Twilight Series Bella Cullen.

laureng114 posted on Jan 03, 2009 at 04:26AM
Hey everyone,

Lately I have been feeling frustrated about something...

my friends and i have all read all the books and have obssessed over them even before there was thought of a movie. We not only fell in love with Edward but felt a deep respect for Bella. She is such a genuine real character and we all are big fans. OK well here is my problem-

As people have just started to read twilight many have said that they do not like bella and just edward. I of course agree with how they feel about edward but not so much bella. please leave a comment saying how you feel, how long you have liked the series and whether or not you have read all 4 books.


Twilight Series 27 replies

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over a year ago CleoSertoriFan said…
i love bella swan i cant believe some people hate her! :o!
over a year ago cullencrazay9 said…
I have read all 4 books mulitiple times and I have liked it for a couple of years! (I think)
I really like Bella for her character I mean of course she has her flaws but that makes her who she is and I really like her and everything aboout her......I like her strength when she was having the baby not just to kill it like Edward wanted but to call Rosalie to help her through it!
On the other hand I have a friend who hates Bella and I was curious why so the next time I saw her I asked her why she hated Bella so much and this was her answer "Well Bella complains way to much like in New Moon when Edward left her she should have been strong and went through it and she was really stupid with all the stuff she did to hear Edward's voice!"
I completly disagree with how she felt because that was a tough time for Bella and Edward so that might also be why the people you are talking about hate Bella to
Hope that helps :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago laureng114 said…
thanks, it does(:

with new moon she really tried her best to hold herself together. she never out right complains and if i were in her situation, i would surely fall apart.
over a year ago isabell118 said…
laureng114,i noticed that Bella has been getting bashed,to.I for one luv her,she's a strong character,who without her,the Twilight series wouldv'e sucked(or never existed).I have been a fan of the Twilight series for three years now,and Bella is one of my fav. characters.As cullencrazay9 had said i to have friend(s) that hate Bella,iv'e asked them why and they said that they thought she was a naive,vulnerable girl who doesn't deserve Edward!!!
Yes Bella is vulnerable,but she has to seem that way,and she is naive but thats because she is still a teenager!!!i really hope people stop bashing her!!! **crosses fingers**
over a year ago cullencrazay9 said…
I agree with you isabell118 Bella is awesome and hopefully more people will soon realize that!
over a year ago SharonMacross said…
I just finished the fourth book last night and I agree that Bella makes the series. There has to be a human to connect with either saying "she shouldn't do that...I would do it this way...". It involves the readers, engrosing almost. I had to force myself to eat from time to time while reading it. Bella has her faults and that's what makes her human. I felt every pain and joy she went through and I'm still floored.
over a year ago CCEA said…
People are so rude!! Bella is an awesome character...and so is Edward I love them both!!!

I am barley reading "New Moon" and I am a little bit more than half way through... I think Bella has suffered a lot!!!

They should give her a break...
over a year ago laureng114 said…
thanks for your replies,
im glad people feel the same way.

if she was "perfect" then we couldnt connect with her.

there is no edward without bella or bella without edward.
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…
I agree with everyone above. Without Bella there wouldnt be a series. There wouldnt even be a Edward or a Jasper or an Alice. We wouldnt have any of these character's if Bella wasnt in the book. I love her character. She's just such a big part of the book that you cant possibly hate her. I get so frustrated when I heard that people hate Bella or are saying rude things to Kristen Stewart who plays Bella for the most stupidest reasons. Sure Bella was in pain in New Moon and she has feelings for Jacob. But she's human, like SharonMacross said. We feel what she feels because we're reading from her point of view. They say that Bella was a strong character and she shouldnt have been in such a depressed stage when Edward left. But she was doing the best she could, give her some credit. You cant expect her to be fine when someone you love just left you. And Kristen has teenagers being rude to her saying 'We're not here for you, we want Edward' etc which is just plain stupid. I really hope this stops!! It's so annoying.
over a year ago laureng114 said…
me too,
i dont just see the movie for edward( though it is a big part haha)

the entire story is what matters.
over a year ago hellgirl223 said…
Ive read all 4 books and I dont hate Bella at all. I like her but i feel frustrated from her sometimes. I read the book like a few weeks before the movie was released here (indonesia).
over a year ago Amuletbaby said…
i've read the 4 books and i do love Bella(actually i love all the characters including the enemies)I wish to be bella lol
she is so.. common that she contains elements of ordinary girls- especially shy,clumsy etc.i like that.

and she is so brave and strong unbelievably at many moments. I really feel sad abt her in new moon (though in fact i also felt a bit angry as she hurt edward and jacob too bad.. in eclipse)

anyway i love bella in novel and i love the bella played by Kristen :)
over a year ago robpattisono9 said…
i love bella i have olny read the 2 books getting the new ones soon and i am glad that she said yes to marry edward so far
over a year ago edwardsgirlxx said…
I Also Agree With The Above Posts,
I Love Bella;
And The Story Couldn't Be The Same Without Her.
The Imperfections,
Or Just 'Human Qualities'
Are Parts Of Her, and Only Help Shape The Character She Is. :) x
over a year ago mandapanda said…
I have read all four books multiple times as many fans have. I've been a fan for a long while and I like Bella too. I will admit though in the later books, she can, and please don't hate me people, selfish at times. But, that's what makes her Bella. She's not selfish when it comes to her family/friends/and Edward. She would do anything for them. the story is Bella's story which happened to include Edward. So, basically, we wouldn't know Edward except through her storytelling. And, I didn't see the movie for just Edward. I saw it for Bella, Edward, and their love.

ps. the kiss was pretty steamy was it not? XD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago laureng114 said…
hahaha yea[:

i think she kinda took advantage of jacob but..

edward left her, she was half of herself.
jacob helped her cope.
over a year ago A_True_Cullen said…
Ive Read All The Book And Think Bella Is Amazing (L) =]
over a year ago Phaedra said…
Sometimes, Bella tends to... nag xD
But apart from that, I just like her,
and I have a lot in common with her,
so if I were to hate her,
I would hate myself, in theory xD
over a year ago Repo-girl said…
I kinda like Bella a little, I mean if there was no Bella, there would be no Twilight.
over a year ago Ovybo said…
I, am the numba one twilight fan. i read all da books(midnight sun included)and i believe bella is... well lets just say in the beginning i honestly didnt like her but if you think about it bella is a really decent person.
over a year ago mcclare34 said…
i love bella, shes so normal and relatable.
and we have the same choice of guys.:]
i read all the books before the movie and i agree with you about people hating bella just because of edward.
and i love kristen too
over a year ago BellaJane said…
Without Bella there wouldn't be Twilight. You can just mentally connect with Bella easily because she is so human. When I read the book and Bella describes how she feels about something you can feel the same way along with her. Although I wouldn't have made some of her decisions but you get the idea...
over a year ago jalicefan15 said…
I think Bella's cherector is the most real in the books
over a year ago caitlincookie22 said…
bella IS twilight. without her the series would not be as succesful as it is
over a year ago atlforeverxx said…
I love bella:)
Her character brings the books alive. Honestly, during Breaking Dawn when the point of view is Jacob the book isn't nearly as interesting. Her personality is what keeps me reading.
I'm not gonna lie Edward is amazing but seriously... Bella's where its at<3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago atlforeverxx said…
Hey "Ovybo"... a REAL twilight fan wouldnt read Midnight Sun.
They would have read Stephanie Meyer's Official website where she wrote "i'd prefer my fans not read Midnight Sun"
So.. "numba one twilight fan".. way to make your self look stupid.
over a year ago callejahLUVSed said…
i think the only reason i dislike bella is because kristen stewart wrecked her character..