Twilight Series Review =]

courick11 posted on Nov 22, 2008 at 03:53PM
Keep in mind that no movie is as good as its book. It's impossible, seriously. And two: The movie can never ruin a book and it can't take the place of a book. On that note:

I really enjoyed myself. I'm one of those obsessive twilight freaks.

I went into the theater cautious because of the reviews I'd read. However, I went out thinking I don't think I saw the same movie everyone else saw.
Yes I did feel like parts of the book that were left out would have filled the holes I noticed, but it still was pretty good. The beginning of the movie was the worst part for me. I felt that there were a lot of holes and if I hadn't read the books, I'd have been a bit confused and rushed through. I didn't really like the changes in the Biology scene. But I'm okay with it.
As far as the acting, I thought it was fine. Yes, a lot of people disagree which is fine but also sad. I think the acting deserves more credit than it's getting. Rob did a pretty good job playing Edward. Kristen did a good job at playing Bella. I really liked Cam as James, he did an excellent job as well did Rachelle.
My favorite part of the movie was the baseball scene. I loved Muse's song during that scene and just how awesome it was. The baseball scene all the way to the end is the best part of the movie for me.
I felt a bit sad about the awaited meadow scene as it really wasn't that scene I read in the book.
And when Edward saves Bella in Port A. I felt giddy like I did reading the book.

Overall I thought the movie was good, maybe great, but not perfect. The thing that everyone seems to neglect is A. the movie didn't have the money that like Harry Potter or a Batman movie would get. It had to make do. B. It could have been a lot worse. Bella could have been changed completely as could have the other characters.

It's not fair to treat this movie with high class before it's viewing and than bash it when it is out. And it wasn't as bad as a lot of people are saying, those who may not even love the books as much as I do. Everyone needs to remember that there is a fine line between a book and the movie it is BASED off of. You will always love the book more.

I think that everyone should be thankful that Twilight is actually getting it's deserved attention and that a movie is made. Let's hope that negative comments won't ruin this film saga so the films can grow with time and money.

IF you're wondering if you should see it and you've read the book: Go see it. IT's not the book, so it can't ruin it. And it is a good film. I really enjoyed it and this is coming from one of those obsessive freaks =]

If you wondering if you should see it and you've not read the book: Go see it anyway. I will be honest and say I felt that if I hadn't read the book, there are plot holes. But that could just be because I read the book. My step mom saw it with me and hadn't read the book and she enjoyed it and got the main idea. And now she wants to read this book i've been trying to get her to read forever. So you may walk out wanting to read the magic that the film was based off of.

Thanks and keep an open mind. I really liked it. =]

Twilight Series 9 replies

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over a year ago bluefeet said…
Well said! I also thought the beginning was sort of rushed, but they were probably trying to get to the exciting part.
It was sort of choppy, like i said in my opinion article.

Yes, I think if I hadn't read the book it would have been a different movie in my eyes, but that doesn't mean it wasn't an awesome, thrilling, amazing movie!
over a year ago brnjen said…
I agree wholeheartedly. Some of the comments I have been reading have been absolutely brutal - and I feel that such reviews are a bit unfair. Everyone has a right to their opinions and perspectives, of course, but my sister and I both left the movie feeling like we were jazzed up on some wonderfully legal drug! :D

Was it perfect? No. It will never be a carbon copy of the book, but it was certainly well done. It was obvious that Catherine made a concerted effort to stick to the book as much as possible, and the heart of the movie and of Bella and Edward's relationship is definitely present.

I thought Rob made a fantastic Edward. He's aloof and beautiful, but he's also plagued with the essence of who he is. The self-doubt that is so pervasive throughout Stephenie's novels is very visible in the movie - or at least it was to me. Kristin was an excellent Bella, as well. She was adorably clumsy - she fell down or nearly slipped on three separate occasions - and her fearless love of Edward was subtle at first but eventually blossomed. I enjoyed their relationship very much - especially the love scene in Bella's bedroom - even if I did want more of it throughout the movie.

The other Cullens were great, too. In our theater, people were almost cheering when the Cullens made their first appearance in the cafeteria. The kitchen scene at the Cullen's home when Edward first introduces Bella was also enjoyable - it garnered just enough awkwardness to be funny but not uncomfortable.

I think the next movies will only improve. With greater funds Catherine will be able to do what she couldn't do on this film, and the cast's camraderie will likely intensify. Catherine is a fairly new filmmaker. With experience, the choppiness that so many have commented on will probably dissipate or disappear. For what was available, I think this movie was extremely well done. Here's to looking forward to the DVD!
over a year ago courick11 said…
I agree with you both. I really though the movie was thrilling and I was so excited that finally I was watching Twilight. I think that if this movie does well in the box office the next movie will be a lot better because I'm thinking they'll get more money. And hopefully they will. I just really liked it, but I can see where people wouldn't like it. I loved that baseball scene though, i think it was my favorite =]
over a year ago officefan2010 said…
I thought it was awesome. I mean, I went into expecting it not to be like the book and was so surprised with how close it really was! I mean they got little details down like Bella smelling her hair at the first Biology and stuff. and the fan blowing her hair and yeah. I thought it was great for being a book adaptation. I loved it.
over a year ago Zeisha said…
The movie was absolutely amazing. I agree w/ you guyz that it wasnt exactly like the book but then again NO MOVIE is so yea. Anyways! Rob as Edward omg! he looked HOT especially when it was Raining. I dont think they could've casted a better Edward than Rob. He was fantastic. Kris as bella was great as well. The kiss scene between the two of them set the screen on fire. It was HOT!
I even thought Emmett and Jasper looked pretty HOT other than Edward only. Their entrance was truly amazing. Everyone portrayed their characters well. It was so awesome. All the Cullens: Rosalie, Alice, Esme, & Carlise they were perfect as vampires.
and omg! Charlie was hilarious and so was Eric, Mike, and them. Haha i liked how Mike called Bella "Arizona" throughout the movie. That was something different but good.
And lets not forget Jacob. Taylor was excellent. I liked the first scene between him and Bella where Bella opens the truck door and hits him. lol it was funny. And at prom when he and Edward stare at each other.
omg! ROB looked so HOT in his prom tux.
Nomads- Im gonna miss Cam. He played James well. Laurent and Victoria were great as well.

I loved the entire movie that its hard to pick out one particular scene. I mean the Kiss scene was HOT and omg! when Bella dreamed of Edward the first time, Where he's biting her. It nearly killed me b/c the two of them looked super HOT. The movie was awesome! Im looking forward to the squeals. =]
over a year ago mandapanda said…
I thought the movie was great too. The midnight showing that I saw felt like it went by to fast, the movie I mean. Because I guess the anticipation was building in my, idk. lol. But when I saw it again last night, it felt longer and less rushed. Everything about the movie, the scenes, the adaptations, the new scenes, and omgosh, the dialogue wwere great. I loved this movie, and seeing it again today and tomorrow. :P
over a year ago mrsblack_1089 said…
The worst part of the movie for me was waiting for it! ^^ I went with my friends and we went in way early (like 45 minutes early) so assure ourselves that we would get seats together. It was tough to wait so long and then there was almost a riot because the movie started at 1:35(it was supposed to start at 1:30 ^^) The baseball scene was by far the best. I was waiting for Muse's song to come on because it's my favorite, and combined with the amazing acting, effects, and setting, it was awesome!!! I think the acting was fine. Actually, I pity all the actors. Everytime they go out in public, they are mobbed by thousands of eager fans demanding them to be perfect! They tried their hardest, and they were fine. No actors on Earth could fulfill our expectations to their highest, I think. I'm totally OK with all the witty comments they added ^^ It gave the movie a little something extra. I'm glad for us and especially for Stephenie Meyer that the books we love are being given so much attention. (SUMMIT ANNOUNCED TODAY THAT THERE IS A NEW MOON MOVIE ON THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!) I was definetly almost crushed when the meadow scene didn't happen. The words that took place in that chapter happened, but not the setting. What I expected was a clearing with flowers (although it might have been hard to obtain the flowers) and Bella and Edward sitting across from each other, speaking. It was still a great movie, though. I will see it again.
over a year ago emmettlover16 said…
i honestly didnt have any doubts about the movie...i loved every minute of it!!! although i was worried about how they would make edward sparkle...i was afraid they were gonne forget that part...but they didnt and they did an excellent job in making him sparkle lol
all of the characters were excellent!!
i laughed throughout the whole movie lol
i def. cant wait until it comes out on DVD and until new moon comes out
over a year ago courick11 said…
mrsblack_1089: I agree with you about the meadow scene. I was sad when it wasn't a little more like the book. I wish it was a lot more open and brighter with flowers and things, but what can you do. I was sad but at least they made him sparkle! I was worried about the sparkles too and was surprised they made it work. I think it would have looked a lot cooler if they had had more money.
I can't wait for the DVD either!!! And I'm thrilled beyond words of New Moon. I'm excited that Jacob's role comes out in New Moon because one of my favorite things in the serious is the Edward/Jacob battle. THe end of the movie was pretty cool with the whole Edward and Jacob stare off. I liked that =]