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Vampires Question

is anyone a real vampire here? please be serious this isn't a joke it's important

if you are human please do not try to pretend to be a vamp, it just makes it harder for me to do my job.
Are you a real source?
Deoshy posted over a year ago
oh and plz answer me because i really want to know thx :)
ravenclaw16 posted over a year ago
i want to become a vampire because i have a useless life please im serious
paragonmaureen posted over a year ago
 Skylar1 posted over a year ago
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Vampires  best answer

AnnaKay19 said:
This is a childish and pathetic question leading back to one simple answer - there is NO SUCH THING! Duh! If your life is that boring and you're that desperate for attention that you have to pretend to have a life that so obviously is fake, maybe you need psychiatric help. And before you snark at me for answering in the first place, I did it because someone needed to answer without encouraging your obvious delusions. Yeah, vamps are fun to read about - but none of that stuff is real.
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posted over a year ago 
You're really cool.
xXSweeneyXx posted over a year ago
Wow....this might be the dumbest thing posted since this question! Comparing believing in vampires to believing in God? That is such a stretch that it's ridiculous. Also, I'm not being stupid or rude just stating the practical "beliefs" that I have personally. What all the other answers to this question have done in other words. Sorry if it doesn't match your pretty litlle la-la land delusions! :) LOL
AnnaKay19 posted over a year ago
I have just as much right to post as anyone else. And stating what you believe is never a waste of time in my opnion, whether or not you agree. People on this site always ask why bother posting if you think it's dumb? Because otherwise the point of these forums, to showcase many opinions on different subjects, would be obsolete. For those who don't understand what I mean, look it up. Expand your mind people! Not against having an imagination, but there's no reason the be stupid either! :)
AnnaKay19 posted over a year ago
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sugarsweet076 said:
NO..but nice question..i always wanted to see if anyone would post it and i always wondered if there is real vamps...which i don't think there are
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posted over a year ago 
Emmalie1935 said:
Vampires are not real.
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posted over a year ago 
wanna bet? -Ash
Skylar1 posted over a year ago
sure. i dont care, they are not real!! lol
Emmalie1935 posted over a year ago
they are real!
sickla posted over a year ago
slytherinangel said:
I doubt "real vampires" would tell people they are a vampire, even if it is the internet. Plus, I doubt they would be on this website, no matter what age they are. So no, no vampires on this site and people who say they are, are just liars and wannabes.
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I doubt "real vampires" would tell people they are a vampire, even if it is the internet. Plus, I doubt they would be on this website, no matter what age they are. So no, no vampires on this site and people who say they are, are just liars and wannabes.
posted over a year ago 
Totally agree.
louvreangel posted over a year ago
ya it like saying ya im a killer so disekt me or kill me or maby wors
11jen1026 posted over a year ago
Cherry9090 said:
i am
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posted over a year ago 
yeah, sure u are dear. in ur dreams xD
louvreangel posted over a year ago
like I don't know wat to believe in anymore! my friend said last year he was one, and it really freaked me out. . .but no i don't believe in vampires. But i love vampire knight! :) best manga eva!
FanGirlGoddess posted over a year ago
whats the fun in that lolz
Cherry9090 posted over a year ago
hermione980 said:
and vampires would be on fanpop because...?
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posted over a year ago 
lmao soo true
newyork621 posted over a year ago
This is full of win. Good job.
JavaJoker posted over a year ago
ShadowCodie1234 said:
No Vampires aren't real and people need to get over the fact that they aren't. Seriously I read a comment on here about believing in God and vampires. So if you want to play that way, vampires in the actual legends are not good and sparkly retards. Their constant bloodthirst prevented them from being anything but savage monsters. You people who do believe in vampires and think they are good people are retards in every way and most people who say they are want attention because they think they have it rough. I have friends who have had a tough life and they are very humble people. The honest fact is that most of the "Vampires" have a loving set of parents that care to much about them to let them do stupid stuff that seems like it would be fun. So there hate me if you want, but that is the honest truth
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posted over a year ago 
filand said:
i'd love to know if there's any real one's on here as well why do you ask anyways? and what do you mean your job? no offence i'm just curious
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posted over a year ago 
will you satisfy my curiousity when you get your answers?
filand posted over a year ago
on my wall? i'll delete it soon as read it i promise. i'm not out to cause trouble for you i'm just curious
filand posted over a year ago
jus got your message
filand posted over a year ago
Oh! do you think you could PM me too? Yes I swear i will delete them!
katcullen posted over a year ago
123YuukiAngel said:
not me but my friend was born with fangs (THEY ARE VERY SHARP!!) and he likes the taste of blood. but unfortunatly hes not fanpop
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posted over a year ago 
Your friend can be invited! Invite him
Deoshy posted over a year ago
same here, but my friend is a girl.
janiawinter posted over a year ago
yeah i was born with sharp fangs and dont mind the taste of blood, but these are not vampire traits people. They are the traits of a berserker.
ShadowCodie1234 posted over a year ago
archiejake1991 said:
Iam not a vampire..........and i dont think that vampires exists........even if they exist,i dont think they'll be on fanpop.....seriously, i dont believe that any kind of supernaturals are there........btw,whats ur job??.........just curious.....
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posted over a year ago 
read the comments on filand's answer, same rules apply. if you want to know and promise not to tell, message me
Skylar1 posted over a year ago
archiejake1991 posted over a year ago
Deoshy said:
Am not Vamp
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posted over a year ago 
bri-marie said:
There are no real vampires - especially here on Fanpop.
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posted over a year ago 
i cant say "there are no real vampires" but i can absolutely agree, that there is no real vampire on Fanpop.
louvreangel posted over a year ago
You can't say either of those comments..u can only say 'i believe....'...cos anything can be true
grapecandy posted over a year ago
I can say them. Common sense tells me even if there are real vampires (which I highly, highly doubt) they wouldn't spend time on a social networking site for teens/young adults.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
I love the saying anything can be true, cause in that case the sky is green and the grass is red
ShadowCodie1234 posted over a year ago
twilightfan463 said:
I'm not vampire but i want to be...your job? are you vampire catcher or something like that
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posted over a year ago 
thats classified
Skylar1 posted over a year ago
Classified, seriously you want people to answer your question but you wont tell them your job
ShadowCodie1234 posted over a year ago
MissKnowItAll said:
Well, I'm not. But I really want to know why you're asking! Will you do the message thing? I promise not to tell.
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posted over a year ago 
ilovshadow said:
i think im part vampire
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posted over a year ago 
chonny said:
Well i'm not but my friend may be. She hates sun light, She is obsesed with anything that has to do with vamps, She is always writing vampire poems and dark stories.
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posted over a year ago 
Damona said:
I am yes. But I can't explain that in english, only in german.
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posted over a year ago 
Cheraine21 said:
Maybe u don't gonna believe this, but i am.
And no, i've not sharp teeth or something like that. I think most ppl don't know what a real vampire is. And that's all because those films and series about vampires, it gives you a totally wrong impression! I'm not going too deep into this, it's too hard for me anyway...
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posted over a year ago 
DO YOU SPARKLE? I would LOVE to hear your elaboration on a "real vampire".
starvingbarbie posted over a year ago
Hhaha, noo, i don't sparkle! I just look like a normal person and act like a norma; person. Only my eyes change color every day, so I have to tell pll around me that i wear colored lenses. There are more things...but I'm not going too deep into this, as I already said...
Cheraine21 posted over a year ago
I would like to hear more about this "Real Vampire" maybe someone on this website will change my mind.
ShadowCodie1234 posted over a year ago
Aubreykarew said:
I am . But i would not like to explain in detail some things
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posted over a year ago 
sapherequeen said:
I do believe that vampires exist (and I do not believe that I would care if someone wants to insult me because of that), but I really doubt any of them are on a public website.
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posted over a year ago 
that's what i said! and yet Falcon makes us do this crap... --Ash
Skylar1 posted over a year ago
franscomario said:
I am a real vamp here i am sucking blood while answering here.
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posted over a year ago 
Dont joke about these stuff!
elmi posted over a year ago
Antismurffette said:
You're terrifyingly substandard at your 'job' if you've gone to the lengths of seeking vampires on a site such as this, and by asking the populace if they are vampires none the less.

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posted over a year ago 
And with thos little comments that are not meant to be seen yet they still show up and are not deleted?
November99 posted over a year ago
We're not asking people if They are vamps we're asking people if they know vamps, and we only used this site to widen our search. We got word that some older vamps who are wanting to settle down are Internet savvy. And @ November what comments are you talking about? _Ash
Skylar1 posted over a year ago
i under stand, not the first time someones asked me something like that lol
Skylar1 posted over a year ago
coolcat99 said:
Me and my freind Kelly are
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posted over a year ago 
shelley3tai said:
My friends think i could be a vampire: I can't stand bright lights(the sun), my friends are amazed at how cold my skin is, cemetarys don't scare me, i prefer the dark comforts of my room, i am so pale that invisible ink shows up on my skin well without a blacklight, i kinda sparkle in the sun coz i'm so pale, i like the taste of blood, i start coughing alot in fresh air, i almost staked my finger and i started freakin out, i am very tolerant to the cold, i love cold dark places, i always accidentaly bite the inside of my cheek where my pointy teeth are, i am very sneaky, people usually are amused at how i can stand behind someone for ages without them noticing then they freak out when they turn around and i'm still standing there, i prefer to blend into a crowd rather than stand out, i always dress in black, i love wearing dark colours, i prefer to wear dark colours, i love sneaking around in the dark, i love scaring people, i have HUGE dark bags under my eyes that AREN'T from lack of sleep, red and black are my favourite colours!!!
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posted over a year ago 
ShadowCodie1234 posted over a year ago
Wow.....sure you're a vamp. Come prove it after you check out of the psych-ward. LOL
AnnaKay19 posted over a year ago
Umbridge said:
I am. Hisss!
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posted over a year ago 
If you were really Umbridge I'd say that, yes, you are. Except she hates 'filthy half breeds' so how does that fit? LOL
AnnaKay19 posted over a year ago
forksandspoons said:
ok if u r looking for a vampire and a vampire reads this question dont u think that the vampire would immediatly get off?
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posted over a year ago 
yes, but that's why i want to know if anyone knows of someone else who is a vamp
Skylar1 posted over a year ago
LadyShalimar said:
To paraphrase Shakespeare, There are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy, or, perhaps I should say tiny ignorant minds.
Ah! But ignorance IS bliss. Many of you could not deal with the true reality. To presume to talk as authorities or deny a subject you know little about (or only know about from teenage novels) only demeans you. Vampires are not Twilight, True Blood or even Dracula. They are ancient, they are real and most laugh at their Hollywood popularity. Though a few do enjoy it.

I was browsing the web and saw this so I joined just to comment on the ignorance and immaturity of many of the posters. But what more do I expect of a site that caters to teenagers?
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posted over a year ago 
Prove it.
November99 posted over a year ago
Study history my dear, back before modern Hollywood and the late 19th century's version of a bodice ripping paranormal romance novel put a false face on Vampires. (Bram Stoker's Dracula for you uneducated) Go back to Pre-Dynastic Egypt, Ancient Sumeria, Olmec & Aztec Civilizations, etc.... Reports of blood drinking 'Gods' are MANY thousands of years old. A bit long for it to all be mass illusion and hysteria.
LadyShalimar posted over a year ago
I know exactly what she's saying. People who do not now how the world works will believe anything that explains it. Blood sucking monsters were just a way to explain what happened when childbirth went wrong or when a child died.
November99 posted over a year ago
magie1998 said:
This is the most childish thing i've probably even seen. As everyone knows and you do aswell vampires are not real. They come from your imagination and are just fantitsys. Yer people try to be "Real Vampires" or they would like to be and say they are but just on the internet because if they did say it in real life, someone would probably put them in a mental help hospital. So please go get a real life and stop thinking vamipres are real. And what is this "job" thing? The only job you have is sitting on your chair infrount of your computer at home and seeing if people will answer your attention seeking question.

That"s all I have to say! Now i'm going back to my life unlike you. -.-
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posted over a year ago 
vlad3 said:
Y do you nead to know?
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posted over a year ago 
why do you think?
Skylar1 posted over a year ago
IngridVampire16 said:
Hi my name is Coral, I saw your post and decided to comment. Im a hybrid during the day, but at night I become a full vampire. No one believes me....... No one understands my kind.
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posted over a year ago 
Senkagami said:
it is just a joke people;)). Why can't anyone have a sense of humor.
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posted over a year ago 
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