The Office People bashing Season 4 already....

immisterkevin posted on Oct 02, 2007 at 05:24AM
Not even two episodes in, and people, even fans, are saying how awful the show is going to be.

Just because they see the promo pics of them out of the office and they assume going on location is the writer's way of trying too hard.

God. I thought those 'fans' were more loyal than that.

The Office 6 replies

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over a year ago nonames said…
yeah plus one of the picks asked if they wanted to see the cast in more office outings and people said yes!
over a year ago pencilcup said…
I know! Last season people kept saying that they would like to see "outside" episodes.. What is up with that? And how can one judge and predict and speculate about an entire season of 30 episodes based on the first episode? Come on people, give it a chance.
over a year ago chel1395 said…
Where are all these people that are bashing The Office? I haven't heard a single bad thing but everyone keeps bringing this up.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pencilcup said…
Hi Chel.
There were a lot of "bashing" posts at the NBC episode comments. I also spotted quite a few at Officetally and at some other sites.
But, the less you know about these the better. It just ruins your mood. It did ruin mine at least.
over a year ago purpleswan said…
*shrugs* some people are just never happy with anything. screw 'em, i say. ;)
over a year ago the_bunkster said…
thats the way, purpleswan, i totally agree, seriously though, they obviously aren't loyal fans if they are saying that stuff about it already the first episode was prolly my fave one so far! i cant wait for the next ep