The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Neptune (Poseidon)

Jas55jar posted on Feb 19, 2011 at 12:50AM
Title: The Son of Neptune (Poseidon)
Rating: YA
Type: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance
Percy – Son of Poseidon
Lizzy – Daughter of Minerva (OC)
Roxy - Daughter of Trivia (OC)
Remy - Faun (OC)
Dakota – Daughter of Mars
Gwen – Daughter of Ceres
Hazel – Daughter of Ceres
Reyna – Daughter of Mercury
Bobby – Son of Apollo
Annabeth – Daughter of Athena
Jason – Son of Jupiter
Piper – Daughter of Aphrodite
Leo – Son of Hephaestus

Percy wakes up to find he has no memory, and is taken to the Roman camp. While Annabeth, Grover, Nico and Thalia are searching for Percy, then work on the Argo II. Both camps have to work together to stop the world from devastation.
I do not own The Percy Jackson series or The Heroes of Olympus Series. All rights go to Rick Riordan.

last edited on Mar 05, 2011 at 10:14PM

The Heroes of Olympus 342 replies

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over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
i dedicate this chapter to wisegurl, TheMagic Word and babbytreegrowth!!!!

Chapter 1:
I opened my eyes to find myself lying on the beach; the waves were pounding the sand in a steady rhythm. There was a slight breeze. Why am I on a beach? Whoa I thought where am I? Then I thought who am I? Unfortunately I had no answer. This isn’t good, I thought. I felt totally empty like everything my life was, is now gone. Let me tell you, it feels horrible; there is nothing worse than finding yourself with absolutely nothing and having no clue what it is you should be doing.
I felt compelled to be closer to the water so I got up and started walking along the water’s edge. When the water came in contact with my feet, I felt better, but I still had no idea what to do. Curse the gods. What, where did that come from? I was trying to think of any reason why I would think that but I was interrupted by someone shouting.
‘Percy’ I heard a girl yell. I turned around and saw a girl running up to me. She was maybe 16 or 17 years old, she had startling grey eyes and long, black curly hair.
‘There you are Percy’, she said when she reached me ‘I was looking for you’.
‘Umm, who are you?’
‘Percy stop being stupid, you know who I am’
‘No I don’t’
‘No more joking around, we have to go my mum will be waiting’
She grabbed my arm and started to pull me along the beach.
‘I really don’t know who you are, I woke up just then and I don’t remember anything’
‘Are you being serious?’ she studied my face trying to decided if I was telling the truth, I guess my expression must have told her I was. ‘I’m Lizzy, your best friend; you really don’t remember do you?’ She looked concerned.
‘No I rea-’
‘Hey Lizzy, what’s up?’
I turned around and saw a guy of around 17 standing next to me. He had perfect hair, and a muscled chest, he look self obsessed. I don’t like him, I thought instantly. If only then I had known he would be the one to make my day go from bad to worse, I would have killed him right there. On instinct I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out a pen. On the side I said anaklusmos, which I somehow knew meant riptide. I had a feeling I was going to need it soon, I returned it to my pocket, without anyone noticing.
‘Uh, not much Henry’ she replied.
‘You going to surf, or are you wimping out?’ he said to me, I was sure he was thinking I was going to say no.
‘No, he’s going to surf’ Lizzy said.
‘Stop talking nerd, I wasn’t asking you’
‘I am going to surf’ I said going along with Lizzy, anything to make this guy shut up.
‘Whatever’ he said walking away.
‘I thought we were leaving’
‘No, he’s won every competition and is always bragging, you are the only one who would be able to beat him’
‘But, I don’t know how to surf’
‘Oh’, she had a look on her face as though she was thinking of a way to get him to lose ‘well you’re a natural, I’ve seen you surf your great, it comes naturally to you, so you will be fine’
‘If you say so’
‘It starts in five minutes, you get ready and I’ll go get your board’
I went into the change rooms to get ready. The changed room emptied and until the only one left was Henry. I tried to ignore him, when I was about to leave Henry came up me. He had a look on his face that said he was going to kill me.
‘I’ve known about Lizzy for a while now, but my mistress said the time wasn’t right, that I should wait. I never thought she meant that there would be another half-blood. I guess now is the right time’
‘What are you talking about’ I said confused.
What did he mean by half-blood?
‘It’s time to kill you demigod’
He clicked his fingers and strong gust of wind hit me, I flew out the door crashing into Lizzy who was holding my surfboard. We fell to the ground. I stumbled while getting up, and then I turned around to help Lizzy.
‘Are you okay’ I asked her.
‘Yeah, I’m fine’
Henry came out of the change rooms and glared at Lizzy. The breeze picked up to speed and was blowing sand everywhere, the waves were coming in faster, the tide rising. People were leaving the beach immediately, if they were close enough to catch sight of Henry they started running. I wonder what they were seeing.
‘Roman, you will pay for my brothers’ deaths’ Henry said to Lizzy.
‘You’re crazy’ she replied.
Henry looked as though he was actually going to kill her. Henry’s body dissolved into smoke, his body was now swirling black vapour and his eyes like electrical sparks. He’s a storm spirit I thought. Just then three more storm spirits appeared. So on instinct I pulled out my pen and uncapped it. It turned into a wickedly sharp celestial bronze sword, its weight felt perfectly balanced in my hands. Henry look startled and backed up for a moment, but then they came charging at me.
While I had them distracted with my sword Lizzy grabbed the surf board and whacked Henry with it. We were both surprised when it went flying to the sand 20 metres away. He was outraged, it was like he had turned into a psycho killer, and he pushed Lizzy down into the sand and then sent her flying into the water. The beach was now deserted.
‘Percy, you need to kill them’ Lizzy gasped, struggling to get up.
I raised my sword and let my instincts take over, I swung at the first storm spirit my sword passed through his body and he dissolved into gold dust. I felt a tug in my gut and I saw the waves rising and becoming more violent. The waves were rising to 6 metres high. The waves distracted the other two storm spirits so it was easy to go up to them and swing my sword. That left only Henry. I didn’t know if I was good enough to kill him, he sent a fierce wind into me, it knocked me to the ground and I fell onto my leg hard. I was surprised it didn’t break.
The tug in my gut was getting stronger and I realised I had a small tornado surrounding me, it was pushing Henry towards the water.
‘What, how are you doing that, who are you half-blood?’ Henry asked.
‘Percy, that’s amazing’ Lizzy said. She gasped ‘the water Percy, use the water’
I chose not to reply, but to do what she said by pushing Henry into the water. I put on a strong burst of wind and he went flying into the water, the wave crashing into him. Electric volts surged throughout the water and even though Henry was a storm spirit it didn’t agree with him.
I could see he didn’t have much energy left.
‘Yeah, water doesn’t mix with lightning does it?’
He was so angry that he used the last of his energy to blast a strong gust of wind at Lizzy and send her flying out 15 metres into the ocean. I rushed to help her, even though I knew it would mean Henry would get away, but I had to help Lizzy.
I dove into the water and I felt exhilarated. I urged myself to get to Lizzy as fast as possible. When I reached her she was totally submerged. I pulled her head out of the water, and she took a deep breath.
‘Thanks’ she said gasping for air.
‘No problem’ I replied.
I pulled us back to the shore we both lay down on the sand gasping for breath, once out of the water I felt exhausted. I couldn’t see Henry anywhere, I knew he had left, that guy was so crazy, who was his mistress I thought because if he’s bad she must be so much worse.
I hope you like it!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
It's really good! I like it!
over a year ago loony4luna said…
when will u post again
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
tonight :D
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
I dedicate this chapter to wisegurl, PJhero02 and orpher for encouraging me to write more!!! and to kaylap1410 and loony4luna for commenting!!!!

Chapter 2
‘C’mon Lizzy, we should go’
‘Mmmmm, my arm hurts’
I stood up, and I noticed that along with many scratches and bruises, Lizzy’s arm was bent at a weird angle.
‘Oh, we should get that fixed; hey didn’t you say your mum was here?’
‘Yea, she is probably wondering where we are’
‘Let’s go’ I said helping Lizzy to her feet. We started moving towards the car park when Lizzy stopped.
‘Who’s that?’ she asked.
I looked around and then I noticed a guy around 16 – 17 with crutches standing next to his car, a silver ford fiesta. He was staring at us with wide eyes. Who is he? Why is he looking at us? Why didn’t he leave like everyone else? I thought. I was intent on getting my answers, so I dragged myself and Lizzy over to him.
‘Hello’ I said ‘Who are you?’
‘I’m Remy…I saw what you just did, it was amazing how did you do it?’
‘Yea, how did you make that tornado?’ Lizzy said he grey eyes searching me.
‘I don’t know…I just did’ I replied
I have so many questions, I had to ask him, but before I could, Lizzy did. It didn’t matter though; it was exactly what I was going to ask.
‘What were those things and why were they attacking us?’ Lizzy asked.
‘They were storm spirits, and they were attacking you because you’re half-bloods, your scents are strong, you must be really powerful’ he replied
‘What do you mean by half-blood?’
‘Half mortal, half god’ I said. Whoa, no idea where that came from, but I knew I was right.
‘Yeah, you’re half-bloods. You know the Roman myths about the gods, well they still exist’
‘Like Jupiter, Juno and Neptune? Lizzy asked
‘Yeah, that-
‘No, that’s not right; don’t you mean Zeus, Hera and Poseidon?’ I asked
‘Nah, the Greek gods died when the Roman gods took over’
That’s not right, it’s the Greek gods, I’ve never heard of the Roman gods being alive, I thought. Not that I would know seeing as I had no memory. I didn’t say anything though.
‘Are you a demigod?’ I asked
‘No I’m a faun’
‘Satyr’ I corrected automatically
‘No, I’m a faun’ he said confused ‘why do you use the Greek terms?’
‘I just do’ I said. I thought it was strange too, why do I use Greek terms and Remy uses Roman terms. Something’s not right.
Oh’ said Remy, just noticing Lizzy’s arm ‘I have something to fix your arm…what’s your name’
‘I’m Lizzy and this is Percy’ Lizzy said gesturing to me.
He reached into his pocket pulling out what looked like a lemon square and gave it to Lizzy.
‘This will heal you from almost all wounds’
Lizzy took a bite and on her face was a look of relief.
‘What is it?’ she asked ‘it’s so strange. It tastes like chocolate’
‘The food of the gods’ I said quietly
‘Yes, that’s right, it’s fatal to mortals, but is okay for demigods. As long as you don’t eat too much, otherwise you’ll burn up and die, how do you know so much Percy?’
‘I don’t know, I woke up today with no memory, I don’t know anything it’s so frustrating!’
‘Looks like the work of a god, hmm I wonder why, you’ll probably find out when we get to the camp’ Remy mused ‘I think you two need to come with me’
‘Why? And what’s this camp?’ I asked
‘I’ll explain on the way, get in the car’
‘What about my mum?’ Lizzy asked
‘Don’t worry, you can explain to her later’ he said getting into his car.
So without bothering to think about the consequences of getting into a stranger’s car, we both followed him in. It was quiet, no one was talking, I turned to Lizzy and she gave me a look that said that she didn’t know if she could believe this guy. I replied with a look that said it’s okay, he’s probably not crazy. She faced the front and looked at Remy.
‘Where are we even going?’ Lizzy said
‘Oh, sorry forgot to tell you, we are going to a training camp for Roman demigods, it’s called The Senate and the People of Rome, SPQR for short. At the camp you train to fight monster, to survive’
Okay, I thought this is soooooo weird, I was sure that a place like this shouldn’t exist, that there was something wrong. Grrrr, why can’t I remember anything?
I looked outside and saw a sign saying Highway 24. Then we went through the Caldecott Tunnel. I had a feeling I wasn’t supposed to be here. That it was forbidden. After that I spaced out, thinking about the day’s events. I believed what Remy said, that the gods are real, that monsters kill demigods and because of them we have to train and fight, but Roman I just couldn’t get it out of my head that it wasn’t right. I was missing something, my memory of course but something else, something I should remember that would explain why I feel this way.
‘We’re here’ Remy announced
We all got out of the car and what I saw was amazing!

Hope you like it, please comment!!!!!!!!
P.S. you can spam as much as you want, because i LOVE it!!!
over a year ago wisegurl said…
I love spam too!! Just not a ton..
Another amazing chappie!! Can't wait til u post again :D
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
It is a really great story! I can't wait to read more of it! I luv spam but I do wish Percyrulz would stop posting guess my gender on my forum! Honestly who freaking cares! Anyways I know we share an obsession with the i am number four movie cuz Alex Pettyfer is spicy! I want to watch it sooooooo bad!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
yea, the movie will be awesome!!!!! Alex, yea he's hot...but my sister says he ugly and I get sooo angry at her!!!!!
anyway I'll post maybe later today (it's only 8:00am here) or maybe early tomorrow :D
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
Sorry but your sister sucks! Just saying! Have you seen him shirtless?
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
OMG yesssss i have!!!! it comes out in 4 days, i cant wait!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
Already came out here! I just need to go to the movie theatre! Is the book worth reading?
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
i dunno, i havnt started it, ill tell you tonight cos ill spend all day reading it, omg i gotta go start now!!! the trailer is awesome dont u think?!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
Yep! I read the first two chapters but I want to know if it is worth reading the whole thing
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
ok, ill tell you when i finish!!! books r usually better than the movie, so it probably is, but the books dont have alex pettyfer in it LOL!!!!
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
I know!
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
Changed my icon! Whatca think?
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
I'm more than halfway through the book, its really good!!
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
Damn! Now i have to buy it! I know I'll watch the movie with my gift card and then beg my mom so I can get it. My friends still want me to read Angel from the Maximum Ride series but I think it sucks so if do it won't be soon
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
hi I love the story. I am number four is definitely worth reading and just wondering, whats wrong with maximum ride?
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
They aren't connected at all. And they just creep me out! I can read about wizards and demigods, but I draw the line when there is mutant bird freaks with wings. And i don't really like any of the characters. Max is too whinny and fang is too emo. Sorry I just don't see the apeal
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
well I like nudge and i liked angel back when she wasn't creepy. fang is kinda Emo but max doesn't really seem whiney the only problem with max is she seems bipolar. she acts all tough most of the time and then starts bawling... i just think the books are interesting.
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
Chapter 3
This place SPQR is incredible. It’s huge, it’s like a fortress with high stone walls, like nothing could get in unwanted, and it looked undefeatable. We walked to the front, where there was a huge gate, like a portcullis. Impressive, I thought.
‘How do we get in?’ Percy asked
‘Oh, that’s easy; if you know how’ Remy said ‘you just have to signal to the soldiers, so they know who we are’
With that, he …
The gates opened.
We walked in, it was amazing. All around us were people in battle armour, with various weapons, fighting each other, training. In front of us came two soldiers, a girl with long dark brown hair and a red spear and a boy with blonde hair carrying a bow and arrows.
‘Hey guys, this is Lizzy and Percy, I found them at the beach today, they had just fought off three venti’ Remy said
‘Hi’ Percy and I said together
‘Hello, I’m Dakota, Daughter of Mars’ said the girl
‘And I’m Bobby, Son of Apollo’ the boy said ‘Do you know who your parents are yet?’
‘No, but it’s my mother, and we don’t know about Percy’s’ I said
‘Why?’ Bobby asked
‘I don’t have any memory; I woke up a few hours ago with nothing. I have no idea who I am, so there is no way I would know who my godly parent is’ Percy explained
‘I think it’s the work of a god’ Remy said
‘Whoa, that’s harsh man’ Bobby said
‘Okay’ Dakota said ‘Bobby you give Percy a tour and I’ll show Lizzy around’
‘Sure’ Bobby replied
‘C’mon Lizzy, let’s go’
We walked around the camp; I couldn’t stop staring everything was so unbelieveable. Dakota showed me the archery range, the training arena, there was even a climbing wall, I’d like to give that a try, I thought. She showed me the dining pavilion, it was massive. Then we walked to the cabins. There was 20 in total, they each looked different, Dakota told me this was because they each represented a different god, and that whoever your godly parent is you live in the cabin representing them.
‘Which is your cabin?’ I asked
‘That red one over there, number five’ she replied
It was gruesome. It looked like a total warrior cabin. It was painted a violent red colour; it was covered with old weapons, like swords, spears and shields. I could tell that it was a total war room. I wonder what it would look like inside, probably more weapons than on the outside!
‘Which one will I be in?’ I asked
‘You will be in the Mercury cabin, cabin eleven. Percy will too, he’s the god of thieves and travellers, so until you’re claimed you’ll stay there. You could be claimed tonight or maybe tomorrow, then you will go in your godly parents’ cabin’ she explained
‘Who do you think she is’ I asked
‘Hmm, hard to tell, seeing as you haven’t been here long, maybe Minerva or Venus, are you a girly girl obsessed with makeup and boys?’
‘Ha, no way’
‘Are you smart?’
‘Well, yeah you could say that’
‘Well, your mum is probably Minerva, but she could be Nike or maybe someone else, we’ll find out soon’
A conch horn blew.
‘C’mon its dinner’
When we arrived at the dining pavilion, the tables were already loaded with people.
‘You will sit at the Mercury table’ Dakota said pointing a table with mischievous looking kids.
‘Thanks’ I said
I saw Percy already sitting down and waved. I walked over to him and sat down.
‘Hey, how was your tour?’ I asked
‘It wa –’
‘A good day of training soldiers, and we welcome two new demigods. Percy and Lizzy, they are both currently unclaimed. Let’s eat’ a woman with really straight, long brown hair said. I guessed she was the camp director.
On the table’s food magically appeared. I gasped.
‘Cool’ Percy said
We loaded our plates with food; I got some steak and some vegies. Everyone rose and put their best piece of food in the braziers surrounding the tables.
‘What are we doing?’ I asked Percy
‘It’s an offering to the gods, they like the smell’ he said, then he got a confused look on his face like he had no idea how he know that. I guess he didn’t know.
‘Oh’ I said, putting in my juiciest bit of steak.
We sat back down. I started eating and the food tasted great. Then I noticed a cup on the table in front on me. I picked it up and noticed it was empty.
‘Just tell it what you want’ a girl from across the table said
‘Ohhkay’ I said sceptically, but I did what she said. ‘Lemonade’ I said
The moment I said it lemonade magically appeared
‘Whoa, that is so cool’ I said
‘Yeah’ said the girl from across the table ‘I’m Taylor, Daughter of Mercury’
‘Nice to meet you’ I said
Then we both continued to eat. When everyone was finished the woman once again rose from her table ‘You are dismissed. You may proceed to the campfire or to your cabin. Lights out at 11 o’clock’ she announced ‘and if you’re caught out of bed, you’ll be punished painfully’
That’s harsh, I thought.
Then I heard a collective gasp from around me…

I hope you like it, plz comment!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
OMG people, what's with the not commenting, cat got all ur tongues!!!! jks, but yea plz comment, i wanna no what u think!!!!
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
I am too lazy to read rite now but promise I will later.
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
Chapter 4
Everyone turned to look at me. A grey light came from above me; I looked up and saw why everyone had gasped. Floating above my head was a symbol of an owl.
‘Hail, Lizzy Daughter of Minerva, goddess of wisdom and warriors.’ Chiron said
WOOOOO, now I’m claimed.
A daughter of Minerva approached me. She had honey blonde hair and grey eyes, a trait of the children of Minerva (though some like me, have black hair).
‘Hi, I’m Hanna, do you want to see our?’ she asked excitedly
‘Sure’ I replied
So instead of going to the campfire, we walked over to the grouping of cabins and headed to a grey cabin with the symbol of an owl on top.
‘I think you’re going to like it’ Hanna said before we entered
I kept silent and walked inside. Inside there were six bunk beds, they were lined up against one wall. There were also desks, all with paper strewn about. This is perfect I thought.
‘You can have the bed under mind if you want’ Hanna said
‘OK, cool, but I don’t have any of my stuff, and I need to talk to my step mum’
‘What about your dad?’ she asked
‘Oh, well he doesn’t even notice me, so I really don’t want to call him’
‘Well, it’s late so you can call your step mum and get your stuff tomorrow’
‘OK, well I’m tired so I’m going to sleep’ I said
‘OK, be ready to meet the rest of your brothers and sister tomorrow’ Hanna said
‘I can’t wait’ I replied
I got into bed. I finally feel at home I thought, but then the disturbing thought of Percy and the mist entered my mind.
I had been friends with Percy for half a year. We were both outcasts, and we bonded over that. We became best friends. I thought that I knew Percy, but maybe I was wrong. The mist may have put thought in my head, but I was determined that we could still be friends.
I drifted off to sleep thinking about tomorrow.
I dreamt about my father and my step mum. The worst day of my life.
I was only 12, I was in my house watching TV, but nothing interesting was on, I couldn’t sit still. So I was just walking around and around the house. I went outside, thinking that something out there might interest me. I grabbed a tennis ball, and started chucking it at the wall, not really fun, but it was something to do. I heard a growl from behind me and I whipped around to see a hellhound. I didn’t know what to do, but I knew I had to get help. I went inside, I knew it would follow, but I went in anyway. I raced into my father’s bed room to find him still asleep. I looked at the clock; it said 10:00am. Does he always have to sleep, I thought. My step mum wasn’t there; she must have gone shopping or something.
I left, not wanting to disturb him, he would no doubt get really angry and not even care about a giant hellhound I our backyard, I could see the hellhound knocking down the house, and my father just standing there helpless. Best to leave him I thought.
I ran back outside, on my way through the kitchen I grabbed a knife. The hellhound was huge, it towed over me, but I stood my ground. The hellhound growled and I knew the moment would soon come that I would die. I didn’t want to go down without a fight, so I looked the hellhound in the eyes, those big, bloodshot, evil eyes. This thing came from a dark place. I took a step forward, and waited. The hellhound charged, but I was faster. I got in under it, and started slashing at its legs with my knife.
The hellhound growled in pain, it was going to fall it thought. I ran out from under the beast, just then I fell over onto its side. I knew I would have to kill it, so before it could get back up and kill me I held onto my knife with a strong grip, and I killed the beast. I closed my eyes. When I opened them there was golden dust on the ground, I looked around at the backyard. It was trashed, nothing was in good condition.
‘WHAT?’ I heard my father yell
I turned around and saw him standing there; I knew that I was facing something worse than a hellhound, that I may not live to tell my story.

i am going to see I Am Number Four now, so im happy!!! and i will post more later!!!
over a year ago wisegurl said…
I just saw I am number 4!!
I was just a the movies like half an hour ago!!
It's a really good movie!!
To all u peoples-go and see I am number 4!! It's amazing!!

And btw u are a very good writer, keep it up:)
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…

over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
yeah, I am number 4 is the best movie ever, I was there like an hour ago!!!

thanx for connenting
over a year ago mcsdoctor said…
i wanna go and see i amd number 4 but no one will come with me, exept my brother but he doesn't count. BTW nice story
over a year ago orpher said…
That was cool. Um... Ya I'm not good with words so...
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
ok, i have a question for you guys, which would you prefer to go on a quest. a child of trivia or a child of ceres???

thanx for the comments!!!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
over a year ago orpher said…
Who's Ceres?
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
Ceres is the roman version of Demeter!!!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
I started reading this so good loved it and I say trivia!!!! :)
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Post soon!!!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
ok I'll post now, just for you!!!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
This is still chapter 4!!! hope you like it :D

‘What did you do?’ my father asked, his voice scaring me, chilling my blood.
‘Nothing, it was a hellhound’ I said
He went back inside and didn’t even help me. Even when my step mum came home she was nice enough that she was going to help me but dad told her not to. So I cleaned the whole backyard by myself, most of it had to be thrown away. When I was finished it was nearly dark and I was exhausted.
In one day I had ruined my relationship with my father, I guess it may have all of the other times monster had come chasing after me, but this time was the worst, and no one even congratulated me on killing a hellhound.
That was the day my father stopped talking me, from that day on he would never again acknowledge my existence. I guess it wasn’t smart, but I never spoke to him again either.
I woke up in a cold sweat. Why would I dream about that day? The worst day? I turned to look at the clock. It read 07:00am. Time to get up I thought. I sat up; it was then that I noticed other people stirring. Some were already sitting at their desks reading or drawing. Others were cleaning their weapons and putting on their armour, getting ready for today’s activities. I got out of bed and looked up. Hanna was awake. She was staring at me.
‘Good morning’ I said
‘Hey, nice hair’ she said, indicating the black mess on top of my head.
‘You should look in a mirror’ I retorted
She jumped off her bed, making a loud thump everyone turned to look at us.
‘Ready to meet everyone?’ she asked
‘As ready as I’ll ever be’ I answered
‘Hey, everyone come over here’ Hanna said
All of the Minerva children gathered in a line. There were 9 of them.
‘This is Lizzy’ Hanna announced
‘Hi’ I said
They all introduced themselves. There was Kallie, Cassidy, George, Peter, Koby, Brent, Tayla, Erika and Jaxon.
George was the eldest at 19 and Tayla was the youngest at 8.
‘Archery in half an hour’ George announced
They all left to get ready, all except for Hanna and Koby.
‘I wonder how good you are at archery’ my half brother Koby mused
‘Probably better than you’ Hanna said
‘So how do you like cabin six?’ Koby asked
‘I love it, I feel at home here’ I replied
That’s good’ Hanna said
‘Let’s show her the hidden rooms’ Koby said to Hanna.
They dragged me to a bookcase covered in books. Hanna grabbed hold of a think book and pulled it down. The bookcase swung open revealing a corridor. We walked inside and it was paradise. There were more bookcases, even computers. There were many desks with architectural drawings on them. There were projects on some of the desks.
‘What are they?’ I asked
‘Well, they are just some little things we work on, we’re not as good as the Vulcan cabin, but we’re okay’ Koby said
‘Cool’ I said
‘Let’s find you a weapon’ Hanna said
She dragged me over to a desk with gold knives and swords piled high. We started looking for one that would be good. I saw a silvery light shining from the back of the desk, I went over to look. It was a sword. It was beautiful. Though the sword was gold, the hilt was silver with an owl engraving on the end.
‘Perfect’ I exclaimed
‘Yeah, it suits you’ Hanna agreed
‘Now that you have a weapon, let’s go train, first is archery’
They lead me back into the main part of the cabin and found me some armour. Then we headed out to the archery range.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Thanks and loved the chapter !!! I feel sorry for lizzy:( but I love the chapter!!!! Post soon!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago orpher said…
Oooh! Just for him. :D love the story though
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
i'm working on chapter 7 right now, it is totally includes magic!!! WOOOOO, anyway ill post chapter 5 tomorrow, before school!!!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
I'm a girl just saying.
And can't wait for the next chapter!!! :)
over a year ago orpher said…
^ failure. Haha. Well sorry for callin u a guy.
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
I spent the night in the Mercury cabin, I was happy that Lizzy had been claimed by her mother, I didn’t know her very well but I felt we would become good friends, so now I was in a cabin full of people I didn’t know, I felt like I shouldn’t be here. They were nice enough though, very…welcoming. If you call having everything you own being stolen welcoming.
Early in the morning we got ready for training. The Mercury cabin started the day with sword fighting against the Apollo and Minerva cabins.
Reyna a daughter of Mercury, helped me find some armour, it was gold which I found really strange. She was going to get me a sword as well, but I showed her riptide. She was helping me which was nice, but she seemed sad, so I thought I would ask her why.
She told me it was because the leader of the camp, her boyfriend Jason; was missing. She looked really down, I thought she might start crying so I stopped asking questions about Jason and said that we should get to training.
We arrived at the sword fighting arena, it was huge. It was my sort of place.
The other cabins were already there. The leader of each cabin came forward, they were going to test Lizzy and I to see which Legion we would be put into.
There were 10 legions, with about 20 campers in each. We would both fight the best leader of each Legion. They had Lizzy go first. She was really good; she went through the first fighters with ease, after the fifth one I could tell it was getting harder for her, but she went through two more of the leaders before being defeated by the leader of the third Legion.
Now it was my turn.
I went up to face the leader of the first Legion, Savannah Daughter of Venus. I got my pen out of my pocket and uncapped it. Riptide my deadly weapon shone in the light from the sun. She took a step forward and slashed, I dodged. She slashed again, she missed. She seemed like a fair fighter, but I was better. Our swords came together, I twisted my blade and her sword came falling to the ground. That move seemed familiar to me, but I had no time to ponder it as I now had to fight the leader of the ninth Legion. I overpowered the leaders of each Legion working my way up. All the while everyone watching the fight was looking on in amazement, no one had worked their way up the ranks that fast before, I also heard comments about my fighting I didn’t know what to think of it yet, I’d see later.
I defeated the leader of the second Legion. One more to go, I thought.
Now I was to fight Dakota daughter of Mars, she had a wickedly sharp, gold sword. Dakota fought well, her style, like with every other person I had fought, was strange to me. It didn’t seem natural. We sparred for a while, neither of us overpowering the other, though she did end up with some large cuts, but I didn’t, I just started losing energy. Neither of us could win, in the end we just called it a tie and I was put into the first Legion.
After the fight everyone crowded around us.
‘Give us some space, go train’ Dakota ordered
Everyone backed up, going back to training. Dakota had a strange look on her face. It looked like she was trying to figure out who I was, she also looked kind of angry that she didn’t win.
‘How did you learn to fight like that? Your style is so different from everyone else’s, I’ve never seen anyone fight like that before’ she asked
‘I don’t know’ I replied
‘Well it was really good, I haven’t seen anyone that good since…Jason; you should go see Lupa’ Dakota said
‘Who is Lupa?’ I asked
‘You’ll see’ was all she said
Dakota lead me to a big white roman building, we walked into a room. It was huge…and white!
‘Hello, I’ve been expecting you Perseus’ someone said
I turned around and saw the woman from the other night, I guess this was Lupa.
‘Umm, hi’ I said
‘You are a very powerful demigod, good enough to match Jason’ Lupa said
‘Yeah, how does he know how to fight so well, why does he fight with a different style, what god would want to take [i]his[i] memories and why?’Dakota asked Lupa
‘You will have to find these answers by yourself, could you please excuse us, I need to talk to Percy alone’
‘Fine’ Dakota said
When Dakota left the room, Lupa turned into a wolf, what how can someone turn into a wolf.
‘Sit’ the wolf said
How can a wolf talk, it didn’t even open its mouth. I sat.
‘Boy, you are a great fighter. Do you know why?’ Lupa asked
‘No, I don’t’
‘You are different; the style you fight in is Greek. You are a demigod child of the Greek gods, you mustn’t let any of the campers know this, if they knew, you would not last another day here alive. You have to act as normal as possible and try to fit in, I know you have the ability to speak ancient Greek; you would do well to keep that to yourself. I wish to tell you more, but long ago I swore on the river Styx not to discuss what I know, so you have to find your memories without my help’
The river Styx, that name stirred something in the back of my mind, I tried to remember if it meant anything to me, but unfortunately nothing came to mind. I was still stuck without a single memory. Greek, that sounded right, but why do I have to hide it.
‘All will soon be explained, go back to training, your Legion is waiting for you’ Lupa said
I stood, and walked out of the room, leaving the weird wolf/lady Lupa alone. It was freaky having a wolf talking to me, not the strangest thing, but very strange, I thought. But then I thought, how could that not be the strangest thing, if it’s not I must have seen really crazy stuff, but I didn’t know what. Stupid god who stole my stupid memory.
Before training, I was introduced to the people in my Legion. There was Dakota daughter of Mars, Bobby son of Apollo, Roxy daughter of Trivia, Xavier son of Mercury, Kallie daughter of Minerva, Abby daughter of Hephaestus, David son of Mars, Erika daughter of Minerva and Nick son of Venus.
After being introduced to everyone, we went back to training, when I was training with Bobby I noticed that he wasn’t concentrating much, I could beat him easily. After this had happened three times, I couldn’t take it anymore.
‘What’s up with you?’ I asked
‘Oh, nothing’ he replied
‘C’mon, I know it’s not nothing’
‘My father told me, before the gods stopped communicating with us, that when someone went missing and we were in a time of great need, that someone would arrive at camp, that he would be the one to lead us victory. My father is the god of prophecy, and I’ve been having this strange feeling when I’m around you, I think that the person he said would go missing is Jason, and the one to come and lead us to victory is you’
‘Whoa…shouldn’t you tell everyone about this?’ was all I could say
‘Tomorrow we have a head councillors meeting, I’ll tell everyone then, for now let’s fight’
We did sword fighting for a while longer, then we moved onto the climbing wall. I was good at it; I could get the top without getting hurt.
Dakota and Kallie were watching me carefully, they looked as though they were studying me, but I don’t know why. Dakota called me over. When I reached the two girls, Dakota pulled out her sword and before I could react she stabbed me in the stomach. Her sword bounced off of my skin and vibrated hard in her hands making her drop it.
‘I knew it’ Kallie said
‘Knew what? And why didn’t that just kill me?’ I asked both of the girls, confused
‘Well, Kallie and I were watching you earlier during the rankings and we noticed you didn’t get a scratch on you, and you didn’t get hurt on the climbing wall either. Even the best fighters get injured. Kallie came up with a theory on why, so I decided to test it and she was right’ Dakota explained.
‘What was your theory?’ I asked
‘The theory was that you can’t be hurt by any weapon. There is only one way that is possible, by bathing in the river Styx, and since you don’t have any memories we couldn’t exactly ask you. We were right, and you can only be injured in one place, and if you are it kills you’ she said
‘Umm, okay’ was my brilliant answer
‘We have seen you fight, you are one of the best. The only reason you would have a need to bathe in the Styx is if you have enemies, and if you are in danger; we think you have a powerful enemy, the mistress of the storm spirits you fought. She could possibly be the person who stole your memories’ Kallie said
over a year ago orpher said…
Awesome can't wait for the next chapter! :D
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
thank you!!! I'll post in a day or something
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Loved it can't wait for next chapter!!:)
over a year ago blacktemplar said…
So you writhing a fanfic too.I want to read but i won't 'cuz i'll steal come of your work.Hopefully i'll have time when i finnish mine.Nonetheles keep up the good work.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Luv it! one reason I do is cuz u actually have long chappies, not just paragraphs. Keep writing, u obviously have a talent for it.
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
OMG!!!! roman tattoos!!! is there any way for me to get around the fact that Percy is invincible and cant have a tattoo, ahhhh its sooo annoying, im lost in that question :/