The Office what office pranks have YOU pulled?

i_eat_pigeons posted on Sep 03, 2007 at 06:33PM
I attempted putting my brother's action figure in jello but it wasn't heavy enough so it rose to the top. Plus, my brother was pretty angry; he's very particular about his toys. ;)

The Office 6 replies

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over a year ago snoznoodle said…
My Mum has a friend who loved the UK Office so she put his stapler in jello. lol and he's English so just before he said "Who's taken my bloddy stapler?" She didn't end up putting it in his draw though it was too big and he caught her as she was trying to hide it somewhere.
over a year ago llerenaprincipe said…
is it me or does it smell like updog in here?
thats all for now
over a year ago i_eat_pigeons said…
i just pulled that a few minutes ago on a fellow office watcher who hasnt made the connection yet... but how could you not? ;)
over a year ago llerenaprincipe said…
mine or snoznoodle's? :P
over a year ago i_eat_pigeons said…
over a year ago llerenaprincipe said…
took u a week to asnwee :P