The Office If you haven't seen the original BBC version of The Office...

lemming posted on Nov 22, 2006 at 01:47AM
I've just posted all the episodes from season 1, 2 and the 4-part Christmas special to the Office UK spot.

For Office fans who haven't seen the original, you should check it out. It's very different but equally brilliant.


The Office 5 replies

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over a year ago snoznoodle said…
Thanks! I saw the BBC one first and Im in love with it... as well as the US one!
over a year ago weegee said…
I cant understand their accents

the US Dwight is better
over a year ago Kiddomike said…
I love both BBC's and NBC's the office! They rock! I agree with weegee, Dwight is way better than Gareth.
over a year ago marissa said…
you have to admit...gareth looks way cooler.
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
Sorry guys but u cant say Dwight is better than Garath. Dwight is incredibly awesome, dont get me wrong, but Garath is the real deal! Seriously Im sure Ive met at least 5 people who are exactly the same as him! And hes soooo creepy looking. Lol no wonder why he went on to be an ugly one-eyed pirate in Pirates of the Caribbean. Sorry Im very defensive of the BBC show, its just amazing.

p.s Dwight rules!