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Vampires Question

Does blood have a smell to you?

Does blood have a smell to you like sweet, sour, strong, or rusty?
rusty and salty
morticiaaddams posted over a year ago
yea i agree thats the smell i cant stand the sight or smell of blood thats why illmake a very bad doctor or nurse (MOM!!!!!) LOL yeah i faint with my own or someones elses blood. Not good!
lauraselenegv posted over a year ago
Given that I've smelt, both warm and ice cold blood. It has a strong musky smell mixed with, the smell of hot salt when it's fresh out the body. When it's been chilled, it has a very strong smell of cold salt, mixed with a sweet musk. With a very salty taste, that's very pleasant to ones pallet, but to some it can be an acquired taste.
aniBlueRoseVamp posted over a year ago
 BiteMeCullen107 posted over a year ago
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Vampires Answers

Memomo96 said:
Blood smells like desire.
I guess it has a salty quality, but that is just because it is a bodily fluid, like sweat.
It can smell sweet, like apples or flowers, but it depends on the person.
The look, smell, taste of blood corisponds perfectly with bodily desire and what a body wants.
The deep red gives people a sense of adrenaline which in turns gives people a sense of security.
The smell, rusty o matalicy to some and for others who are more sensitive to it, a complex misture of salt, sweet juices and indevidual smells that are their own sents. It gives some people the feeling of unconscious danger which causes them to throw up or get nauseous.
The taste, like I said, is perfect for the human body. Like most things, it taste like it smells. In large doses it leaves an after taste that is sort of like when you have a dry mouth only wet.
People usually think other people's blood, escpecially people of the oppisite sex, are more satisfying taste wise.
I don't think blood has a strong smell or taste as in strawberries or something really sour. The taste and smell isn't strong enough to be described in one word.
Infact it is hard to describe at all because, mainly, it does have its own sent.
I guess all I can say, is that blood stands for every side of the emotional spectrum. Death, sex, hate, desire, thurst, suffering and people thrive for it.
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posted over a year ago 
bella12 said:
It's smell sweet and sour
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posted over a year ago 
bupbake said:
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posted over a year ago 
vampiressJazz said:
Blood doesn't smell. it tastes like iron(well obviously)
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posted over a year ago 
isabell118 said:
Metal and rusty are what blood smell like to me
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posted over a year ago 
Evka26-vampire said:
Metal and rusty
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posted over a year ago 
xxXsk8trXxx said:
it smells as akward as a room filled with dead cows, but as sweet as a brand new candy shop
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posted over a year ago 
teamalice_0 said:
it has a weird smell,
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posted over a year ago 
kotopoulaki said:
it smells iron!and salty too!i like its smell!
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posted over a year ago 
FilmFan said:
it smells like metal & rust, but also something else i don't know what, but i like the smell of it
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posted over a year ago 
vamp_grl_123 said:
to me it smells warm, and sweet, kindof like chocolet spilled chocolet syrup. to those who said rusty and metalic....did u take that from twilight or r u being serius?
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posted over a year ago 
I was being seriuse. because my brother stabbed himself with a knife the other day when we were having a family cook out and they were in his room they said they didn't want to get in trouble thats why the didn't tell but i walked into the house and the smell just hit me and i ran out side to tell my mom that someone was beeding and i wasn't sure if i was the only one that could smell it, my parents walked into the house and they didn't smell any thing my friend did the same.
BiteMeCullen107 posted over a year ago
i am being serious:D it kind of smells sweet2
Evka26-vampire posted over a year ago
XTeamXJasperX said:
To me it smells sweet like apples that have fallen off the trees and are starting to rot, you know that really sweet lovely smell. that's just me im the only one in my family who can smell it, i can also smell it when it's under skin crazy yes but i can, it's nice to smell then again its a major pain in the but when you bite pppl cause you can smell the blood, very hard not to do
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posted over a year ago 
_Blackhearts_xx said:
its sweet for me :)
i love love love it (:
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posted over a year ago 
BiteMeMiLover said:
Actilly i can smell blood. its different than every thing else i can smell
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posted over a year ago 
Sappp said:
To me, it has a faint copper smell.

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posted over a year ago 
ItalianAngel89 said:
Rusty, metal, and alittle sweet
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posted over a year ago 
me 2
teamalice_0 posted over a year ago
noodles3378 said:
To me, blood smells strong and sweet. It tastes even better. It is hard not to drain someone completly when I smell thier blood. I smell it all the time. It reminds me of 150 year old wine. Aged and wonderful.
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posted over a year ago 
Elena2597 said:
Metal & rusty, but when i smell it it gives me headache. Once i taste it for fun & it had a taste strong , metal & rusty as i said :S
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posted over a year ago 
booksmad said:
i haven't ever had the chance to test that - i normaly throw up before it gets anywhere near me
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posted over a year ago 
vampire678 said:
its uuummmm.....long time i never smelled blood but its like smelling idk well haha i'll give you a answers soon as long i'll get cut then smell my blood well yeahXD srry for wasting time!
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posted over a year ago 
Rockgrl said:
It has no smell to me but it has a sweet metalic taste to it that draws me in
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posted over a year ago 
renrae said:

Like salt water. Only... bloodier.
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posted over a year ago 
its because of the metal
Raven33 posted over a year ago
twilighteb99 said:
To me it smells like a sweet scent of purfume, or a really sweet fruit. It also smells like a candy that's new, and it's just opened, but at the same time it has a sour smell to it, like old milk.
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posted over a year ago 
xlostxideax said:
in my opinion has a unique,strong,out of place smell like an apple in a orange field.
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posted over a year ago 
Vikitoria said:
No. It tastes metallic but it doesn't smell to me.
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posted over a year ago 
gumbymouse said:
metallic and briny
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posted over a year ago 
hassleberrygirl said:
a bad and sweet smell i can not stand the smell or sight of my blood
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posted over a year ago 
sapherequeen said:
Does blood have a me......
Mmmmm, no. Not really. All I know is what it tastes like (don't ask how); metal.
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Does blood have a me......
Mmmmm, no. Not really. All I know is what it tastes like (don't ask how); metal.
posted over a year ago 
lexie2635 said:
more like a sweet metal rusty smell.the taste is ok.
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posted over a year ago 
simemin said:
it tastes like metal
but no smells..
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posted over a year ago 
panecita_panda said:
To me, it smells just like every aspect of the person who is bleeding. Mostly depending upon diet; I know someone whose blood tastes and smells differently depending upon what they eat.
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posted over a year ago 
That makes sence
BiteMeCullen107 posted over a year ago
tooch said:
Rusty and Salty
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posted over a year ago 
jongun said:
Smells like victory.
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posted over a year ago 
JBandDT said:
well it smells like sour milk..oh i dident say that my dummmmmm friend did
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posted over a year ago 
Dude if you didn't want to talk about why did you tells us that you could have just not answered the question.
BiteMeCullen107 posted over a year ago
half-vampire said:
Did you realize to people who cannot smell blood think that has a salty and metallic taste. But who can smell thinks also its taste is fine. For me yes I can smell it. Its smell is changing but it gets me high and makes my mouth water. I would like to go on that then I understand what I do so I escape. Also I have really odd teeth. I am 23 but they took my birth teeth last year. I don't remember when I get sick. Do you have these kind of things? I don't believe in Darwin 100 percent but I think human DNA is changing.
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posted over a year ago 
Untraceable said:
its faint and depends on the person.
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posted over a year ago 
lili11p said:
It has some sort of rusty smell to it
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posted over a year ago 
CuteBlossom123 said:
Blood...What do I smell when i'm near it?
It smells very strong and tastes sour (Yes when I was younger I was silly and loved vampires so when I got a cut I would suck it O_O)
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posted over a year ago 
UnholySadist said:
Yes it has a smeell to me I just know my blood smells sweet like honeysuckle with a hint of iron it's smell is intoxicating
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posted over a year ago 
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