Bedward4lyf posted on Apr 12, 2009 at 11:26PM
OK, so i was on and there was a link to a gossip website and it said that MS was being publsish IN MAY 2009!! now other sources say it may not be true but IDK. what did you guys hear??or think??comments?

Twilight Series 9 replies

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over a year ago caitlincookie22 said…
i have not heared anything about ms but i am glad people are starting to say things about it being sold in stores soon. i am antiox(mispelled) to read as soon as possible!!! i cannot wait any longer!!!
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
i dont think so because she would have at least said on her site that she is done with it or almost done. besides, it takes months for a book to get published
over a year ago MidnightEclipse said…
i think that's bull.
there would've been major news announcements if she was going to even FINISH it again.
over a year ago CleoSertoriFan said…
i argee. It would take months and it would say on her website...
But a girl (& boy)can dream right?
I'll just go with MS being published because i cant wait!
over a year ago BellaJane said…
big smile
I don't know but either way I enaticipate it being published!!!
over a year ago meeek said…
i don't think it's true, as the author said on her site, MS is not her first priority. it's more of a hobby maybe. and she'll probably post it into her website if it's gonna be released. :) and i wish she finish it with edward's perspective through the whole saga, not just twilight. :)
over a year ago jalicefan15 said…
i don't know stephanie mayer said she wasn't planning on finnishing it but I hope she dose
over a year ago star_bella said…
i have no clue but stepheni is being so stubborn about it y cant she just finish it ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
over a year ago jackie5starr said…
maybe steph wants to surprise us! :D so she didnt post anything...but i really really hope it'll come out!!!!! <333