrupted bye a feirce voice. "Hey you get off our land!" a black she-cat said. "Who's land?" Lightining replied. "Windclan's!" the she-cat leaped at Lightning, but he was smart. He dodged her claws bye an meer mouse-length. he lashed around and struck onto the cat's back and sunk his teeth into her neck, he tore out, and the fight was over. He ran away and trekked into the trees. Soon he came to a nearby pool with many prints of cats. He decided to rest there for the day and took a drink. although he wasn't tired he fell asleep and dreamed of cats just like the one he battled. When he woke up he was Lightningstar!
Deathrow50100 (2 months ago)
Hi fellow Warriors! Post stories of the clan and be rewarded (with freshkill or something like that) get stronger and subscribe to be a true Warrior of LightningClan. You can also be an enemy or friend in another clan
horseloverlaras (2 months ago)
Oh, i'll continue my story.
Joykit stared at the sunset, grieving for the pitiful number of cats in the Clan. She wished Lightningstar would make her an apprentice RIGHT NOW so there would be at least one more useful cat. Currently, Joykit thought, there's barely enough prey and I'm no use to the Clan. The golden kit padded around the camp, drowned in the sea of boredom. There wasn't even other kits she could play with! Now THAT was really pitiful.
horseloverlaras (2 months ago)
thank u very much. *Joykit sways her tail and Jewelshine's eyes gleam proudly.*
mudkipeevee (2 months ago)
Here's my story ;)
I padded through the thick snow as the cold tore through my pelt like a thorn-sharp claw. I had to get away... I had to survive... I trotted through an uknown territory, only my knowledge of herbs to help me... but what would herbs do for me in the middle of Leaf-Bare. I licked my tortoiseshell pelt to keep warm. Then, in the distance, i saw a moving shape. Was this a StarClan warrior? Had i died in the snow? I padded closer. It was a large tomcat. He had a warm look in his eyes as i looked over to him. I meowed a friendly greeting, and asked for shelter for the night. He said yes, and led me to a camp...
Randomnesskmk (2 months ago)
hi warriors of Lightningclan I am Iceflower. Im a silvery white she-cat with bluegreen eyes. I bring with me my sisters only kit your first apprentice Copperpaw she is young and eager to learn. Also im lightningstars sister in real life.
The wind was harsh and cld the snow blinding, but something inside me told me keep on going. I had to get Copper to a safety she was always small, but since the rougues killed my sister i knew i owed it to her to keep Copper safe. Suddenly i could smell other cats i had found other cats! Cautiously i crept into the area of scents and a large golden tom with white paws greeted me. After that i knew i had found a safe haven and i had made my sister proud. Thank you Starclan.
mudkipeevee (2 months ago)
hi :)
i'd like to join Lightningclan :3
if i can, can i be the medicine cat named Sunshine?
Deathrow50100 (2 months ago)
Yay! LightningClan is succeeding! WE have a new warrior named Fireclaw! he will mentor Joykit when she is ready i know he will be valuable and he can choose to be medicine cat. if he take that roll it will be joykit's choice to be a warrior or a medicine cat
redbane21 (2 months ago)
hmm ill be a warrior then my image of my cat wont go on anyways we need a medicine cat i would be one but i dont evan know if im in the clan tell me if i am.
redbane21 (2 months ago)
ill be deputy my name is fireclaw i was about to be born when fire stuck my clan and killed everyone in fireclan i learned the ways and weaknesses of all clans i would be a great help also how i survived the fire my mom and dad made a path for me by laying down on the fire and i walk on them i had to swim and fight and yea.
Deathrow50100 (2 months ago)
LightningCaln is growing!
By the powers of the stars i grant Shadowsong as clan deputy! Jewelshine is the first queen with her kit Joykit!
Jewelshine would you be my mat i mean you hav to have a father!
horseloverlaras (2 months ago)
hey!!!! i'd like to be TWO cats. first, a queen named Jewelshine and her she-kit Joykit. STORY:
Joykit felt the wind ruffle her golden tabby fur. The kit's green eyes shone as she nipped Jewelshine's ear. "Momma!" Joykit squealed. "Play, play!" The tabby queen lashed her tail and her head snapped around to face Joykit. "NO!" the queen yowled. "Lightningstar has told us to keep quiet, for the other Clans see us as vulnerable with our small number of warriors." Joykit lowered her head and slipped out of the nursury.
More will get postied

Warriors (Novel Series) 3 replies

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over a year ago Brushpelt said…
everyone dont judge this one story i was bored so i post this read my bluekit to bluestar story way better! PROMISE!
over a year ago Mistyflower said…
wow you write loooooooooong paragraphs dont you? lol. I got Bluestar's Prophecy so its easy to follow you bluekit-bluestar thing. its great, by the way!
over a year ago 18wanda said…
I am sure it is good, but it really should be an article.