The Office Diwali - Text message to Jim from Pam

OfficeObsessed posted on Mar 03, 2007 at 09:22PM
I am new to "The Office"--a couple of weeks, but thanks to Lemming and DVD's I have been able to catch up fast and see all the episodes to date. (I am addicted!) Anyway, I have a question (or a hole to point out). In the "Diwali" episode, when Pam text messaged Jim and he was passed out at his desk, why didn't he notice later that she texted him? Most cell phones will let you know when you missed a call or when you have a new message. This was never acknowledged. Wouldn't he have seen it and called/texted her back later or at least been happy about it? What do you think?

The Office 4 replies

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over a year ago petunia04 said…
I was wondering about that as well...maybe at some point it'll come up again if Jim & Pam actually talk about their relationship or lack there of...or maybe not.
over a year ago sfdude said…
Welcome to the wonderful world of Dunder-Mifflin OfficeObsessed! It was mentioned in an earlier thread that The Office takes place in real-time, ie, time goes on between each episode, like Andy being in anger management for ten weeks and he will be back ten weeks after he left. So it is very likely or possible that Jim did receive the text message but later in the day or at some other point that they chose not to show or "film" in the "documentary". They don't always show everything that they talk about. Hope that helps!
over a year ago OfficeObsessed said…
To sfdude:

Thank you. Good observation. I can't help thinking though that the text message would have meant something to Jim b/c up until that point, he and Pam hadn't really communicated (as far as we know)except for that one time on the phone at the end of "The Initiaion" Jim also wasn't with Karen romantically yet. Oh, I could just go on and on with the suppositions....
over a year ago andybernard said…
i dont think that its important, or else they would have made it into a bigger deal