Twilight Series New TwiTube Channel.. Your help would be greatly appreciated! <3

MrsRPattinson posted on Jan 02, 2009 at 02:59AM
Uhmm well hey guys, God I feel so embaressed doing thiss..
Me and my friends Melissa & Cristina are basically starting up our own YouTube channel so we can vlog, talk about Twilight with other fans, and inform people on new updates about the movies and such.

We're making our first "real" vlog tomorrow, and it would be great if you guys could give us some ideas or suggestions about what you want to know about and stuff. I know there are a lot of other Twi-Tubers on youtube, but I really hope you guys would enjoy our videos. It would be absolutely amazing if you guys could give us comments and ask questions about things you want to know..

Check it out if you want, and I hope you will enjoy it.. please keep in mind we are just starting up our channel, and trust us we know the videos currently on aren't great, but I hope our new video will be different; it should be up by tomorrow night or Saturday the latest :)

Here's the Link to our Channel:

Thanks Guys!

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