The Office Office Fans - What Are Your Other Favorite Shows?

lemming posted on Jan 19, 2007 at 07:53PM
Hey all. It's been great getting to know other Office fans on the site, but I want to know what other shows do you watch when you aren't watching The Office?

I've seen a few of you on the other tv spots, but I wanna talk about some other shows too. What else are you guys into?

Personally, I'm a big Heroes and Lost fan. I also love Top Chef (which I post religiously) and documentaries of any kind.

The Office 20 replies

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over a year ago ehcanadian said…
I used to be a Lost fan, but then I lost track of it when it changed times. So I'm going to start watching it when it comes back on February 7th.
Favorite character is Jack... Or Locke. But Locke's gotten weird lately, from what I managed to watch. I liked him first season a lot better.
Are you a Jack/Kate fan? Or a Sawyer/Kate fan?
I personally go for the good doctor ship myself, but I've read about Sawyer/Kate, too.

I really wanted to start watching Heroes, but I haven't gotten the time to sit in front of my computer for about seven hours and watch it all... Blast.

I watch Grey's Anatomy religiously. I think Thursdays are great TV time, because it's the Office, then I switch channels, and boom, GA's starting! Too bad Alias went off the air...
over a year ago lemming said…

I'm a big Locke fan (at least for the Locke of season 1). I'm also a big Sawyer fan. Don't care so much about who Kate is paired with though. I think season 3 has still been pretty solid. Weird, but still compelling. You can't top season 1 though for wide-eyed wonder.

Oh, and my least favorite lost character is Charlie (I just think he's such a whiner).

Heroes is great and it's just getting more and more interesting with each episode. There's a good collection of Heroes episodes in the Heroes spot if you want to catch up. I highly recommend it.

I was also an Alias fan for seasons 1 and 2. Season 3 started to lose it, imho. I detested most of season 5, including the finale. I really didn't need to see my favorite character, Jack, paying the ultimate price :-(

Grey's is one show I haven't yet gotten into, but I hear it's great.

I'll admit it gets tricky to manage too many shows though. Especially the serialized ones.
over a year ago abbycrisman said…
I love Office but I will definitely see you on the 24 spot too
over a year ago Baryonyx said…
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
Im not really a drama person but i like Lost. My favourite show is Scrubs! The office is great but scrubs... wow! I like the comedies... My name is Earl, Desperate Housewives, How I met your Mother. Oh and i absolutely adore the English office!
over a year ago PamandJim4ever said…
over a year ago petunia04 said…
Heroes is AMAZING! besides that I watch a lot of shows..too many to list...maybe I should get a life?!
over a year ago Kiddomike said…
I'm also a big House fan. Hugh Laurie is a great actor. I like House's sarcastic remarks and Hugh's ability to have an American accent well in fact he is british.
over a year ago hammertime9909 said…
24 is great. heroes is ok but it still has some work to be done. My Name is Earl is a great show everybody should watch that be fore the office. it is a great warm-up.
over a year ago marissa said…
heroes, studio 60. greys anatomy, crossing jordan, scrubs.
over a year ago penguin said…
Lost! Heroes, Grey's (although not as fervently invested lately), Brothers and Sisters

Matthew Fox and Evangeline Lilly just draw me in. I think it's the way their emotions read in their eyes.

Masi Oka cracks me up so much! I guess I fall for the earnest 'good guys'. Milo Ventimiglia has been a quiet favorite of mine for a few years now. I met him once on the set of Gilmore and he was nice to everyone.

I used to get really into Grey's, but sometimes not so much. Brothers and Sisters is a great drama too.
over a year ago jane-willow said…
the knights of prosparity and studio 60 are great.
over a year ago smoore23 said…
Desperate Housewives, Arrested Development, The OC, The Office (UK), and I'm getting started on Lost and I like it - same with Curb Your Enthusiasm.
over a year ago rockandroll89 said…
over a year ago tessajanuary said…
30 Rock, House, and Pushing Daisies are some of my favorite current shows.
over a year ago frmtheash said…
Scrubs, Arrested Development,3rd rock from the sun, Family guy, Monk 2 name a few
over a year ago yoyoder said…
Well, I tried to get into Lost this season but missing episodes just gets me really confused and I don't want to take the time of watching them online. This year I really got into House. It is a well-rounded show with the mystery, House drama, comic parts are wonderful and Hugh is just awesome. I like House way better than Grey's because it has drama in it but it doesn't rule the whole show. I am also getting slightly into Scrubs but not totally yet.
over a year ago noyollot said…
I like, Pushing daisies, Chuck, Lost, House MD, Doctor who, Big Bang theory.
over a year ago FloatingMuffins said…
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Las Vegas) is pretty sweet.
over a year ago _lina_ said…
House MD, Gilmore Girls, Pushing Daisies, Ghost Whisperer, and I'm starting to like Samantha Who?, too.