The Office Take Your Daughter to Work Day

cycle-of-menace posted on Oct 22, 2007 at 01:19AM
I was just watching this episode and noticed that all the children there have divorced parents. Just something I noticed....kind of sad, too.
Also, it seems like the only person in the office who is actually happily married for the first time is Phyliss, and the only people that actually are married are her and Stanley. And Creed might have a wife somewhere he doesn't know about. XD
Although I'm sure we'll have another couple to add to that list soon ;]
Just something to think about.

The Office 2 replies

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over a year ago chel1395 said…
That is an excellent point. Although, it does match up to the statistics that half of the married couples today will end up divorcing. Maybe Dunder Mifflin Scranton is where all the divorcees go. :D
over a year ago marissa said…
wow....i never really thought about that.

maybe it says something about dunder mifflin and what it does to marriges! :P