The Hunger Games Another (yes another) RP

Grrrrr posted on Jul 25, 2013 at 02:52AM
OKEY DOKEY everybody. Why don't we start out the day before our characters enter the arena. So assume we already did the chariot rides, and got picked, etc.

1. For your character you have to say what district they are from, what they are good at (in combat), and tell a little bit about their past.
2.No controlling other people's tributes unless they say you can.
3.. Only the person who the tribute belongs to can say when they die, but no living forever

The ARENA: The tributes start off in a black tunnel. At the end of the tunnel there is a striking mountain scene. On top of each mountain is a mysterious forest.

District 1 Boy:
District 1 Girl:

District 2 Boy:
District 2 Girl:

District 3 Boy:
District 3 Girl:

District 4 Boy: Charles McCarque
District 4 Girl:

District 5 Boy:
District 5 Girl:

District 6 Boy: Ash Laken
District 6 Girl: Rose Marks

District 7 Boy:
District 7 Girl:

District 8 Boy:
District 8 Girl:

District 9 Boy:
District 9 Girl:

District 10 Boy:
District 10 Girl: Nicole Lenor

District 11 Boy: Finn Meis
District 11 Girl:

District 12 Boy:
District 12 Girl

I'm done talking so......LET'S START
last edited on Jul 27, 2013 at 12:17AM

The Hunger Games 161 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 161

over a year ago Dovemoon said…
"Mom. " he says, noticing the similarities, he keeps talking. " Dad--disappeared---at sea. What-- about you?"
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
"Dad," he huffs. "Mom -- died giving-- birth." Ash was relieved the similarities has stopped. He was afraid if they were too alike it'd be harder in the end.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Charles nodded, letting out a mental sigh that similitaries stopped. "so..- what-- do you do---for work?"
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
Ash paused. He didn't want to tell Charles he was a criminal, in case he didn't trust him any more. But he didn't want to lie, either.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Charles looked over at him. He had had a dark past but then he found the right way eventually. He waited expectantly.
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
Ash let out a heavy breath. "I'm -- actually -- uh, I -- I'm kind of a -- thief," Ash said shyly, keeping his eyes straight ahead.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Charles nodded, accepting it fairly well. " High --class----or --street ---level? " he huffed casually.
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
"High -- class -- been doing -- it for -- a while," Ash replies. He is relieved by how well Charles is taking it. He starts to think this might be a really good thing.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Charles nodded, " I--- used to-- work---high class--too."
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
"After your -- dad -- disappeared?"
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
"For--awhile--- but yea"
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
"Yeah -- I started -- after my dad -- got in -- a wood chopping -- accident -- and couldn't -- work."
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Charles nodded. "Now--I work-- as a --- free--diver-- for a --pearl company-- or who --ever hires--me"
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
"You like that?"
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Charles shrugged. "it's not the same.. But--same adrenaline--Sorta. Shark hunting--is a rush-- but not the same-- I miss it - honestly. -- but it protects - my family"
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
"From -- Peacekeepers? Yeah -- they aren't -- that bad -- in 6. Everyone -- pretty much -- has -- weapons so.."
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
"not just-- peacekeepers, -- other criminals."
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
"I see -- did you work -- in a -- group -- or alone?"
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
" For a group-- but jobs were --done on my -Own. -- what about-- you?"
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
"Mostly on -- my own -- every -- once and a -- while -- take on -- a newbie in -- a -- similar -- situation."
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Charles nods and slows down " .. Why were we jogging again?"
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
"Get away from where most of the tributes will be camped out while we figure things out."
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
"Oh, right. I think we've made pretty good distance though, don't you?"
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
"Yeah. Wanna make camp?"
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
"yeah sure."
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
"So what's in the pack?"
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
"Dunno yet." he slings it off his shoulder and opens it up.
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
Ash looks expectantly to see what the bag will hold.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
The bag had two sleeping bags, a bottle of water and a fire starter along with a few other things.
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
"Nice," Ash says in response to the belongings of the bag. "So how do you wanna work the sleeping arrangements?"
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
"one of us can stay guard and we can switch off. But we can either sleep up in the trees or at the base. Your call. "
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
"I don't know how comfortable you are I'm trees, but that's be best for me. Ill take first watch shift."
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
"I'll settle at the base and if something goes wrong I'll climb up. That works. "
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
"Sounds good. Night," Ash said as he began to climb up the tree and keep watch.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
"night.. " he lays down at the base of the tree.
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
(What do we do about who did/didn't die in the Blood Bath? And do you wanna wait to go on until more people have joined?)
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
( um.., I really don't know since Grrrrr isn't on.. And yeah. But you can ask around to get more people involved..)
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
(Will do.)
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
name: Mirra Rivera
age: 17
district: 12 girl
good in combat at: hand-to-hand, with knifes and she's fast.
short past: she's only child and lives together with her father and mother. Because her father was afraid that mirra might get hurt he thought her some hand-to-hand combat (a bit) and how to defend yourself with knifes. Somethimes when they had no food at all she used to steal good from the Guards and run away or hide.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Yea! Super excited!
over a year ago A-347 said…
Narissa Keriss
Age: 16
Gender: Girl
District: 2
Long, bright red curly hair and green eyes
Average Height
Above average Weight (muscle not fat)
Usually plays the 'female BAMF, independent, masculine' angle

Narissa is good in weaponry even people from her own district have a struggle in beating her accuracy. She works dilligently in assuring that her weapon hits its mark whether it be a spear, sword or bow and arrow etc. Usually she performs a lot of one-hit kills. She's been taught from a young age how to fight hand-to-hand so she's decent at it but not as good as she is with weapons.

When it comes to survival skills, she knows the basics but flops a bit. For example, she'd be great at killing an animal but not as great at cooking it. She knows the well known poison berries but not the more obscure ones. She isn't necessarily all brawn and no brain, she's good at coming up with strategies, just not good at the knowledge.

Despite her district, her past had actually given her a secret hate for the Capitol. Even though in front of the other Careers she pretends to be a Capitol puppet, pretends to be really strong, tough and bloodthirsty, she really sees herself as a victim in all of this. Too many times when she was younger, had her parents forced her to watch violent, scarring, uncensored coverage of the gory games and she refused to accept that it was right. She refused to accept that people from her district were brainwashed into thinking that it was perfectly okay to violently, ruthlessly and innocently slaughter each other.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Ah! Yeah! Welcome to the rp
over a year ago A-347 said…
(Thanks :) )
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
Yay! I'm so excited for y'all to join!! :)))
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
big smile
Super excited!!!!!
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
I've got another thinking about it Dove
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Oh awesome!!!
over a year ago 666demon said…
Ares Vince
district 2 boy
Good at: beating the shit out of people who need the shit beat out of them, knife throwing, swinging swords, axes, surprisingly snares and knowing what is poison and what's not, quick thinking in the heat of things and hunting for food and stealing food, providing distractions, protecting Athena when need be.

dark crimson red hair, jet blue eyes, tan skin tone, scars covering any visible part of his body since the crazy chick from his district went loco crazy on him from saving a

Ares had a great, great grandfather who married, had a child with and divorced a woman from 9, that quickly became a tradition and now we are with the children from 2 and 9. Growing up Ares lived with his mother while his twin lived with her Father. Life was hard. He knew he had a sister, she just wouldn't tell him. They were both picked for the games.

Athena Vince
district 9 girl.,
good at: knives providing distractions, stealing food, learning things from Ares, small hunters axes.

black hair, light green eyes, tan skin, stripe of blood across her forehead both cheeks chin ad bridge of nose.

Its pretty much like Ares only a lot more funnier.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Cooool. Super exciting