Twilight Series Please SM finish Midnight Sun

EdwardJ posted on Aug 29, 2008 at 05:16PM
I am not your typical twilight reader But I love the twilight saga more than most It has mad me laugh and cry and look at my own life in different ways and I cannot live in world where Edward and Bella dont exist there's is one of the greatest love stories ever written and I would hate for Stephine to stop writing there stories just because one person couldnt restrain themselves for Midnight Suns release. Any who please any suggestions as to what us true twilighters can do to change SMs mind about finishing Midnight Sun maybe if we all promise to buy two copies ?? Any thoughts

Twilight Series 11 replies

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over a year ago emma-jeff said…
Maybe we should start a petition or something. Not something demanding her to finish Midnight Sun because ultimatly it is her choice but something that shows there are loads of fans out there that appreciate her work. I think we should call it "We Love You Stephenie Meyer!!" or something like that lol!
over a year ago EdwardJ said…
Sounds like a plan any twilight web masters out there
over a year ago isabelle_905 said…
Does any one else wonder if the person that leaked the first chapters could've been Rob?! Maybe it wasn't him personally but maybe someone around him... I mean he is one of the people that got to read it for the movie... Could've been Catherine too though...
But I can't see why either would've been that stupid... so I might not be right!
over a year ago EdwardJ said…
I thought of them too but I thought both of them were fans Id think if it came from them its because they were careless in protecting it and maybe someone on the set got a hold of it or after the fact
over a year ago isabelle_905 said…
yeah well i don't think we're ever gonna find out who did it... but for right now, I'm pissed and I need to blame someone so it's gonna be Rob and Catherine!!
and I think if Steph does finish the book it won't be for a long long time...
there goes my dream of having the whole series from Edward's perspective...
over a year ago screenager3 said…
there are alot of petitions out there. (which i signed :p)
but this shouldnt be happening. whoever read the draft clearly knew what they were doing. and that obviously if stephenie never said anything about it, that it would be illegal. it's really annoying that honest fans have to pay the price for what other people did. i never read the copy but would still buy the book when it came out. so im pretty upset that this happend. it's so terrible. but things happen clearly. and im just hoping that stephenie meyer decides to keep writting midnight sun. because there are good honest fans out there. and hopefully she'll realize that. stephenie meyer is a genius, and this shouldnt have happend to her.
over a year ago thevampiregirl said…
i feel really upset for her, she sounded so upset an her website.
the petiton thing sounds good though! :D
over a year ago fanpire101 said…
i will just wait for her to start again, no petition, just trying to be patient
over a year ago mirrakule said…
Who ever posted the Midnight Sun manuscript. Their signon name is StellaLuna so be careful if you see that name pop up anywhere. I figure that whoever this person is will try to post more.
over a year ago TwilightLover91 said…
Cool Thanks, a man hunt...get ur pitch forks.
over a year ago savemidnightsun said…
A gift to Stephenie from her fans...
