The Mummy Movies Sex and the City---Great Show !!!

shannie5460 posted on Oct 20, 2010 at 01:33AM
Thanks to great writing, real-life NYC backgrounds, and enthusiastic acting by the four female leads,link is nearly flawless in its excellence and fun. If it has a flaw, perhaps it is that it is ‘completely addicting’! link is, in a few words, the wittyest, funniest, and most entertaining piece of television on the air. With the passing of its British counterpart, "Absolutely Fabulous," thank God that HBO has come up with a show that is intelligent and hilarious. Carrie Bradshaw, a "sex anthropologist" who writes a column about the modern woman's dating woes, finally finds the right man in Mr. Big, although in one second season episode she thinks the relationship is over because he won't let her leave a hair dryer at his apartment. Carrie is the only "single and fabulous" woman that has a stable relationship. Although she sometimes strays, "He was straight and a smoker. Everything that I was looking for that night." Her nympho high society friend Samantha has "survived the dating scene in New York for the past 30 years by becoming a hybrid. The body of a woman with the ego of a man." Samantha at least has the decency to sleep with a man only once before moving on, and on and on and on. Charlotte on the other hand, is a naive good girl who seems to lure bad boys. Miranda is a successful lawyer but is a paranoid woman, suffering from various neurosis. In one episode, she has the fantasy that she will remain single forever and end of dying eaten by her cat. Miranda prevents this by overfeeding her cat. These are all very real and interesting women, whose problems you can watch and say, "Yeah that's exactly what happens!" The show in ‘link’ is pure pleasure to behold, with Carrie and her whacked-out friends trying to survive the single life in a New York filled with neverending chaos. I hope that they keep struggling forever, because without link, Sunday nights wouldn't be as much fun! This show is definitely for mature people who enjoy watching four women work out problems that we all have in real life, only much much funnier.


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