The Volturi Seek's a Aro/Volturi AU IM ROLEPLAY [One on One <3]

Flamette posted on Sep 08, 2010 at 10:37PM
Granted I know, this may be waste of time..And people will laugh at me and point..well not really, but begun to shun me for my ideas/actions hehe..So with that said, allow
me to explain..

*It's a AU..I wish to have, where isn't a really full ALTER-ferction but..there a few alters
Like No wife, and though its still Twilight..It forces more around “when this was
happening, what was happening over there” idea..

*First off..I like like to Roleplay in novel form.

*I love detail posts, at not like 1 or 2 sentences, at less 2 Paragraphs

*And, I don't know you style, but when I'm done with a post..I post a * when I'm done

*And don't think the moment I see sign on, I will attack you.."LETS RP!!" no
that's rude..I look
forward to just maybe talking about roleplay or just about us and our lifes/non RP stuff too, for am in this for
friends too <3 Well, I do hope when you do sign in, your doing so,
for your Ready! and PUMPED! To roleplay, but I will ask once, if you
say not right now..I then will be like alright..Like to talk then?

*And, I also have a different view on "God Mode" its normally, when one plays the other player's character..But
others say, when you rewrite, the other plays reaction in your
character POV , that's also God moding..I do see as such. Or when a
person posts, in the opening/re-picking up post from the 'last week'
or what ever time..Roleplay, I feel is kind of must to do, a form of
an allowed God Moding to just..reset the scene..(If am
wrong just say so, but that's how I have roleplayed in the past)

* I have been Roleplaying since 1998-Now, so am no Newbie to the
'Wonderful World Of Make beleive' hehe..

* And now the finally thing, I plan on using my OC, yes paired with him...STOP!
Before you call her a"marysue"..let me explain..

She my own Novel Character/Counterpart/Alter Ego and I love using her for
Roleplays in the Media, for its a lot more funner and a challenge,
then too make an OC just for what ever Roleplay, so she wasn't JUST!
made for Twilight..Its more of a Crossover with my Novel and Twilight
with a bit of AU twists to my own Novel.,,,

Also I created her when I was in 6th Grade..22 now so I had many years rewrite her make
her more developed in a character..So if don't want to RP for the
fact shes an OC, your not sure of..Just give her a chance..I like to
think you wouldn't wish to Roleplay, for you didn't like the plot and
not her..So please give her chance..Thank you..And if you feel you
can, please read on..below..

Also, if you feel the need to Rag or flame me..Why? I don't wish to attack you..So please who hate this
through and through please keep it to yourself..

So, as I stated she is my novel character, and its a Crossover Idea with
my Novel/And a lightly altered Twilight..But still for the most part
still full Cannon Twilight..

I think its a great blend for, even in my novel it mentions Vampires/Werewolf ECT..So I though why
not give it a shot and toss Flamette (My OC) In their universe and
have a go at it..And I will admit, unlike other's who wort..It is a
shameless ploy to get Aro all to myself..but I promise it will be

One thing about her Flamette, her family tree..She is daughter of the Grim Reaper (Her Mother was Mortal..wort
get into it to much, but she killed and not by Death mind you..he
just collects not shoot the massager..Though we know he is a fighter
and no doubt as seen many battles I would figurer) and upon a later
years, like 14 to now 17, were I play her..she been doing earns for
her father, for Hes Death he is busy. So he sends her on random,
collecting souls/Reaping/run away souls that refuse to go..And like
any 17 year old Daughter of Death or not, she complains, she will
help, but it's like why does he send her ones that are more of his
advance skills, then hers she thinks..but he tell's her cant get
battle unless you try..Harder improve things here and
there about yourself, body and soul..

..But when comes to the Vamps as I mentioned above..Death doesn't really hate them parsay,
but is irked how, to make them they need to be killed right there
show up on the list then not..then back again if killed..however that
may be, dam confusing, Then you have the bad vamps who kill/turn
willy nilley..And Death doesn't have a raciest thing, either to
them..He just deals..But if given chance, does confront them, for
since both Death Vampire race first meet had a understanding..but
sometimes..It can be pain in the ass, when he knows they still
messing with his good graces..The understanding being, do what you
want, I can't stop you, but if do this merely out of you can, to mock
me, thinking am push over there will be problems..(basically the
idea) but, until their no blood shed from either side (for they both
want to take down the other) there shall be no to fight.

Death, isn't really their lord..But to see hes higher on Todom-Pole then they..Since he was before them after all..Long before first Vamp, after all..So Vampires word is law
to humans/Prey but His word is law to all of humanity..when comes to
naturally power things, but wort abuse it, like the Vamps would..well
one that don't honor their understand that is..

But twilight world, since..the Volturi are like the head Vampire race..They are one that have understanding with Death, and share the understanding with their subjects of
Vampires, and for centuries, he let it go unnoticed, he didn't want
to start anything since he had daughter and wife think about..But now
that Flame is old enough to hold her own, he thinks its time he
brings up their “Understand” again...but send this daughter in
this place, for he knows this time may just start that said war he
feared, and she would be ready to struck if needed to, but sending
her armed, not in weapons but with his words and his knowledge,
telling all about the understanding..Also knowing, if he sends
her..Knowing they know if they do anything to harm her, it
will officially start that war..and They don't to start anything just
as much as he doesn't..But unaware that this time, they will rock the
boat a little, this time..also unknown how cocky they have become,
this newer generation.

But when she comes to deliver her father's words..They are not impressed, thinking sending
his daughter..And now coming himself..But still a little bitter
towards her presents, and being a halfbreed, thinking could she do,
and being a child bah!..

But Aro, the one who always takes both sides, in his own way..for thats what I have noticed what I have
seen..goes on those little speeches he does, to flame..and the
other's..Trying to if possible twist hers/father's words around..That
in long run that will still suit Him and the others. To some how
starting /ending the feared war between both of them..all at same
time, merely in words..Then returning to her father, a message back
from them..But, sadly it seems her father taught her well their able
to twist ones words..she just twisters right back..

But soon she takes her leave, after need to talk among themselves, to give her
an answer for her father, to bring back..saying no need to return, we
shall find you..when we have an answer..

So she goes, unaware they not speak about what she had delivered, they speak about a plot..

To umbush her, when she unaware of them near, leaving her to attacking
and..then TADA!..Let see who rises supreme then, and hopefully using
her as barding tool..

...And it plays perfectly, as they planned..

She still staying there, within the city biding her time, wondering why its talking so long realizing its now Night..just
sitting there outside, unaware shes a sitting duck..but finally
getting her act together, when sees them attacking to defend
herself..She does take down a few, what they wanted..

But like always, they send Aro out to retrieve her..Since Jane and the others off else where..
When she thinks she free, seeing the rest running off, all at same in
different directions

Thinking, that is strange?? Only turn and leave, find in mere moments Aro's hand tightly wrapped around her troth and slowly lifting her..Telling her big 'No-No' she
just committed..Making realize her CRAP!!..but it wasn't her was self defenses and in ethoses quick sec's of either
Flight or don't think about certain things, like that
“Understanding” Her father and their kind set down.

And now, she has choice to come willing or not..and he will make her come..She agrees willing what else can she do, fearful what he may do..

So once back in their Embassy..She get tossed into space room and locked in. She doesn't mop or moan that has failed..she knows she just has to wait and see what happens, why
over react now, she may need what energy she has life fighting more
hordes off..or to get away..when she sees her chance

(And, I do sense the Frollo/Esmeralda idea..Between Aro/Flame..If it happen that first with frollo why not in this RP too huh?)

But, now all 3 once again are alone, discussing among themselves, what to do with the Girl now?
Knowing, killing her wouldn't be to smart, they still meant need her for more..Then maybe kill her?
But, then after playing through so many ideas/scenes in their head..Aro offers the idea..well
didn't kingdoms wed, their sons and daughters..So no war could
happen, but then they think what was point of all random killing
then? If that is to be our plan to stick with. Replaying..The payment
for breaking what he we agreement..It was broken and instead of a
huge silly war, her as payment, why have war one can be paid out of
it..Then with that..we could make what ever demands we want..for one
as to honor the Marriage/bonding the lands code. But then they agree,
he would never agree, so they have do without his knowing..Since
vampire marriage vows are final..Though already being dead, and her
own human traits. But they can't turn her, but she can be marked and
be forced to do as they say...But who should be the one, to get

There we go..<3

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