The Office DMI Sarnia Branch!

afewlinesmore posted on Jan 04, 2008 at 03:59AM
Are you Canadian? Or, if not, do you dream of working in a Dunder Mifflin Office on the Canada/US border? Do you think you'd make an excellent Dunder Mifflin Infinity candidate? Then join the fun at the Dunder Mifflin Infinity Sarnia Branch!

Go to: link
Click "Apply".
Then, when it asks you which branch you would like to apply for, click "Sarnia".

Why join Sarnia? Because as a branch:
- We're not superstitious, but we are a little stitious
- We know which kind of bear is best, and that there really are two schools of thought on the issue
- We acknowledge that the eyes are, indeed, the groin of the head
- Our speed is somewhere between that of a snake and a mongoose... and a panther
- We know that it is a myth that Rabies kills 3 people in America each year. That in fact it kills 4. And we participate annually in the Fun Run for Rabies Awareness
- We are early birds and night owls. So we are wise and have worms.

And, perhaps most importantly:

When asked if we want to join an alliance, we always say "absolutely I do"!

last edited on Jan 05, 2008 at 12:13AM

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