The Office Drama with Toby?

marym posted on Feb 23, 2007 at 03:35PM
What was going on with Toby trying to win the duck for Pam??? Does he have the hots for her now?

Just another twist!

The Office 2 replies

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over a year ago sfdude said…
Yeah, Toby has always had a thing for Pam, but now he's gotta take on Roy AND Jim in a battle royale! I think he would probably lose in a fight to those two giants. What I want to know is, what happened to Toby's hot model girl from the wedding!?
over a year ago marissa said…
i love toby.

love, love, love.

just the way his eyes are sunken in and his really dry, depressed tone of voice.

i just love him.
he's like a puppy that just needs a hug.

from pam.

i REALLY want him to get a girl and i was SO happy for him at the wedding, but he obviouslt wants pam...

...but JIM is supposed to be with pam...

...but jim is with karen right now, so maybe for a little while pam could date him and make him happy...

...but then she'd have to dump him because they CANT not go anywhere with jam...

...and toby will be crushed!

but i think pam could like toby.
"I was really looking forward to hanging out with you."

and remember in the fire during 'who would you do'?
she went "oooo toby!"

....of course she was just trying to avoid saying jim...

toby needs a break.