The Jonas Brothers Band Breaking up

MRSJOEJONAS900 posted on Mar 08, 2009 at 12:13AM
what would you do if the band broke up..i would be so angry!! but they probably wont because in an interview they said they won't break up because they live together. So tell me what you would do if they did.

The Jonas Brothers 4 replies

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over a year ago emisa123 said…
big smile
I would cheer and throw a party
over a year ago lovenickforever said…
omg how could u!!i would actually cry and never stop crying i live them a lot
over a year ago kveronica said…
i would cry 4 100 years. then anther 1000 years
over a year ago BlondeGirl93 said…
i would be soo upset. how can anyone be happy and throw a party