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Vampires Question

Why do people hate the idea of a vampire having a child?

I fully accept everyone's opinion on vampires and (almost) everything about them, including the idea of dhampirs.

But some people find the idea of a vampire breeding children...well, "stupid". Why?
I don't want to sound offensive. I'm just curious.
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
no offense taken and im curious on why people think its "stupid" too
SuperStar14 posted over a year ago
ya it wud
justinluver303 posted over a year ago
 sapherequeen posted over a year ago
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Vampires Answers

Myf_1992 said:
I don't really have a problem with vampire babies, as long as its done in a good way.

Vampires are dead, according to the legend, their bodies are paralyzed from age and change. So having a baby is fairly illogical. Plus there's the fact that vampires are meant to be made not born.

But there have been the odd good vampire baby, like the film Van Helsing, which tackled the undead problem, actually it was all part of the plot.

Twilight on the other hand, does it in a very illogical and stupid way, yes Bella is human and so can give birth, but Eddikins is dead, he has no little swimmers and no blood flow to pump up his tool, and even if he did somehow fertilize Bella, logic tells you that the baby should develop only half as fast as a human (human develops normal speed, vampires not at all, add them together ou get something in between), yet she develops doubly fast. So, there's an example of how not to do a vampire baby.

Hope this helped XD
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posted over a year ago 
i totally agree!
QueenVictoria73 posted over a year ago
thats ummmm well wrong,
justinluver303 posted over a year ago
I don't know Renrae, justinluver303 won't answer. :s
Myf_1992 posted over a year ago
SuperStar14 said:
i have absoulutely no problem with the idea of vampires breeding. To me i think its kind of cool haha so yeah i have no problemo with that idea. i dont even think the idea is stupid. but then again im a vampire freak haha. seriously im sorta obsessed i wish vampires did have children haha weird i know. Anywho yeah...
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posted over a year ago 
I'm obsessed with them too :) I sometimes think it's because of Breaking Dawn that people believe vampires having children are dumb. I apologize if to anyone else if I'm wrong. That's why I'm curious.
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
Please ignore the if between 'apologize' and 'to' :)
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
i know what u mean (:
SuperStar14 posted over a year ago
November99 said:
I think that if a vampire's dead, their little guys should be dead too. But if the creator of a vampire story doesn't describe them as dead, then I find it ok that they can make babies. It just makes no sense if they are meant to be dead.
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posted over a year ago 
Sorry if this made little sense, I'm very tired.
November99 posted over a year ago
Me too. Just for those 2-3 things. I saw it in theaters too. Gawd...... I died a little in the inside.
November99 posted over a year ago
From the hotness.
November99 posted over a year ago
Nicoleandjames said:
I just hate everything about it. When a human becomes a vampire they die, which means that they cannot produce sperm or ovulate. In Anne Rices version she even made that when they turned into a vampire they release their bowels. The only thing from being human is that they still have a beating heart, but that is it. That is one of the reasons why Twilight fails at being a vampire novel.
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posted over a year ago 
TorchwoodGirl said:
I have no problem with the idea of a vampires having a child as long as it all makes sense. Like in Angel, Underworld, or Blade and the child grows at a slower rate than a human with some strengths and weaknesses of vampires and humans.
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posted over a year ago 
Dont forget Darren Shan vampires them being half human and half vampire and eventually over time thier vampire blood cells dominate their human half, this can be done through a period of time (couple centuries) or having more vampire blood pumped into him :)
Faith-Rulz posted over a year ago
Lupo_ said:
There are a couple of problems with vampires having babies and most have already been answered. The whole dead body unable to conceive. No circulation system so no nutrients passed on.Then there is the question of 'turning' children. When a vampire is made, the body dies and the soul departs (with the exception of a few pretty well thought out stories). Therefore morally, a "good" vampire could not turn a child since doing so would kill the child and banish it's soul. That means that only "evil" vampires would sire a vampire child. There is also the problem that over time the childs mind would continue to age as it's experience grows, yet it's body would be forever trapped at the age of turning. This would cause the child vampire to become increasingly mentally unstable. Anyone who remembers what it was like to be 'too young' to interact with society as an equal can tell you how much it can make you crazy. Imagine being stuck that way for an eternity. It would make for a very sadistic and cruel vampire that would eventually seek it's own death after spreading as much of it's pain around as possible.Or it would have to be put down by it's sire to protect him/herself and/or prevent the hunters from finding the clan.

Just an opinion.
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posted over a year ago 
xxXsk8trXxx said:
well, it depends...
if it's a beautiful baby that's cheeks are red and rosy and is happy and grows up to be good, than yes
if it's a dead scary and vampire baby that grows up to be evil, than no
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well, it depends...
if it's a beautiful baby that's cheeks are red and rosy and is happy and grows up to be good, than yes
if it's a dead scary and vampire baby that grows up to be evil, than no
posted over a year ago 
lol so true
SuperStar14 posted over a year ago
I sort of agree, I like any kind of dhampir. But I understand :)
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
i'm afraid i have to disagree with you. if there was a baby vampire, they would grow up with a vampire mind, therefore it would only make sense for them to know evil. (but they do not necessarily have to be ALL bad). i don't like the Meyer Vampire Babies, because they are just an excuse for a baby to be "perfect" and beautiful and live forever, so they aren't really vampires.
XDRoseLuvsHP posted over a year ago
THAT'S WHAT I FREAKIN MENT but I wouldnt want to be a vaamp who saves lives i wanna be a vamp who will KILL YOU as soon as she sees u
xxXsk8trXxx posted over a year ago
Avatarzan said:
i thought the whole idea of biting people was vampyrs having offspring ... for a vampyr to get pregnant, they would need to be alive, a human being.
i dunno, never really given it much thought really.
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posted over a year ago 
XDRoseLuvsHP said:
I really don't have much of a problem with it. That is, unless you are talking about Breaking Dawn. Stephenie Meyer repeatedly states that vampires cannot have babies, and yet they do. Not only that, but the babies they have are "perfect", not with a vampire mentality. Really, she just ruined it.
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posted over a year ago 
helenanncarey said:
can a vampire have a baby
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posted over a year ago 
In some folklore and many stories, they supposedly can.
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
justinluver303 said:
i think vampire babies would kick a$$
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posted over a year ago 
NonRTarded said:
Well...a few reasons why I would disagree with vampires having kids. One is that vampires are undead and the dead cannot breed, that is why in Van Hellsing (made in Universal Studios) Dracula couldn't keep his babies alive. Also, if the vampires somehow did make a baby, because they never age due to their permanet structure the baby vampire would forever stay as a baby. Not to mention vampires making babies is unheard of, because to make a vampire is one infecting a person so the breed of them are caused by bitting or "rituals" rather then making babies lol. Just my view, it's more complex but this is just brief.
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posted over a year ago 
i never thought of that
justinluver303 posted over a year ago
Snake-Eye said:
I like the idea. It would be cool! :)
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posted over a year ago 
GemonkDruid said:
I dunno. I guess they liked the old-old-old-school vampires, where the only way vampires could reproduce was by bite. I personally don't mind the whole vamp baby concept, as long as it was done in a good way.
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posted over a year ago 
xXSweeneyXx said:
I'm not going to go into detail, but I don't think the bodies of the Vampires if they are, or are partially dead then their bodyparts would work the same way as the living's. Also, babies ruin a lot of books/movies/tv shows.
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posted over a year ago 
If you go by the old skool version of vampirism, then it would be impossible for a vampire to sire a child. A vampire is dead, so no bodily functions or blood flow. He would be impotent and incable of sexual intercourse in the excepted sense of the word. Drinking a victim's blood is supposed to be a replacement for the sexual act. But, of course, the new movies and TV shows do't go by this. lol
samgracesmom posted over a year ago
I know, that's how I think about it.
xXSweeneyXx posted over a year ago
I have to agree with Sweeney and Samgracesmom.
loginusername posted over a year ago
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