Titanic I didn't cry...

zoey010 posted on Dec 02, 2011 at 03:51PM
I didn't cry while watching Titanic!!! I know, it's strange, but im telling the truth.
I remember that we were chattering aloud in the class during the French lesson and somebody started to talk about Titanic. She was the most popular girl in the whole school and everybody was listening to her. She shouted 'I cried a lot in Titanic movie!'. And everybody was like 'Ah, yeah it made me cry too...'. They asked me if I had cried too. When they got my answer, they were stunned. 'Whaaaaat, you DID NOT?'. Is wrong that i didn't even sniff? Everybody says that im stone-cold hearted, even if im a girl. Is that wrong I could hardly ever cry in a movie(that could be any movie)? But anyway, i loved Titanic.

Titanic 3 replies

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over a year ago 2772764 said…
i don't cry because he's dead i cry because of that look that comes across roses face when she realizez he's gone
over a year ago Lynne2 said…
You shouldn't feel bad. I cry like crazy when I watch Titanic, but I didn't cry at all when I saw City of Angels and my friend acted so mean about it. She was like how could you not cry?! She actually got mad at me for it. That made me realize that different things make people cry and it doesn't mean you didn't like the movie or connect to it. you just didn't get emotional in a way that made you cry
over a year ago White_Ice_Queen said…
The first time I saw this movie I cried so much that I'm surprised I didn't become dehydrated, but the second time I watched it I didn't cry(there was probably a sniffle or two.) Anyway I felt horrible because I didn't cry. I was like "what is wrong with me". I have a friend that cries like every other time she watches it. So it's really not a big deal. You might cry next time. I think it depends on how much you invest yourselves in the characters.