Twilight Series Is The Vampire Diaries better than Twilight??????

gossipgirl025 posted on Nov 03, 2009 at 01:13AM
Is that true???
What do u think????

Twilight Series 7 replies

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over a year ago EastendersRox said…
DUH!! the vampire diaries twilight even copied vamp diaries (wrote 20 years before) and everyone in twilight is so moody
over a year ago missing_99 said…
It's all in a matter of opinion. Not like what EastendersRox said above me. The Vampire Diaries were written years before Twilight, but Stephenie Meyer got the idea for Twilight from a dream of hers.

So no one is a "copycat".
over a year ago marthatsal said…
i prefer twilight!
over a year ago KatiiCullen94 said…
@EastendersRox Hell no. Everything about The Vampire Diaries has got nothing to do with Twilight. They are totally different. And who's to say that she even read them? SHE GOT IT FROM A DREAM!!
The vampire diaries vampires drink blood, they can hypnotise humans, they have fangs, they have a weakness to a plant, they cannot enter without human approval , they die in sunlight, they die by a stake to the heart, their turning process is different, they can be manipulated by witchcraft, and be killed by a werewolf bite reaction and cannot under any circumstances reproduce with any living or nonliving organism.

HOW ARE THEY SIMILAR IN ANYWAY? aside from the fact that they involve vampires, a love triangle, teenagers and high school. BUT Stephenie Meyer has stolen no idea's or characteristics of L.J Smith's The Vampire Diaries.


We attend to differnt peoples needs in literature so therefore they are eqaul.
over a year ago ded99 said…
Twilight is the best!
over a year ago rosyn_cullen said…
They're are both great! I'm a big fan of both! ♥
over a year ago marthatsal said…
If you are talking about the way! The Twilight books are 100 better than the TVD books. As for the tv series... i have no idea. I have never watched it.