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Vampires Question

Please help!!!!!!

Okay I really truly think i am turning into a vampire
1. I love blood
2. I dont really sleep at night at all
3. I cant be around crosses and stuff
4. I feel thirsty all the time (not for water)
5. I am really pale now!
6. My teeth are sharp!!!!!!!!!

Please I need advice and quick!!!11 I really truly believe!!! and i need help before are start sucking others blood now too!!!!
I agree with DrDevience but some of these symptons even sound like they may be triggered by stress..
my_heartx posted over a year ago
you are not a vampire ( i would know, i am one). we can be around crosses and silver and holy water. paleness has nothing to do with being a vampire. there are tan and black vampires. and, its not a thirst we feel, its a hunger.
NataliaLidia posted over a year ago
OOKAY thats some serius stuff... well there IS a vampire disease that can make somone turn into a vampire just with contact with a vampire's blood or saliva
iluvchocolateHA posted over a year ago
 Renesmee-C-C posted over a year ago
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Vampires  best answer

DrDevience said:
I hate to be trite, but this description sounds like a typical teen going through typical angst. Talk to your school counselor.
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, i was just going to say that. DrDevience is right, high school can be rough, just need to learn how to deal with the stress.
Raven33 posted over a year ago
yes but i feel the same what shall i do
misscullenxoxo posted over a year ago
i would do the same thing
muckcrazie posted over a year ago
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fanfly said:
If you think you're exhibiting physical/psychological signs of abnormality, see your physician. He can refer you to whatever it is you need, whether your ailment is all in your head or not.
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posted over a year ago 
LeggoMyGreggo said:
You like Twilight...right???

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posted over a year ago 
Yes but i dont believe in those vapires DUH!!!
Renesmee-C-C posted over a year ago
yeah, just because you like twilight dnt mean you believe in them
Raven33 posted over a year ago
yessssssssssssssssssssss i love it
angiecullen117 posted over a year ago
l3371 said:
My advice to you is to stay out of the sun...and to realize the difference between unhealthy obsession and reality....
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posted over a year ago 
I totally agree.
Raven33 posted over a year ago
although as long as you know what is real you can pretend whatever you like! x3
jeanyawn posted over a year ago
Cammie said:
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posted over a year ago 
Bella0405 posted over a year ago
Well, the girl is freaking out, so who wouldn't take her seriously with the way she's acting right now? :
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
I agree completely Cammie...
lolibarbie posted over a year ago
sapherequeen said:
If this makes you feel better, I'm the same way. I don't sleep at night sometimes (I'll stay up until 3:45 am at the least), I have two sharp teeth that make me look exactly like a vampire, I mind crosses or crucifixes and other stuff but I drink (not alcohol!) a lot and starting to get interested with blood. I don't know, maybe I'm turning into a vampire with you. Lol! Although it is weird know that you think of it. I guess the best advice I can give you is to say to not pay attention to it. That way it wouldn't be on your mind and these symptoms you listed might go away :)
And if that doesn't work, look at the bright side! Edward would be a vampire along with you :)!!!!
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If this makes you feel better, I'm the same way. I don't sleep at night sometimes (I'll stay up until 3:45 am at the least), I have two sharp teeth that make me look exactly like a vampire, I mind crosses or crucifixes and other stuff but I drink (not alcohol!) a lot and starting to get interested with blood. I don't know, maybe I'm turning into a vampire with you. Lol! Although it is weird know that you think of it. I guess the best advice I can give you is to say to not pay attention to it. That way it wouldn't be on your mind and these symptoms you listed might go away :)
And if that doesn't work, look at the bright side! Edward would be a vampire along with you :)!!!!
posted over a year ago 
xxXsk8trXxx said:
you could be seeing things
I thought I was a vampire once... but then I discovered that I was partialy insane
go see a counsler or a doctor
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you could be seeing things
I thought I was a vampire once... but then I discovered that I was partialy insane
go see a counsler or a doctor
posted over a year ago 
123cosmo4 said:
I think you are just very crazy and losing your head.
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posted over a year ago 
damn right
anubisbubble posted over a year ago
1-2vampire posted over a year ago
Hellohoudini said:
If you hurry...maybe you can get cast in New Moon!
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posted over a year ago 
What the hell is this!!!!!!!! I...I....I.... I do not believe in sparkly Vampires OKAY!?!?!?!?!?!
Renesmee-C-C posted over a year ago
Hey..if you think you're a might as well get paid for it...Twilight is the only vampire thing happening right now besides True Blood andthe Vampire asked for help! ;p
Hellohoudini posted over a year ago
then why is your nick name renesmee ohhhhhh you beleva in sparkly
angiecullen117 posted over a year ago
jessiluvsben said:
dude just go suck some blood its all good man blood is so hot
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posted over a year ago 
obsesivefanatic said:
try biting some1, see what happens. TWILIGHT SUCKS
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posted over a year ago 
i agree!!! vampires DONT sparkle!
1-2vampire posted over a year ago
fan girls are going to kick your ass and i going yo join them
angiecullen117 posted over a year ago
Waca said:
So who bite u??:P
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posted over a year ago 
Frances_17 said:
You are really really really really really really really really really really stresses out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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posted over a year ago 
Bella0405 said:
Hunny, vampires aren't real, it would be cool if they r though...but there's a medical term called "vampirism", don't think that should concern u, but anyways, u should go see a doctor, i think something is seriously wrong with u.....
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posted over a year ago 
WHAT? Vampires are real! There's been occurrences in like the late 1800's of vampires being real! Ok, I'm trying really hard not to get mad at you right now!
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
I'm sorry if I offended U but it's just my opinion, i too would like to think that vampires do exist, God knows how many documentaries I've watched and books i've read on this subject, none of them containing any solid proof at all. Ever heard of Eleonore von Schwarzenberg?! Theory of vampire princess pretty much fell into water, she was seriously ill, loved the occult, and with ppl being so superstitious in 1800's , she was called a vampire...And that's the only "real" vampire ever really existed! In those ages ppl burned a lot of persons for being vampires, unfotunately none of that was true, so ppl died in vain...
Bella0405 posted over a year ago
you dont a vampire ass
angiecullen117 posted over a year ago
tinkymel said:
Ok I think this is a case of a young person with too much time and an over active imagination. You may be stressed or just bored. Guilt can lead to you not likeing to be around religious iconology. This all points to you needing someone to talk to. A real person. A person who is trained to deal with these kinds of issues. I would recommend going to your family doctor, school nurse, or the counslor at your school. I would also suggest you read and watch less vampire inspired material until you get this all worked out. I would lastly seriously recommend you talk to your parents. They might be able to help the most. If you are a teen it is normal to have and identity issue, but if you are worrying about hurting someone you need to talk to someone (biting). And I would NOT recommend biting anyone to try it, there are way to many seriously dangerous viruses and bacterias out there that can actually kill you. Please sweety find someone, older, to talk to. It will be ok, but get help.
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posted over a year ago 
People blood fixations are not good in this day and age. It is dangerous to even have thoughts like this. Unlike vampires if you catch a virus or disease from blood you will DIE. There is no coming back for you. There is no becoming a vampire. There is only the death of you and a bunch of pain for those who care about you. Once again I must stress the need for you to talk to some one. Insomnia is what it is called when you can't sleep. It is a tue disorder and you need to get help. When you rest it is your bodies time to recooperate and fix itself the best it can.
tinkymel posted over a year ago
BleedingRedRose said:
Yuo are imagining things... It's not true, I could say the same about myself, but my parents aren't vampires, neither my grandparents and so on... It's all in your mind... You either want to be a vampire cuz it's cool, or something else. When I read this I started laughing, no offense. It's just plain stupid
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posted over a year ago 
slimd13 said:
you sound like me except i dont claim 2 b a vampire, its common 4 those kind of things 2 happen, well 2 some people anyways
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posted over a year ago 
stephenball said:
first of all thay doant exist vampire so can i have sume of your drugs mate
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posted over a year ago 
FilmFan said:
sorry, no offence, but vampires don't exist, they are just things peole come up with, just to blame someone everythime something goes wrong. i have sharp teeth 2, but many people have that. i love blood 2, i don't realy sleep alot. i hate crosses & i'm always thirsty. but serius, a vampire? vampires are hot these days, just because of twilight. i like it 2, but i liked vampires even before that. DARREN SHAN RULEZZZZ!!(his saga about a vampires student is the best, & the other 2, about demons lol)
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posted over a year ago 
1-2vampire said:
well, i have experienced turning into a vampire, and well... its painful.
Plus, do NOT ever eat after midnight!
And, yes, yu do get very pale and can never get a tan, when i was turning, i was in Australia for 3 weeks, was even whiter than before coming back!

I was like, holy cr*p! Next day, i turned!
Parents still dont know!
But when the sun comes out, yur ill. But if yu GO in the sunlight, yu die. Simple.
Oh, and yu get fangs graduall, when yu are able to control yur fangs, yu can hide them.

Oh, and me being in a catholic school... didnt help with the not being able to stand crosses stuff, once i was sick in RE! So many crosses! And so much holy water! Really!

Hope this helps! Yu may or may not turn, it depends!
Random pic below LOL! :D
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well, i have experienced turning into a vampire, and well... its painful. 
Plus, do NOT ever eat after midnight!
And, yes, yu do get very pale and can never get a tan, when i was turning, i was in Australia for 3 weeks, was even whiter than before coming back!

I was like, holy cr*p! Next day, i turned!
Parents still dont know! 
But when the sun comes out, yur ill. But if yu GO in the sunlight, yu die. Simple.
Oh, and yu get fangs graduall, when yu are able to control yur fangs, yu can hide them.

Oh, and me being in a catholic school... didnt help with the not being able to stand crosses stuff, once i was sick in RE! So many crosses! And so much holy water! Really!

Hope this helps! Yu may or may not turn, it depends! 
Random pic below LOL! :D
posted over a year ago 
hehe yu no im joking right?
1-2vampire posted over a year ago
1803 said:
i would prefer u read stephenie's twilight and see for your self that vamps can be good.try by drinking animal blood instead of humans.
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posted over a year ago 
averyblack98 said:
it's great. voluntier 2 work @ a blood bank @ nite. then u won't feed on anybody
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posted over a year ago 
Yuki1689 said:
well if you tern in to a vampire tern me in to one plz i love vampires and wish i was one all the time but i have the exsact same fealings and more.
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posted over a year ago 
mathrox said:
dude chill,you need to see a shrink
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posted over a year ago 
MadamOcta13 said:
I would talk to a doctor or counselor. If you really are becoming a creature of the night, then learn to control your hunger and then document your life as a vampire.
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posted over a year ago 
bellaroseswan said:
guys some of you's are being mean its called stress or imagetion like some people naturally have sharp teeth doesnt mean they are vampire i have two really really sharp teeth n trust me i bit my pre skool teacher she needed like 4 to 6 stitchs n i bit my yr 6 teacher n she needed 6 stitchs n i once didnt go to sleep for to days some people just dont feel tried my dad hardly never sleeps it could just run in ur blood and i can drink for hours non stop (not achol) n im pale also have been so stop worrying u will be fine.
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posted over a year ago 
x30h3xroxx said:
im kinda the same but i think it would be awsome to be a vamp!!
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im kinda the same but i think it would be awsome to be a vamp!!
posted over a year ago 
gabriela13 said:
vampire is just a being that drinks blood so there can be human vampires. the crosses though are ridculous. vampires wouldn't be bound by one single religion.
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posted over a year ago 
muckcrazie said:
maybe your just going through a phase or something... but all that is happening to me... and me told that its a phase mostly all teens go through!!
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posted over a year ago 
kailib said:
yes you are a vampire but im warning you with great paver comes with great responsibility oh and i live in Sayers road the 4 house can you get in my house and bite me please im begging you oh and im 11 years old bry
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posted over a year ago 
iamagagamonster said:
OMFG! UR A FUCKING VAMPIRE!!!!! not, maybeits jsut in ur head
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posted over a year ago 
Try walking in the sunlight and eating garlic.
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posted over a year ago 
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