Twilight Series TwiLiGHT

saby420 posted on Oct 29, 2008 at 07:04PM
Is the first Movie Twilight going to be of JUST the first book? or will it include the 2nd 3rd and 4th in the same movie? I ask because i am half way through the 1st book and do not wish to see the movie if it will contain the follong books... I ABSOLUTELY LoVE this book..I havent read a WHOLE book since I was in High School...


Twilight Series 2 replies

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over a year ago fanpire101 said…
the movie is only based on the first book, twilight tho they are planning to make movies of the other books
over a year ago saby420 said…
THanK You So0o0o0o0o Much.. I honestLy thought noone would answer me.. haha.. But I absolutely LOVE this book.. which one are you on? will there be a 5th??