Twilight Series New Moon Movie Comfirmed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mrsblack_1089 posted on Nov 24, 2008 at 10:06PM
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe they confirmed the sequel that quickly! But I'm glad they did!

I just read this link: link
and I'm a little worried about the movie now...

If you read it, it says that there might not be enough money to support the new locations and very special effects (the werewolfs morphing...). And, OME, they ALSO said that they might just leave Edward in the entire time!!! He will never leave!!! They're worried about Team Edward being upset on a mostly Jacob/Bella themed movie. And thirdly, they're worried about Taylor not looking old enough (ahem...Steven Strait!)

While I am an Edward fan as well, they CANNOT keep Edward in the movie; they gotta stay with the book!!! It's very crucial if they do Eclipse too, that Edward leaves. I wouldn't mind a flash to Edward every now and then to see what he's doing without Bella, I think it would make the movie cooler, because I'm always curious about what he did those months. And I think, maybe, couldn't they take the footage of Taylor and kind of stretch him out to look taller? Is that possible??? And then after he morphs couldn't they sort of mix Steven and Taylor's faces together? Is THAT possible? lol

So now I'm worried about what they'll do. Does anyone agree that they HAVE TO keep Edward out (for the most part) like in the book? Or should they change the script completely?

I don't know about you, but even with these problems I am SO FRICKIN EXCITED for the new movie!!! After I saw it, I was very upset cuz I'm like, "OK now I have to wait for it to be on DVD and then buy it...but then what??" I was sad cuz I didn't think they'd make another.

Twilight Series 5 replies

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over a year ago whitelion said…
man this freakin awesome i thought the movie was great cant wait
over a year ago Act2liv said…
I totally agree with you on the fact that they simply can not keep edward because that would just screw up the whole story line. I would rather a whole movie with out Edward than one with him in even though i love him to death its just the fact i would rather it stick to the story. And if we have a whole bunch of "team edward" girls complaining on the fact that Edward isn't in the movie then they are either 1. not real twilight fans and 2. need to go back and read the books and then tell me how keeping edward in the whole movie wouldn't screw up the story line.

Also another good solution for this movie is to start out them finding her in the woods in her "depressed state" and then have flashbacks of Edward telling what happened when she is at Jacob's.

Sorry if i'm venting too much. This subject just upsets me because i just want it to be out NOW! I dyeing for it to come out!
over a year ago hellgirl223 said…
Same & Agree! New Moon is like my favourite book <3 because it has lots of Jacob in it therefore, watching New Moon with many Jacob in it I just CANT wait!!!!! SO excited!!!!!!! And I agree, they should stick to the story if they really know what the fans want! Although it's stupid if people dont watch New Moon JUST because Edward isnt there. That's just stupid. And true, if they are a true Twilight fans, they should not complain and agree to stick with the story. Jacob shifting as a werewolf.......... that'll be so awesome! Ann yeah, I wished strait would be Jacob, but................. Taylor is OK :)
over a year ago TriineA said…
This makes me worried! I'm team Edward all the way - But I'm sure the movie would be better if he leaves, bacause when he comes back, it will make it, all worth while ;D <3

Kristen has said that maybe (if the have the money) a lot of it is gonna be shot in Italy, and that would mean that Edward has left, wouldn't it? :S

- Edward and Bella are love.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago carly-hope said…
as much as I dont like it they need to establish the friendship between Bella and Jacob. and Edward needs to leave. doesnt matter how long his absence is in the movie, he just has to. but I dont mind if they concentrate a lot on the Italy part. I find it more interesting then the Bella/Jacob thinks anyways. I think what they need is to find the right balance