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Vampires Question

What's the shortest time it took you to read a book and what book?

I read The Vampire Diaries the 1st book in 11 hours i read for a hole day from 9 - 8 i think it was.
BiteMeCullen107 posted over a year ago
4 hours
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
I read the last twilight book in less than a day! When i'm excited for a story I put it all out:3
Dazedmemories posted over a year ago
 BiteMeCullen107 posted over a year ago
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Vampires Answers

Myf_1992 said:
I read a book in one evening once when I was 11, so maybe 3 hours. It was a welsh book I think it was called "Losin" or "Pe Bai'r Byd yn Losin" or something similar. I was supose to read it for school and i forgot so i had to read it as quickly as possible the night before. It was a really sucky book.
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posted over a year ago 
mercifulgirl666 said:
I don't know But I read the first, second and third books of the house of night in one day and that includes the third one twice. Does that help anser the question?
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posted over a year ago 
123hihihi said:
uglies it took about nine hours
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posted over a year ago 
toxxickiss said:
I read Breaking Dawn in 4 days i had 2 work like 2 of them
i read new moon in 3 days
and i was actual pissed that i finished them so quickly i was like OMG OMG i need MORE haha
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posted over a year ago 
Ya i was in the middle of BD and i got pissed because i realized that this was the las book.
BiteMeCullen107 posted over a year ago
bendaimmortal said:
I think it was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, in 2 or 3 days. But it might have also been Stephen King's Cycle of a Wearwolf as it's like a zillion times shorter than DH but really, DH was sooooo darn exciting I hardly could put it down ever.

And there's the fact I read in many many times slower pace than normally people do, as I am literally more than half blind. Would love to know how fast I could read if I wasn't.

But then again, it just might not make that much difference, for I always put a book down every so often (not off of my hands, just down), and think of what I just read and maybe even read the same bit again, just because I enjoy it so indescribably much and love to dig deep into it. This is why I remember very clearly the events, almost of everything I read and some dialogs word to word, for years after I've read it. I rarely have to re-read to remember, as I take it all in with utter interest and passion at the first read.
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posted over a year ago 
snoznoodle said:
It would have been Angus, Thongs and Full-frontal Snogging and I read it in about 4 hours.
With a really good book it only takes me one or two days (e.g. I had the Vampire Academy series down in a week - all three).
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posted over a year ago 
jarik said:
I read "Because of Winn Dixie" in about 6 hours
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posted over a year ago 
renesmeeblack15 said:
i read all the twilight books but i read Breaking dawn in three days with barely stopping and thats fast for me! :P
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posted over a year ago 
wolfblade87 said:
HAHA!!! This question made me laugh.... The shortest time I read a book is 2 and a half hours and the book is Twilight.... so, here's the story...

It was a year before, I was in class with my classmates so.... I'll call it the "Twilight Season" because twilight is such a fuss.... I got really curious if the book was good so, I read the book and of course I was in class and I can't let my teachers see me so..... I read the book so fast that I almost didn't understand what I was reading.... HAHA!!!! But unfortunately, because I read the book I didn't get to listen to the discussion.... WAAAHHHHH!!!!!! I failed my short quiz........ HAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Ridiculous isn't it?


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posted over a year ago 
Faith-Rulz said:
Was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows read that less than 24 hours i literally didnt put it down and neglected everything else.

Helen of Troy took me a week cuz i was working lol
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posted over a year ago 
teamsalvatore98 said: day.ez
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posted over a year ago 
Abilei said:
2 days and it was the first twilight book.
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2 days and it was the first twilight book.
posted over a year ago 
Miranda-Cullen said:
Hearts at Stake took me 8 hours to read great book
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posted over a year ago 
g4eva said:
wicked lovely _ i read it in 4 hours
spirit bound _ 11 hours
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posted over a year ago 
louvreangel said:
Agatha Christie - Cards On The Table
I read it in 2 and a half hours.
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posted over a year ago 
bri-marie said:
It took me fourteen hours to read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
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posted over a year ago 
Funnygirl77 said:
I read Marked in one day.

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posted over a year ago 
November99 said:
It took me 6 hours to read HP4 in a hospital waiting room. I was really bored.
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posted over a year ago 
maggi14 said:
I read th efirst Twilight book in 5 days
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posted over a year ago 
M169 said:
Curque de freak-the vampires assitant.
It took me two hours to read
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posted over a year ago 
New_Moon_Master said:
I don't know. I've read "Green Eggs and ham" in probably 2 minutes, but as far as how big the book is compared to the length of time, probably the entire Twilight series in four days or something.
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posted over a year ago 
teo_rockeritza said:
The one I'm most proud of: I read the 5th Harry Potter[which is the biggest if I'm not mistaken in a day]. But I also read all 4 Twilight books in 4 days. A day, a book:)
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posted over a year ago 
sanosuke5sagara said:
6hours n it wz chosen
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posted over a year ago 
MissAllisonLove said:
In that time I read all the books of The Vampire Diaries (1-5) in about a week and half as maxim. I love reading L. J. Smith! O and Harry Potter and the deathly hallows took me like 2 or 3 days...
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In that time I read all the books of The Vampire Diaries (1-5) in about a week and half as maxim. I love reading L. J. Smith! O and Harry Potter and the deathly hallows took me like 2 or 3 days...
posted over a year ago 
CasperLove said:
Morganville Vampires Book 1 and 2. I bought them both at once and read them both in less than a day. I stayed up all night :P
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posted over a year ago 
LoopyLuna96 said:
'The boy in striped pyjamas' took me about an afternoon. But if we're talking specifically vampire books, Twilight took me about two days.
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posted over a year ago 
crazed_twilight said:
it took me a day (5:00pm-7:00am)to read the 1st,2nd,3rd,&4th books of the house of night
they were undroppable
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posted over a year ago 
mathrox said:
Stephen king's 'CUJO' took me like 4hrs to read.i just culdnt put it down.i started after 8pm and finished like 6min after 12.
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posted over a year ago 
Chunku_irin said:
it tuk me jus 4 nights to complete twilight saga breaking dawn..
and i was hypnotized by that book for almost 1 month..
i loved the part when bella becomes vampire and gains power but when shew uses it...
the other powerful once gets stunned...

its a great book to read and i like the way all the places are mentioned in the book...

i give 5 stars to this book and to stephene meyer...

well i hope the movie to would make a very good impact like the book...
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posted over a year ago 
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