The Simpsons Time To Revive This Forum...

Karthigesh posted on Feb 02, 2011 at 06:54PM
From what I have noticed, after being on Fanpop for 3 years was that this being one of the most fan-ned clubs, it has a forum that hasn't seen action in a long time, and is getting built up with spam.

So I appeal to all Simpson-heads out there haha, let's change this, let's discuss our favorite show, what makes you laugh and what you would like to see :)


The Simpsons 2 replies

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over a year ago dellquest97 said…
big smile
i gearded more toward anime and manga but who doesnt love the simpsons.well ill start off with somthing.i have 1st adition simpsons comics.these include bartman,the simpsons,radieo active man,and itchy and much are they worth.they are about 20 years old
over a year ago Karthigesh said…
big smile
Wow haha, that sounds cool haha, you should keep them in Mylar packaging so as not to compromise the quality, and then sell them to Comic Book Guy for a Radioactive Man #1 LOL :P