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Vampires Question

do u brlive in vampires?? or have u seen one??

I think I saw one there was this lady with pale white skin I mean really white with staight black hair and really pure black eyes and was really skinny and I was like wow vampire! I can't Belize I said that out loud and she turned around and gave me the durtyest look I've ever seen I was so scarred I thought I was going to wet my self or my heart was going to stop ! I will never forget that!!! I Belive 200% in vampires !!!
Some people have white skin, she could've been wearing make-up, some people are really skinny, some people have straight black hair (how does that make them a vampire?) and some people have dull-blackish eyes. She was probably offended that you called her a vampire! Some people aren't to happy, that could explain the dirty look to.
goth-kitty posted over a year ago
they are called goths
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
One word: NO!
snoznoodle posted over a year ago
emo, goths, and wannabes
nica25 posted over a year ago
 9twilightlover5 posted over a year ago
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Vampires Answers

1-2vampire said:
Yeah. I think I've seen a vamp: my neighbour. :S. There's this reallly cute boy with really pale skin, like really really white! And his Hair is jet black and really sleek, and he has really dark eyes that I swear I've seen flash red!
Oh, and his family look just like him! Except like older, taller, shorter and all that!
But when he moved in i looked at him and when he was angry with his sister, his eyes flashed red then!!! I was like VAMPIRE VAMPIRE!! I didn't say it out loud though XD
I had to go over and welcome them cos of my mum. The boy answered and when I igave myself a paper-cut with the welcome to the neighbourhood note from my mum, he just stared at the tiny tiny drop of blood coming out. When I suked at it, he looked JEALOUS!!!!!!

But he's so cute as well!
so, yeah, I think he and his family are vampires! I would ask him to turn me if I had the guts. He might not be a vampire and I would insult him by saying he looks and acts like a vampire :S

I belieeve!!!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Like I said, white skin, black hair, and dark eyes, some people are born that way! Then, the eyes, he may have red contacts or it's the lighting or, your imagination. He might be a vampire wannabe so that's why he looked jealous of you sucking your blood.
goth-kitty posted over a year ago
vampyres are very real... i mean im a clan leader i think i would know this stuff right?

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posted over a year ago 
p.s. if you want more info about me and my clan just message us on this account and ill answer any questions i can
CULLEN-HALE posted over a year ago
lmao brother yea i guess you would know XD ~♥Mollie♥~
vampyrechick posted over a year ago
jannette_camou said:
Yes i Belive I have seen a vampire I am looking at my reflection right now And the girl you say you saw is my BFF we have Been good friends for 1000 years.....I also sparkle in the sun and watch people sleep so I am a vampire
lmao come on if vampires were real they would Eat SM for exposing them to the real world×)
I hope this was a joke But hey mabe the girl you saw was in fact a vampire;)
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posted over a year ago 
NO!! this wasn't a joke if it was I would say it !! dude I'm still shaking!!!!!!!! I don't joke around like that!!!
9twilightlover5 posted over a year ago
*wake up* slap`s you with fish... She is gone mabe she was just Being a Bitch... parton my french But people are scary out there so try to run her over if she crushes the car then you were right if she Dies then say opps *my Bad* =) problem solved
jannette_camou posted over a year ago
I belive in Vampires but ther is no evidence that Vampire exist/ed
Shadov-braker posted over a year ago
great joke
goth-kitty posted over a year ago
ShyGirl11 said:
I believe in them

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posted over a year ago 
goth-kitty posted over a year ago
Myf_1992 said:
Two people who have said they have seen a vampire have described them as pale skin and balck hair. Steriotyping a bit maybe???

I don't believe in vampires, im very sciency and not very spiritual.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree with the steriotyping thing. Vampires can look like people to. (IF THEY EXISTED!)
goth-kitty posted over a year ago
vampires are monsters that take on human shape that's why they drink blood to keep there human apparance
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
xXXBridesXXx said:
I believe because there is real reports at Rumania...Example picture Tower of Dracula...
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I believe because there is real reports at Rumania...Example picture Tower of Dracula...
posted over a year ago 
people can do a really good job at faking things. That tower could just be really old and it's looks don't make it Dracula's!
goth-kitty posted over a year ago
uh FYI Vlad Dracula was a real dude in Romania.. in fact he was a cruel prince (hello does NO ONE watch the history channel!!!)
vampyrechick posted over a year ago
roxa said:
I am from rumania and I of curse i believe in vampires :D dracula is right here his real name is vlad tepes and he is living at Bran( is a castle)
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I am from rumania and I of curse i believe in vampires :D dracula is right here his real name is vlad tepes and he is living at Bran( is a castle)
posted over a year ago 
goth-kitty posted over a year ago
wolfblade87 said:
Yes, of course I believe they exist, that's why I joined this spot right? But I just have to warn you guys. If you suspect someone as a vamp and he/she really is then your very lucky to spot a vamp but, don't go stalking them because if you're unfortunate and they got sick of you 'coz you keep on following them they might rip you to pieces right infront of your very eyes.....

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posted over a year ago 
I don't believe vampires actually exist but I'm still a member of the spot.
snoznoodle posted over a year ago
twilightfan03 said:
yes i do belive in fact i saw one if u want to know what it looks like send me a message and add me as a fan
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posted over a year ago 
Capzap1 said:
Of course I believe. I am proof positive.
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Of course I believe. I am proof positive.
posted over a year ago 
what kind of proof is that?
goth-kitty posted over a year ago
starswimmer said:
Heck yes!! I haven't seen a vampire or thought i have seen one but i totally believe in them and sometimes at night i think one of them i going to sneek into my room and bite me.
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posted over a year ago 
goth-kitty said:
I love vampires with all my heart. I am always thinking about them and I'm working on a story about one. I want to be a vampire so bad! If you go to my profile, my mottot is "bite me, make me yours... forever. Vampires are like, the only thing I seem to read about! *sigh* and yet I don't believe in them...
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I love vampires with all my heart. I am always thinking about them and I'm working on a story about one. I want to be a vampire so bad! If you go to my profile, my mottot is "bite me, make me yours... forever. Vampires are like, the only thing I seem to read about! *sigh* and yet I don't believe in them...
posted over a year ago 
I always hope a vampire will bite me at night, but that -never- happens!
goth-kitty posted over a year ago
a reason I don't believe in them
goth-kitty posted over a year ago
same here but i do believe
Black_cat_ posted over a year ago
SoraMewFan posted over a year ago
SoraMewFan said:
I am half vampire like you said pale, cold skinned i have blond hair and hate food and sun light. I am more like the modern vampire like the twilight vampires able to eat but absolutley hate it. I am vegitarian but sometime i have a strange erge to bite people. I am more active at night than day and good job i live some were werre there is hardly sunlight at all!
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posted over a year ago 
OceanCoast said:
DUN, DUN, DUN.........
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DUN, DUN, DUN.........
posted over a year ago 
KatiiCullen94 said:
hhaa i don't ever recall ever seeing a vampire, only in my dreams.. hehehe
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posted over a year ago 
Carly_Mae said:
I believe in Vampires. I don't know much about the traditional ones, but those are the ones I belive in. I think people believe more in the ones from twilight after it becoming so big, but yeah I believe in the traditional ones.
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posted over a year ago 
Lync-Wrothman_ said:
I Dont know wat I belive I think I keep dreaming of a vampire though for the past six years I've dreamed of this same girl she never gets older she's always 17 she does chang but lyk hair colour and style and her clothes and occasionally her she flashes her fangs at me mockingly that's it otherwise she's the same perfect pale skin eyes greener than anything you've seen she's so quick agile strong. It's weird randomly shell pop up in a dream then we hang out for the night ( in the dream) then when the sun comes up she walks out and runs to the woods. Ever since we moved to the countryside surrounded by forest I've had the dreams more often and feel drawn to the surrounding woods weird !
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posted over a year ago 
cherry7878 said:
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posted over a year ago 
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