Twilight Series Twilight fans!

Danielle_x posted on Feb 17, 2009 at 02:55PM
Hey everyone just want your opinion on this... what would be your favourite series on Twilight? I'm on the third book but I'm hoping this, or the last book, are the best out of them all. Also, does Bella turn into a Vampire in the book "Eclipse"?

Twilight Series 9 replies

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over a year ago Ovybo said…
Bella does not turn into a vampire in Eclipse. It happens in Breaking Dawn. I don't understand your first question. You can't have a favorite series in a series.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Danielle_x said…
Sorry I meant favourite book of the series
over a year ago pixie09 said…
my favourite is the first .. just coz of the intensity between bella and edward i think ... in the last two i felt that they became too familiar with each other, which is good, but they just lost that edge, if you know what i mean :p
over a year ago cherryl said…
well for me i like the book 2 (new moon) though many hate it because of their separation. I really like the feeling of getting together after a painful separation. and i've read some of robert pattinson's interview that new moon is also his favorite.
over a year ago FireTwilight said…
I love the first book...learning about the characters and being completely riveted and not being able to put the book down.. breaking dawn is my 2nd fave..
over a year ago Ovybo said…
Well if you meant favorite book, mine is Breaking Dawn.
over a year ago Danielle_x said…
Ohhh yeah I totally agree! They're all good so far though it's pretty hard to choose :). I love the setting of the epilogue in the first book! So passionate (:
over a year ago xxelle-girlxx said…
big smile
my favorite is breaking dawn! :D the rest of them rock too!
over a year ago r-pattz said…
mine is Eclipse because of that Fire and Ice chapter with Edward and Jake. Also, it has Jaspers story (of COURSE, i love him) and Rose's story, which is..... interesting.