Twilight Series Loving The Movie Twilight Over And Over Again - Just My Opinion Though

angeljayne posted on Dec 29, 2008 at 09:33AM
Firstly I am obsessed with the book series! Love love love them all! Ive seen the movie so many times Ive lost count and I must say it gets better the more times you watch it.....and I really do appreciate Catherine Hardwickes arty raw approach to the story. I even like the sombre broody music and almost disjointed editing. I thought it was a very mature interpretation. It could have easily become a commercial streamlined spoon fed love story for the masses - but she managed to give it an arthouse edge which is extremely hard given the PG rating they stuck by (hats off to you Catherine!! well done keeping it PG!!).
I even made my husband watch it (who hates gooey love story movies) - and even he got the directors vision and enjoyed it, and now wants to come with me to the sequel.
Ive pulled apart the movie, acting, music and scenes in everyway possible - and I still come up happy with the end product. Am kinda disappointed Catherine isnt directing the rest as I enjoy her raw approach (but then again I really liked her other pieces of work - Thirteen, Lords of Dogtown) so I get her vision and understand how she tries to bring some truth to the characters.
What I find interesting is how many comments Ive read saying the movie is cheesy. Im all about cheesy movies, love stories and will cry at the drop of a hat with gooeyness.....but I didnt cry once during this and found that that I was more moved by their ever growing intensity for eachother rather then my heart fluttering and myself becoming a blubbering mess. The movie left me wanting more and more - a feeling I really enjoy and I find is rare to get with movies these days which is probably why Ive watched it so many times!
I think the movie could have used more dialogue between Edward and Bella. I adored watching them interact and wanted to hear more and more of their conversations and ever growing sexual tension. Thats the only thing I think it lacked - which I hope will change with the 12 EXTRA DELETED SCENES on the dvd release coming out including 'Midnight Sun'!! Have also heard the deleted scenes have more M rated stuff as well as a scene where Edward and Bella say I love you (ohhhh!!)And am sure after those extra scenes I will feel even more satisfied.
I do recommend watching it again to anyone who may have been disappointed the first time. The second time round things come together better...


I grew up a huge book and movie lover and know all too well the disappointment of when a book isnt turned into a movie correctly. I mean seriously - how hard is it really to follow a story and apply it to screen (much of my youth spent pondering this question)?? but in being a a huge film junkie I did learn a lot about these types of processes. So when a stunning book such as this one gets turned into a movie I remember that firstly, if you are lucky, the author will get 'some' say in the 'direction' flow of the film (if you are lucky). Then you have the Director & producer & screenwriter who also have different ideas and interpretations of how it should all play out. Then there is editing to appease 'test' audiences - and of course then the marketing to draw in the crowds. Oh - and dont forget budget and actors as well which also can either make or break a film. So naturally, at some stage in the gigantic money hungry process its no wonder the essence and true magic of the authors words get lost. Im not making excuses for Twilight. But I know how to disassociate myself from a book I love and a movie being made from it. I am well aware that nine out of ten times, it will not live up to any kind of literary masterpiece...and its no wonder with all the different hands in play! so I never go into a movie thinking it will be the book exactly. I know it will be changed for commercial purposes. Keep in mind a book is written by one person. A movie is made by hundreds. Knowing a lot about different directors and knowing the budget of Twilight - I went in expecting art/indie style of filming with basic special effects and probably lower then usual actors. So I was very prepared. I was happy Summit attempted to bring Twilight to life with what little money they had - I also heard Paramount passed on it first - ha ha silly them but you gotta wonder what they may have brought to the table. All in all - I was highly impressed with the movie. I adore Robert and Kristen's performances! Its better then most previous movie adaptations from books in my opinion.

Twilight Series 3 replies

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over a year ago angeljayne said…
I also think the soundtrack is spot on! love Muse, Paramore and Iron & Wine. Its a pity they didnt put Robert Pattinson's song 'Let me Sign' on the Twilight soundtrack as I really really loved it in the movie! its a gorgeous piece of music
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
The movie looks soooo good!! I haven't seen it yet, but I'm dying to.
over a year ago angeljayne said…
to 'italianAngel89' - just bare in mind what Ive said about the movie and you should really enjoy it! dont go in thinking its really commercial like Harry Potter....its so far from that angle and really far from those kind of special effects. Twilight was very low budget and was lucky to be made. I wont lie and say the special effects are good. They are not. But if you can look past that and focus on the sweeping camera angles, the intensity of Edward & Bella, the funny thrown in humour and the Cullens, you will get something really enjoyable from it. Having watched heaps and heaps of 80's movies growing up, I can ignore and forgive bad special effects so that stuff doesnt bother me in the slightest so I can focus on story and what is really being developed with the characters. I honestly dont believe Twilight could have been done in any other way other than what Catherine Hardwicke did with it. She made a PG movie something meaningful. I mean you only have to read the real critics movie reviews (like the Times and other respected reviewerss) to know that she did a good job with what she had. Most serious reviews I have read gave it a B rating - and purely because of catherine hardwickes arty/indie approach.
Dont follow the masses who cant see past special effects and a need for commercial 'Disney' style love stories....go in with an open mind!