Twilight Series Best thing EVER

footface posted on Sep 20, 2009 at 04:08AM
Okay, so I know this is going to come off as a "guy I know, girl I know, said monkey she knew," kind of post. But just go with it okay?

So my friend has an uncle who is a talent agent. He's the same talent agent for kanye west and taylor swift (that whole thing was faked btw, guys!). Anyways, apparently Taylor Lautner, who didn't know it was fake, felt really bad for Taylor Swift and gave her his number through her people. AAAaaaand, her uncle, David Wirstschafter gave it to my friend, his niece. So we both called him up and he was soooooooooooo nice! He was really sweet, haha. lol I think I totally creeped him about though because I asked if he would sleep in my bed in his werewolf shape X) looool I guess thats a no?

Anyways, I thought I'd be a good fellow twilight fan, and give you guys his number!


He's really, really sweet and so awesome!

Twilight Series 2 replies

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over a year ago lauracullen66 said…
you shouldnt post he'll have to change his number...
over a year ago lauracullen66 said…
besides he worked with taylor swift on his film valentines day so wouldnt they have swapped numbers then since they are friends?