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Vampires Question

Do you think Vampires are better after the Twilight Saga, or before the Twilight Saga?

Doesn't matter. Twilight just sucks. But there are a lot of other materials after Twilight that is very good. I still like Vampires even though Stephanie almost ruined their name. I would like to thank the TV series "Vampire Diaries" and "True Blood". Those are some REAL material to watch.
darkphoenix66 posted over a year ago
hey twilight does not suck have u ever read the books so dont just say stuff that u dont know what is is about :P
twilight662 posted over a year ago
I've read te books, and I still think Twilight sucks.
November99 posted over a year ago
yes and no because vampires were awesome before twilight and now we can mock it like damon did in the vampire diaries
dsalvatore13 posted over a year ago
 ABDCFan- posted over a year ago
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Vampires Answers

Impulse85 said:
Before!!! Totally before, cause now everyone is under the impression that all vampires are whiney little sparkling emo teens who attend highschool when they're bored scoping out jail bait.
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Before!!! Totally before, cause now everyone is under the impression that all vampires are whiney little sparkling emo teens who attend highschool when they're bored scoping out jail bait.
posted over a year ago 
i love this pic i got it on my IPOD
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
I know, I thought it was awesome. I have it up as my computer wallpaper.
Impulse85 posted over a year ago
i should it to a twihard they almost ate me
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
Yeah, they'll do
Impulse85 posted over a year ago
Hot4Dimitri said:
Holy crap before...vampires were told as smart, sexy, seductive creatures that didn't know when to stop. They were friggen awesome and that is why i died when i saw the twilight movie...its like they dont know what vampires are now...Who in there right minds would make a vampire sparkle???
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posted over a year ago 
Hear hear!
Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
darkdaughater12 said:
to me it doesn't matter i think that vampires were amazing before the twilight series .i think people just say that vampires are cool just because of twilight but it is so not true they have been cool way longer .
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posted over a year ago 
MadamOcta13 said:
Definitely before. After Twilight came out, everyone associated vampires as "sexy, romantic, all-we're-good-for-is-a-hot-boyfriend/girlfriend". It became too romantic! It took me forever to find a vampire book in the teens section that wasn't a romance as well!
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posted over a year ago 
ScottishChic said:
Most deffo before.

I like Twilight, i do but it is completely ridiculous!
I mean Vampires seemd sexxi, excitin n dangerous n then BAM!!! SPARKLES bot really Vampirey is it?
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posted over a year ago 
Ooops. I meant to say Not really Vampirey
ScottishChic posted over a year ago
kakaoman95 said:
BETTER! the twilight arent really vampires but i like the movie :D
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posted over a year ago 
vampiressJazz said:
i mean Vampire knight was written before crap twilight and they were heaps better vampires
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posted over a year ago 
vollyballchick said:
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posted over a year ago 
bukwrm15 said:
Before, vampires like Lestat,Dracula and Marius. I don't think vampires that sparkle are vampires at all.
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posted over a year ago 
true that, although i like the books twilight ruined vampires for me, especially Lestat
yeidcullen posted over a year ago
OceanCoast said:
I actually preferred them before Stephenie Meyer RAPED and NEUTERED them.

I find it hilarious that she actually removed everything that makes a vampire a "vampire" like fangs, drinking humans, predatory instincts, burning in sunlight, balls, ect. Oh but she left in the immortality bit (without them actually being dead I might add, because that would be icky and unpretty) because its really magical to get to live forever especially without all those pesky aforementioned drawbacks listed above.
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posted over a year ago 
xonisigo said:
twilight HAS become a huge role model in lifestyles for vampires like me, but before that we where a mysterios race
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posted over a year ago 
twilight662 said:
yes i do but most people dont know what they like and say things that they may not think about at all
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posted over a year ago 
lillian_C said:
Don't care about Twilight. I'm crazy about vampire because of Vampire Academy. I mean, what real vampire sparkles? Come on!
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posted over a year ago 
Jeffersonian said:
So before.
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posted over a year ago 
yeidcullen said:
the twilight books were good, but i think that it still ruined a bit of the vampire genre.
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posted over a year ago 
Emmalie1935 said:
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posted over a year ago 
bri-marie said:
I think vampires, as a whole, aren't much different now than they were before the Twilight series came out...
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posted over a year ago 
Tamar20 said:
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posted over a year ago 
kenzichu said:
Totally before!!! i like twilight but i don't like the vampires in it
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Totally before!!! i like twilight but i don't like the vampires in it
posted over a year ago 
KaulitZfan said:
before the Twilight Saga thee wor cool how ther wusses
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posted over a year ago 
Jackal87 said:
Deffiently before! A true vampire is ALWAYS THE BAD GUY. They are NOT SAPPY OR WUSSY and THEY DO NOT FALL IN LOVE thats just stupid and if u could live forever NO SANE PERSON WOULD GO TO SCHOOL!
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posted over a year ago 
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