Twilight Movie Twilight roleplay

zanhar1 posted on Apr 06, 2010 at 11:52PM
Basicly you fill out the form below and pretend to be a twilight character
after you create your character you can go here link

Characters Name:
Vampire human or wearwolf:
Good or evil:

Heres mine

Characters Name: Emerna
Looks: she has a one sleevd shirt the sleeve is matalic black the rest is black in the center of the shirt is a crow she has sparkling black pants and matching shoes she also wears a diamond ring on her pinky and a lacy choker. Her hai is red and eyes gold.
Vampire human or wearwolf: vampire
Good or evil: good
Likes: vampires, the cullens,and music
Dislikes: werewolves, bella (she doesnt trust her), and reading
Personality: shes mysterious and a loner

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