Twilight Series Stop this maddness!

SimplyLaurel posted on Aug 10, 2009 at 07:42PM
Rabid Fan: A fan of something who takes their love for one thing so far that they viciously attack anyone who does not share an equal love of that thing. Rabid fans have also been known to attack any other rabid fan who claims to have a greater love for the object of their affection.

Rabid Anti-fan: Someone who holds a level of extreme dislike for a certain thing and viciously attacks anyone who shows the slightest sign of affection for that previously mentioned thing. Rabid Anti-fans have been known to team up with other Anti-fans of the same thing to strengthen their attack.

What do these two things have in common, they have extreme obsessions of simple THINGS!

This spot has become a breeding ground for Rabid fans and Rabid Anti-Fans alike! Mutual parties(such as myself) are getting increasingly aggravated with the left-over carnage from these rabid arguments!

In fact, you could call me a Rabid Anti-fan of rabidity!

I appreciate healthy debates, and I applaud the few people here who have managed to have them. I've encountered several parties who THINK they have healthy debates, but in all actuality, merely have pathetic one-sided aruments going on.

I propose we all at least try to stop the rabidity. Respect each other's opinions, and understand that your views are merely an opinion of your own, and not absolute fact. Just because you think you're right doesn't mean you are. Just because you can explain why you think Edward totally trumps Jacob, doesn't mean that Edward does in fact trump Jacob, etc.

The rabidity that is going on now needs to end, and we need to know how to prevent it's return.

If someone comes on your topic or a topic you agree with and completely bashes it(likely using TEXT SCREAMING!!!!!!! and bad grammar/misspelling in their haste), it's best to ignor them. Better yet, SILENTLY laugh at their immaturity, but try to avoid the temptation of responding. It only makes it worse, and I say that from experience. =P

Nobody here is a martyr because they get yelled at for voicing their opinions. We're all victims, here. Similarly, nobody is a victim, here. Get off your high horses(with all due respect).

Of course, you can also disregard this entire topic and continue fighting. This was just my idea of a public service announcement, if you will. =)

Twilight Series 5 replies

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over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
I totaly agree with you :)
over a year ago SimplyLaurel said…
Why, thank you.
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
Well, because this is real, and I just don't like when people get like that and just start to be harsh with others using bad words and grammar.
I just like to hear others' opinions and try to say something in favor or against that but in a good way, not like others that just start to complain against others' opinions.
over a year ago SimplyLaurel said…
Whenever I enter a debate, I try to say SOMETHING for both sides. I am Switzerland. =P
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
big smile
Me too!
Well, only in debates, not in the Teams part though XD
last edited over a year ago