Twilight Series Why Are You Hooked On The Twilight Serise? (If You Read It.)

twilightfan22 posted on Nov 14, 2007 at 03:01AM
i love love love the twilight serise soooo much because of the suspence (which kills me), the action, the ummmm ROMANCE, and drama between the characters!!!! i also love it because the writing is written so well it is amazing!!!! i thinkwhy people like these books soooo much is the LOVE for 2 people (edward and jacob) and the chocie that bella has to make because she cant have both (but i wish she could!!!) also the twilight serise books are by FAR my FAVORITE books i have EVER!!! i read them whenever i have free time... i'm HOOKED!!!

Twilight Series 7 replies

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over a year ago violetsareblue said…
I feel like I know the characters, it's just so fucking magical, that series. <3333
over a year ago gracie08 said…
i am totally dedicated to jacob. but i DID fall in love with edward in the beginning and i definitely would have kept reading (if you don't know what you're missing, you'll live without like you never had it). but i love them for Jadob. i live and breathe for him. and i AM a big romance person. no, a HUGE romance person. sickeningly into that type of stuff, even though most of the romance is edward related, it's still sweet. and i heart jacob jacob jacob jacob!!!

but just so everyone knows, i can't stand bella. and this is my commercial. if you can't stand her either, please join the all new I Hate Bella spot. :D batteries not included.

just kidding. lol
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
omg so stephenie pretty much made me think that all the characters were real...... ive actually been to forks, and omg my mind went on a little trip........ 0_0
over a year ago tubby2002 said…
I love these books. I bought twilight because the cover caught my eye and when I started reading it I couldnt put it down until it was done. Then I seen that there was a sequel and I went and bought it and then had to wait for the third. I dont know what it is really that makes me like them so much. Probably the drama and the romance.
over a year ago Meg08 said…
I'm not really a romance person. (I don't even like flowers!) But when the word "vampire" came up on the back of Twilight I "ok... it can't be that bad... right?" Will I was wrong. IT WAS GREAT! And now I'm head-over-heels for a fictional vampire by the name of Edward Cullen. *big smile*

I love the books because they are well written, I also needed something to take the place of Harry Potter after it ended *many tears*, I was hooked really quick even though I didn't like Bella and thought she was a stupid and Edward didn't come in until like half way through. The added werewolves in New Moon just made me love the series even more!



over a year ago LoveTwilight said…
I Totallty loved the books they are awsume. From readin the first page right to the last ,i just couldnt put it down. im so in love with Edward!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago katyownsyouxx said…
For me, it's probably the way Stephanie weaves the supernatural into real life.
And the witty, lightning paced dialouge.

To be honest, I find myself trudging through some of the romance.