Twilight Series What Do You Think About All The Twilight Critics????

vianessvondrak posted on Sep 23, 2008 at 03:17AM
what do you think about all the people-.. well all the comments that question twilight saying it is feminist? or boring?? or that it question religion???
or that stephenie does´nt know how to write???

Twilight Series 5 replies

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over a year ago ilovejazzy said…
they are all crazy
over a year ago mandavamp said…
I can't read all the negative comments because I start to get really annoyed. I appreciate that people have their different opinions but I can't handle how rude people get.
over a year ago spezlee said…
I agree mandavamp, people are allowed their opinions, but there is no need to be rude. Actually, I think more people think it's not feminist ENOUGH! I haven't heard the boring or religion. I don't really see the religion thing and lots of people don't think it's boring. As for SM writing skills, well, we all know she's not Jane Austen. I do think with every book she has written her skills have improved. Twilight is still a wonderful series! People will always nitpick and thats their prerogative, I choose to ignore them and I'll still recommend the book to friends (most of whom already like the books anyways).
over a year ago EdwardJ said…
yes I'm male and think Stephenie is one of the best writers of our time she is so visual in her writing and I also tend to avoid neg stuff because I fell the overwhelming need to defend her and I hate wasting my time enlightening close minded ppls
over a year ago vianessvondrak said…
i have read many bad articles!!!
and i mean people that writes them dont have anything else to do!!!!????
because.. well of course they can tell their point of view.. but like a month ago i found an article of 5 pages long... saying that the book was sexist!! and that stephenie didn´t wrote about vampires!!.. because the way the cullens behave was not the way vampires are supposed to be!!!!
havent they read the book???
of course cullen´s are NOT normal vampires!!!!
and it´s supposed you to understand that from almost the beginning!!!
if thay have read the books... are they idiots????
and if they haven´t.. why the hell are they criticising??????
mmm... i just get really mad because...many of them do not have something that supports the bad comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
even though}: i do understand that there is people that just doesn´t like the story... and it´s ok.