The Simpsons Everything I need to know I learned from The Simpsons

SpanksU posted on Dec 08, 2008 at 02:50AM
This is a list I've been making up just for fun . . . feel free to add fun Simpsons facts:

If you say you’re a vampire, you get a free small soda from the cinema 1

It is illegal to put squirrels in your pants for the purposes of gambling

It’s not illegal if you can’t see it

The rules of the road don’t apply to teachers

Soylent green is people . . . and now has 50% more females

According to the Bible, we're not suppose to be going to the bathroom

Batman's a scientist

Grease is an excellent source of income

First you get the sugar, then you get the money, then you get the women

Who needs to be a doctor or a lawyer when you can be a uneducated, illiterate millionaire clown?

Microwaves can affect pacemakers

Michael Jackson is really a fat white guy

Uni-browed babies are evil

If it's just a little dirty, slimy, or airborne . . . it's still good, it's still good

They have internet on computers now

Bill Gates didn't get rich by buying peoples companies

The whole reason we have elected officials is so we don't have to think all the time

Never try

Fear sweat is the best for removing glued items from skin

If you weigh over 300lbs you can work from home

Mixing an acid with a base doesn't make salt water, it turns you green

Thinking gives you wrinkles

You can put all your troubles behind you with a big bowl of strawberry ice cream

If you play Baby I'm Amazed backwards, you get a really ripping recipe for lentil soup.

As chief of police, one is entitled to a complimentary hog

Nobody ever suspects the butterfly.

Nothing can outrun a greased Scotsman.

You don't win friends with salad.

A Muppet is not quite a mop, and not quite a puppet.

In Rand McNally, Hamburgers eat people.

There are two kinds of people: Jocks, and Nerds.

There's very little meat in gym mats.

No matter how bad things get, you can always start a new life...under the sea.

There is no such thing as Scotchtober Fest.

You know you've got it good when you're sleeping in a Dumpster (R) Brand Trash Bin.

Purple is a fruit

Only gay men work in steel mills

Only gay guys and big fat party animals wear Hawaiian shirts

Goggles won't really protect your eyes from burning acid.

A woman is a lot like a refrigerator. They're big, they're about 400 pounds.... .they make ice.

Nobody who speaks German could be evil.

Don't try to get gum out of your hair with a bone.

You can power cars with your own sense of self-satisfaction

Garbage cans can be used for chiropractic purposes

Einstein turned himself all sorts of colours before he invented the light bulb.

If it's brown drink it down, and if it's black ... send it back.

You can run ... but you can't glide!

When you participate in sporting events, it's not whether you win or lose, it's how drunk you get

It takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen

Trying is the first step toward failure

Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true
last edited on Dec 08, 2008 at 02:45PM

The Simpsons 2 replies

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over a year ago janitorsrox said…
i bent my wookie
lesson is dont try
those scissors couldnt cut butter
hey hey hey its krusty
thank you come again
ha ha
over a year ago MickeyC said…
Shoplifting is a victimless crime, like punching someone in the dark.