Twilight Series <3 MOVIE DISCUSSION!!! <3

mrsblack_1089 posted on Nov 23, 2008 at 04:39AM
I think that Twilight was great!!! It didn't follow the book much, but it was still fun and entertaining to watch :D I don't think that Bella had much emotion, she was kind of dead in her voice; all monotone. Edward, Jasper, and Emmett were total crackups!!!!!!!! The movie was more funny for me; I was laughing through most. But it had the right emotion, and all the actors were terrific. I WAS dissapointed with Edward's so called 'hostile' glare, because I hardly noticed he was glaring. And the meadow scene was totally messed up. I did love when Rob played the piano; I didn't like Bella's Lullaby at first because it sounded like a whole orchestra playing and it was only supposed to be piano, but in the movie it was great.

Twilight Series 19 replies

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over a year ago DefineDelicate said…
I LIKE THE MOVIE TOO...Emmett and Jasper made me LOL but they do that in the Books tooo..soo LOL

i do wish they kept some scenes like the Meadow untouched, but it was great besides that
over a year ago ahkenzie said…
i am in love with the movie! when i went to see it i was trembling with excitement through the whole thing. I had finished reading the first book the same day i wen to see the movie because i knew that they would probably leave things out. And i was right. i really wish they wouldve added more love scenes into the movie. in the book, it went over every little thing on how they fell in love, and in the movie maybe one or two things happened. it all went so fast
over a year ago twinightsun108 said…
one part that i thought was off was the sensual scene. It gets sorta heated but i edward didnt seem as on guard as he did in the book...dont get me wrong it was hot just out of place not enough tenderness
over a year ago vianessvondrak said…
im also in love with the movie!!!
i mean... compared with the book it is nothing, but the movie itself was really good!
i tink the things they changed were ok!, exept for the meadow.. i hated that!!! and edward´s way of being on the meadow... it was like very rought with her!!!!.. all the process in which they fall in love was like really fast.. dont you think so???
but for me the rest was great!!!!!!
oh my god!! the baseball scene!!!!
i´m still in shock for that one!!!!
it was amazing!!!!! better that i´ve imagined when i read the book!!!!!!!
the end of the movie!!! that 5 secods in which victoria appears.. they are also great!!!
and emmett shaking his hand with the knife!!!! ahh!!!!!!!!!! im sure that when i´ll have the movie on my hands i´ll watch that part over and over!!!!!!!
over a year ago mrsblack_1089 said…
yeah, i don't get the sensual scene AT ALL!!!! cuz it wasn't sensual!!!! i saw in a preview where edward was about to go 2 far (he just ripped off her jeans) and then he stopped, and i was like 'oh, it WILL be sensual...' but it wasn't!! unless i missed something... and yes I thought they needed more love scenes. everyonen was laughing in the bedroom scene cuz it took them, what, 10 minutes to kiss? lol.
over a year ago volleyqt16 said…
omg i loved the kitchen scene! Rosalie all angry, Jasper's face, Edward's embarassment, and my FAV: Emmett waving the knife around!!

But ya i totally agree, they shouldve done the meadow scene better, and i think it was kinda rushed. but i loved the movie and i cannot wait for the next one!!
over a year ago jele said…
I liked the movie! i thought it could be worse (or worst??? i don't remember this rule... i am italian and my English teacher is not very good...)however... rob has been so good! a lot of people don't like bella's acing, but i think that bella is a bit like that... she is shy and not very expressive... angela was too aggressive... the kitchen scene was beautiful and the baseball!!amazing!i don't like ed's skin at sun... but the budget was not very high and it's hard making a movie based on such a great and incredible book, isn't it? a lst thing... i can't understand what "lol" means...can you tell me?
over a year ago hayleyhoo said…
i havent seen the movie i live in the UK but i love hearing everyones views except when everyone says that its not as good as the book cos its obviously not going to be lol (btw lol means laugh out loud) i cant wait to see it ive seens some clips on the internet and it looks amazing
over a year ago sexy_vamp said…
I loved the way Edward got embarrassed in the kitchen scene too. I loved his reaction. It was hilarious. I loved the movie!!! I can't wait to see it again. It wasn't the same as the book but how many are? That is why reading them is so much more fun. Granted you need your imagination but with the movie you can picture the charcters better now. You can put a face to the name. I just love it!!!
over a year ago junglexbooty said…
it cracked me up when bella came to charlie aying edward would like to meet you and the dad cocks the shotgun into place ready to fire. i was HYSTERICAL!!! i thought the over all movie plot fit the book to a "T" although i agree with the rest of you when you say the meadow scene shouldnt have been changed. i imagined it so much different when i was reading the books.and the scene where he has to keep control and says " i can never loose control with you again, i was waiting fro an intense sex scene it got me to excited to let me down lmao. but like i said the over all plot fit the book. and i am TOTALLY excited for New moon to be made into a movie as well.
over a year ago laureng114 said…
they went from hating eachother,
to being totally in love within such! a short time.
they skipped all the relationship and for me, that ruined it.

it was funny, but i wonder if some scenes like biology were supposed to be funny..
over a year ago kaitijo said…
At first I loved it! There were some things that I didn't really like after thinking about it though. I do agree with you laureng114, they made too big of a deal about James,Victoria,and Laurent, and left out so much about Bella and Edward, it just didnt seem to me like they were in love at all really! The biology seen I had to laugh at. He looked more like he was going to through up than it looked like he was going to kill her. BUT..... It was one of those things I guess were I loved it but I didn't you know?
over a year ago edwardismine13 said…
omg i luv twilight and in the book the house was white but in the movie it was blue but it was stll amazing
over a year ago Act2liv said…
I totally agree the movie was too rushed. All the actors except kristen Stewart were good. I don't know why i just didn't like the way she played Bella. Also I don't like the fact they skipped the "mind over matter" part, and after they first went running and she was scared, Edward did the whole thing were he touched her and asked "are you scared now?"

but besides that The movie was great and entertaining
over a year ago thevampiregirl said…
i thort it was great over all...
but the ending was a little rushed..
but i understand that they have to condense it..
but i thought that Rob and Kristen were amazing! and all the cullens were fab aswell!!
i didnt like how they portrayed angela...

omg! and halfway through i suddenly realised how amazingly fit carlisle is!! i was like 'woahh!!'
over a year ago emmettlover16 said…
i feel the exact same way about carlisle thevampiregirl

i dont know about anyone else but when he walked into the movie for the first to me it seemed like it was slow motion lol and i went to go see it again and the exact same thing happened lol
and i asked some people if it was slow motion and they said ya lol it was kinda weird
over a year ago mrsblack_1089 said…
i thought the same thing, lol :D but when the other cullens walked in it was slow motion so maybe it was and no one else noticed.
over a year ago greekthegeek said…
1. Kristen Stewart sucked in my opinion. Edward definately outshined her, and the movie was narrated by Bella, so you would have thought she would have done better.

2. There was so much sexual tension (ha:P), that I was expecting the sensual scene to be a lot better.

3. I wished they showed the blood test part in the biology class
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…
Well I can go on and on about things in the movie and the book. In my opinion I thought that the movie was a bit rushed. I wanted more from the movie after I watched. It was interesting because the feelings I felt from the book were totally different from the film. I liked it though. I did want some of the things to be the same like the confession scene and mind over matter. These were my favourite. They also didnt have enough time to grow and learn about each other. One of my favourite parts is the part where Jessica wants to know what's going on between Edward and Bella and he says that he will be listening in. They need more sweet moments even though they had some. I loved the kiss scene in the movie. It was awesome! And when you guys mentioned that Carlisle looked like he walked in slow motion, my sister and I agreed too. I thought that Edward walked in slow motion too. Jasper and Alice had a lot of sweet moments; Jasper hugging Alice in the cafetria, holding hands when they were driving Bella away and when Alice twirled around Jasper. They were so cute.