The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Neptune*

Wisegirl123 posted on Dec 02, 2010 at 03:05AM
Hey peoples! The names Wisegirl123! I love the PJO and the HoO seeries and i thought i would give fanfiction a try.

Title:The son of Neptune
Genre: Scifi, Fantasy, adventure

DISCLAIMER: I do not and never will own the rigghts to the PJO and HoO series. It all goes to Rick Riordan. The characters i make up are mine but the rest are his.

!!!: hope you like this fanfiction

The Heroes of Olympus 979 replies

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over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
1. I Catch a Ride with the She-Wolf

I woke up to cold splash in my face. Strangely enough, I wasn't wet nor was the water uncomfortable. I stirred and tried to sit up and was greeted by a harsh set of chocolate eyes. I looked to seewhat body these eyes were connected to and yelped when i saw a wolf. The she-wolf( I could tell just by looking that the wolf was a she)growled. I was about to try to escape from the viscous looking wolf when I noticed my surroundings and found them completely unknown, in fact i couldn't remember anything. I was shocked when I realized I had no idea who I was. Well,I guess that's what you get when you trust the goddess of marriage. The thought popped up in my head unexpected. I was kinda actually shocked by it. Don't ask cause I have no idea. My memory is still there its just ... I realized then what had happened. Someone wiped my memories. I tore myself from my thoughts and looked at the she-wolf. She growled and a voice appeared in my head. "Hello Perseus Jackson. My name is Lupa but that does not matter at this time." My first thought was 'hey, my name can't be Perseus.and even if it is I would rather be called Percy than Perseus'. My second reaction, 'Holy crap This wolf is telepathic.' You would think that I would be like,'Huh, great I'm hearing things that aren't really happening. But, I had a feeling that this wasn't even close to the weirdest thing I've encountered. An image popped into my head of a dancing satyr. A satyr? What the heck! But before I could even wonder what the heck that meant, I brought my gaze back to Lupa. "You must come with me." her telepathic voice announced. I didn't see any real good reason to object, so I followed her. I tried to get up and almost immeadieatly collapsed. Lupa caught me and then tossed me on her back. I woud have objected to this if I wasn't so exhausted. When we got out of our surroundings -which I found out was a building known as the Infirmary- I was overwhelmed by what I saw. It looked like a giant fort getting ready for war, but when I lookeed closer I saw kids, not many but, some adults, and teenagers training to fight what seemed like monsters.While she was walking through the Fort, she explained to me the great god scandal of them actually existing.
"Child, you are a demigod. That means you 1/2 human 1/2 god."
"I know." I was suprised by my actions but, Lupa wasn't.
"I suspected as much." I started to ask some questions.
"What is this place?"
"This is Fort Rome, We train Demi-gods here."
"Like me?"
"Yes" We talked about the gods and what you do here as a demi-god until a group of teenagers jogged over torward Lupa and I. The girl with Blonde hair, gray eyes, and freeckles on her nose looked at me just for a moment before bowing to Lupa. Remembering I was still on her back, I gave her an awkward pat and climbed off. When I looked at the girl that had bowed I had a weird sense of Deja Vu. The girl started to talk in a factual tone,
"Who is this? Another newbie?"
"Hello Gwendolyn, this is Percy. and yes of somesorts, Percy is a 'newbie'." Lupa replied.
"Determined or Undetermined?" A boy with elfish features asked.
"Determined, and Percy this is- well I let them introduce themselves."
"I am Gwendolyn. Daughter of Minerva" the blonde said.
"Who's 'Minerva'?"
Gwendolyn turned torwards Lupa." Have you explained the Roman gods thing to him yet?"
"Yes. He has known before he came here."
"Wait, What???? How?!"
"I'm sorry child, I swore upon the River Styx I could not tell anyone about this."
I thought about that word fo quite a long time while the demigods and Lupa talked. The River Styx.An image flashed in mind of a boy with dark hair and dark eyes pleading me not to go ... wherever i apparently was going. I only had enough time to look up when someone shouted," WATCH OUT!!!!" and see an arrow coming straight towards my head about 3 ft. ahead of me full speed.

I hope you like my chapter 1 and please reveiw!!!!! The next chapter should be up by tomorrow.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
first that was a good start off to your story second sorry but could you change the name in some way because as you may knoow we have another fanfic by HecateA on this site and I don't want my self or others getting confuzzed between them
over a year ago Festus1126 said…
pretty good beggining. Really liked how LUPA knows he is from CHB but can't tell anybody. You should change the name, but great story!
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
Do you mean change the name of the story or change the name of a character? And thank you, its nice to have some good feedback for a change.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
I think everything is fine the names, the title, everything. oh and I love your detail!
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
2. I Want my Seaweed Brain Back!

I need to get up, I thought. I have been lying in percy's bed in the Poseidon cabin for about 4 hours now. Boy do I want my Seaweed brain back! I sighed, and got up. i walked out of the cabin and thought of the first time I met Percy, when, Molly (Daughter of Demeter) came running over.
"There you are! I have been looking for you all afternoon!" She smiled. i felt kinda jealous of her.She has the boy of her dreams right here at camp (Pollux, son of Dionysus) and mine? Well, hes somewhere in the San Fransisco area with -most likely, we don't know for sure obviously- no memory.
"Do you need anything, Molly?"
"We have some good news for ya." she paused.
"And that would be ...' You would think she was a daughter of Aphrodite for how smart she is. The sky rumbled.
"Sorry." I muttered. I looked at Molly and made a gesture that said to continue on.
"Oh, yeah! Chiron's Party Pony friends are out looking for some more Pegasi."
"And this is soo important cause ..."
"Its important cause Chiron said that if we have enough Pegasi, Jason, Leo, Piper, whoever else and you can go to San Fransisco to search for The Roman version of Camp Half-blood. and at this rate that the centaurs are finding pegasi, we can leave in 2 weeks max." She looked at my face expectantly. I was too shocked to do anything.
I might get to see my Seaweed Brain within a month. A month is a long time but its way better than 6 months. Molly apparently found the thing in my face that she was looking for. She smiled.
"Annabeth, I got to go. Talk to you later, 'kay?"
" Uh... yeah, sure." I smiled. That one little action shocked me. I haven't smiled and actually meant it since percy was stolen. The thought of me rescueing him made me smile again.

Hope you liked it! REPLY, REPLY, REPLY!!!! Sorry that its so short talk about writers block I'll get the next chapter up later tonight after homeworks done
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago omgITSthem said…
this is really good so far!Please wright more!
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
ok well that was really good... both of them
the name does not really matter to me but you are a really good at writing and you are really descriptive so I really hope you could write more.
i also like the different point of views that you used
love you work!!!!!
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
HEYHEYHEY!!! I finished my homework already cause im a nerd. ;)well heres chapter 3

3. I get Interrogated by a Daughter of Minerva

I have no idea of what the heck (!!!) just happened. One second the arrow was whizzing towards my head, and the next, I was on the ground with an arrow -a broken one- next to me and to top it off, I had a giant headache. I sat up to see Lupa, Gwen, and her friends staring at me. Lupa, looking at me calmly like she expected this. gwen and her friends, shocked.
"What happened?" I asked Lupa.
"I could ask the same thing!" exclaimed a tough looking red headed girl.
"Calm down, Hazel." the Hazel girl seemed to immeadietly calm down.
"Percy," I turned toward Lupa. It was then that I truly realized how beautiful her chocolaty red coat was. "Have you bathed in the River Styx?"
"I- um- yeah, i think so." my voice wavered.
"It is a simple yes or no answer." she snapped at me.
"Yes, I have bathed in the river Styx." Isaid more clearer. I winced at the memory- Wait! I remember something!I cheered silently and smiled. The dark haired and eyed boy still has no name. My smile was whipped off my face and my silent cheering stopped.
"How would he have been able to bathe in the Styx?" asked Hazel. She directed this question towards Lupa as if I wasn't there.
"Child, I do not know, why don't you ask Percy."
"Well then 'Percy'. How were you able to bathe in the River Styx?" she said.
"I ...I don't know."
"What do you mean, 'i don't know'" she snarled
"I don't remember much anything before waking up in that building." I pointed to the Infirmary." but, I do remember the pain of bathing in the Styx. And the faces I saw before I went into the styx, still have no name.'
"So basically you have amnesia." Gwendolyn stated.
"No, I remember everything that has ever happened to me." I said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever." she grumbled and then she and her friends -of which I knew the names of 2 of them- walked away.
Lupa told me to "Hurry up, the tour is not over."
I started to fire questios at he the second I caught up with her.
"How did you know my name when were in the Infirmary?"
"You were mumbling in your sleep that 'I, Perseus Jackson will never side with you Luke. At least while your on the side you are on.'"
"Do you know who Luke is?'
"No, but, I am guessing he was your enemy at some point."
"How long was I in the Infirmary?"
"About 7 days."
I almost choked. "7 days?!"
"I beleive I have just said that" the she-wolf seemed amused.
"How did you find me?"
"I found you unconcious in front of the Demi-god quarters."
"Where are the Quarters?"
The she-wolf made a sound like a chuckle."Why Percy, you standing outside of them."
I finally looked around at my settings. My intial reaction was to gasp. There were beatiful Cabins, with different designs for each one. My favorite designed one was the one that these weird symbols on them and was a deep purple. Even though that one was my favorite i kept getting drawn to the blue one with seashells all over the side of the cabin. Its majesty was amazing.
"Whose cabin is that for?" I said pointing toward the blue one.
"That Cabin is for the children of Neptune."
"Posiedon." I corrected unconciously.
She narrowed her eyes at me which as I saw were not chocolate brown but, a silvery color. A few Soldiers came out from an old red but worned Cabin and stared at me. Then all of a sudden, they, and Lupa gasped. I heard a howl coming from behind me. I turned around and ...

Sorry for the cliffhanger guys! Hope you like it and thanx for the replies. they are appreciated deeply. I should get chapter 4 up within 2 days. Talk to ya later, bye!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
-before I read it
hey where is the chapter title!?!?! (sorry, but I like your chapter titles)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
-after I read it
that's so mean!!! (in a good way) love your detail, the cliff hanger is torturous!!!! (which means your an awesome writer!!!)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheHero_AC said…
It's good
over a year ago omgITSthem said…
big smile
Love the details and i love the cliff hanger! Hope you update soon!
over a year ago HecateA said…
I love the detail! And the chapter with Annabeth- it was incredibly sweet! (that's the Percabeth fan in me speaking :P)

Great job!
over a year ago bookeater said…
i love it so mach it is so good and i really like how at the end you wrote that it was a howl ps was that howl from Mrs O leary??? or was it a hellhound?????
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
today yet.......Hopeful....awwwwww
over a year ago partypony said…
luved it. sooooooo awesome. totally satisfies my story cravings.
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
Hey,hey,hey! I finished the homework so I can type chapter 4 earlier. P.S. Next chapter is in a POV from CHB.

4. I Battle Mrs. O'Leary's Cousin

I turned around and saw a black animal that looked like a dog. The only thing is the biggest dog I have ever seen is half the size of this beast.
Lupa had regained her calm tone. "Percy Jackson," I turned towards Lupa, "this is your worthiness test. Kill the hellhound, you will live. don't, and the hellhound shall kill you. Don't expect any help from me. Begin!"
"Wait-what? A worthiness test?! And what the heck is a 'hellhound'? And how can I defend myself without a weapon?"
"Child less questions more acting. And your weapon is in your pocket." she told me calmy.i reached into my left pocket. Immeadieatly my hands felt a hard but smooth item. I pulled it out. A pen. My weapon is a pen.
"Are you serious? What am I supposed to do with this. Write on it to death?" I asked sarcastically.
I uncapped the pen, and gasped. I ogled the pen as it transformed into a 3 foot long sword.
"Holy crap!" I exclaimed. Looking at the bronze sword a ton of words popped into my head.

Anaklusmos. Also known as Riptide.
'This is a vey powerful and dangerous weapon and it has a very tragic history.'
'this is your 12th birthday present from your fater, Percy.'
Whoa, talk about a head rush of information. I was brought back to my surroundings. I let out a kinda embarrasing battle cry.
I charged the beast and right when I was going to cut off its head, an image popped into my head. It was of of a hellhound not that different than this one. two things were differet though. First of all, that hellhound in the image in my heaad had a kind happy gaze, while this one, was just looked like it wanted to kill me. second of all the animal in my head was wearing a name tag that read
Mrs. O' Leary
If found bring
to long Island, NY

I had a strange urge to pet the dog in my mind. i shook the image out of my head and I focused on the hellhound that was now approaching me faster and faster every minute. I let my insticts take over. I was barely concious of what I was doing. the monster growled and leapd that last couple feet towards Lupa and I. I ran towards it and when she pounced towards me, I ducked. Then while I was under her -she was still in the air- I sliced her belly. She howled in pain. I waited for her to get up. She got up, glared at me, howled again, and charged. i wasn't even thinking about what to do next, I just did. slash. Jab. Duck. I stood over the monster, ready to give the final blow, when Lupa interrupted.
"Stop. I have seen enough." Thehellhound and I backed down. lupa looked my directly and my eyes and gave a wolfy smile. "you havepassed your test. Welcome to Fort Rome." I belong somewhere, I thought. I was immeadieatly surged with happiness and I smiled.

REPLY please! and thanx for the great comments. Have any suggestions please tell me. i have been suffering writers block. Next chapter will either be up later tonight or tomorrow morning.
over a year ago bookeater said…
WOW THAT WAS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep doing more!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
Longer chapters amazing detail can't wait till next chapter!!!!!
miss blackjack :'(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
do you think that i should add him in? Black jack i mean
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
big smile
YES i love blackjack but you don't have to add him if you don't want to but I miss him he was awesome!

over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
HEY wazzup peeps?! lol. well heres chapter 5

5. I get A Quest from a Demi-God Hater

My dream started out like this. I was wacthing Leo and Nyssa doing the tango. I felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned to see who was besides me and I saw Juno- Well actually she was in her Greek form so I guess she would be called Hera- smiling at me.
"Do you like the entertainment?" she asked me.
"Well, leo has never been the best dancer." I told Juno jokingly. She nodded.
"So what brings to the dreams of this Demi-God?" I asked her.
"I have a favor that I would like you to do." she looked at me, and I nodded for her to go on. She continued.
"I need you to go to San Fransisco right now."I was surprised by her favor.
"I would have gone days ago if I could but, I just got news today- well, earlier today- that we can't go looking for Percy until 13 days from now." I told her.
"If you get there within 24 hours you will find a giant clue leading you and your friends to Fort Rome." She paused, "It is not the time for you to go out and looking for Percy, but soon enough it will be. So, go to the big park in the middle of the city and you will find a helpful hint, then, you will come back here with the clue and find out what you can from this. Oh and one more thing ... don't kill your clue, she's actually kind of nice or so I've heard."
"If I do, do your clue, how would I get there? You would think with me being the son of the Lord of the Skys that Pegusi would like me better when I'm alone with them."
"Iris has owed me for an incident years ago, so you will be transported through a iris-message. just go to the Posiedon cabin and in there is your transportation. And oh, nobody else can come with you."
"Is that all? That's a very small favor." I said sarcastically. She glared at me.
"Will you do it?"
"Umm ... yes. I probably will regret it but, yes. I Jason Grace accept this quest."
"Thank you, Jason. now, ...wake up." her whisper caressed my whole body and then all of a sudden I jerked awake.
I shook my head back and forth for a minute and got up to get ready for my quest.


When I walked into the Posiedon Cabin I was overwhelmed by the smell of seawater. I almost tripped because I was so overwhelmed. I looked around and saw what appeared to be Percy's bed I looked at his belongings. A horn that must have belonged to the Minotaur that he has killed twice. A picture of Annabeth and a boy with dark black hair, laugh lines, and sea green eyes laughing. And a picture of Rachael ... as a golden statue? weird. I looked around some more and saw a fountain that I beleived could be used as an Iris-messager. "O' graet goddess Iris take me to San Fransisco" I sid. When i jumped into the fountain I thought that I hoped that this wasn't a trick.

sorry most likely nomore chapters tonight but all weekend it will be writing palooza so expect chapters after chapters. To Calypso_ : Blackjack will be coming back soon.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
big smile
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Thhhhhaaannnnkkkkk yyyyooouuu!!!!!!!!! i can't wait for blackjack!!!!!!!!!!! don't forget your detail don't rush!!!!!! your writing is awesome can't wait till the next one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
Hey you know what would be really cool if calypso could come back, I mean she can leave her island now because of Percy's making the gods swear upon the river Styx and all

you know what would be even cooler if calypso came in riding Blackjack THAT would be awesome!!!!!!
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
hey hey hey. I have decided to dedicate my chapters to the people who reply the most. this chapter is dedicated to Calypso_ and Bookeater. So here is chapter 6.

6. There Goes Another One!

I woke up to hearing crys of people saying, "He's missing! He's gone!" I sat up and got dressed as quickly as possible. I ran outside and caught one of my sisters named Allison and asked her,
"Who's missing? Who's gone?" I demanded.
"It's Jason. he's missing." she said sniffling loudly. Everyone in the Athena cabin knew that she had the biggest crush on Jason ever since he had arrived. I felt sorry for the poor girl. Then again, I'm in a close situation like she is except he is not her boyfriend and Percy -thank god- is my boyfriend.
"I ...I'm so sorry, Allison."
"Thanks, Annabeth. Really, I appreciate it."
I mumbled something along the lines of, "Sure, don't mention it.""So what are the details to Jason's disappearance?"
" Well lots of people saw Jason go to bed and his bed was messy, so we know that if he was stolen or ran away, it was during the night. Plus, Will Solace saw him walk into the Posiedon cabin with a backpack. He didn't see him leave the Cabin, and thats all really that we have on his disappearance. Oh, and Jason's new sword is missing with a pair of clothes from his closet. and some ambrosia and nectar is missing. Most people think he ran away to go to the other camp." She hesitated befre asking me her question. "Do you think he ran away or was kidnapped? I think he was kidnapped. He wouldn't have left willingly. Would he?' She looked at me pleadingly but, at the same time the look was questioning.
"First of all," I paused a second before continuing, "I don't know the answer to your questions. And second of all, has anyon looked in the Posiedon cabin for any traces of Jason?"
"Ummm. I-I don't think anybody has gone over too theat cabin yet. Too depressing, you know?"
"No, i don't." I said matter of factly. I started over to the Posiedon Cabin when something caught my eye. 'Now what could that be?' I thought. I ran to the backside of the Posiedon Cabin and I saw what was behind the Cabin and gasped.

Hey peeps I had an inspirational dream. sorry i lied abut no more chapters tonight. More chapters will be up tomrrow mornin'. nighty night!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
wow really good chapters I love them I love how you included Blackjack it was amazing
over a year ago HecateA said…
Very good! And eyah, so many girls must be crushing on Jason... He<s already in a girl mess as it is do...
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!! Blackjack is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I can't thank you enough! Thank you!!!!! Best one yet!!! Keep up the awesome work wisegirl123!!!!!!!! Can't wait till the next one!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
Oh oh oh oh I almost forgot to thank you, yet again, for dedicating the chapter to bookeater and I we thank you
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago barogr said…
Wonderful! And I also am a fan of Blackjack so thanks for that. I really envy you for being able to write so much in so little time. I just wish R.Riordan were like that... But his chapters are longer, not that I'm complaining to eighther of you...
By the way Hecate,I think even if we don't see it girls also have crushes on Percy, I mean his description seems pretty handsome, he is smart and strong and brave... Even Annabeth likes (actually LOVES) him and their parents HATE each other! Ialso think that if you will write about girls crushes on Jason you shouldn't forget Percy.
over a year ago omgITSthem said…
omg Blackjack is back!! It sounds like the next chapter is gonna be great too. i really wanna know what happens!! Cant wait! These chapters are great! Thank YOU for bringing Blackjack BACK!!! Write More Soon Please!!
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
Mornin yet.........hopeful again...................awwwwwwwwwwwww, not mornin....:'(
over a year ago barogr said…
Hey, please don't be mad about this and of course you have the right to use whatever title you want but It'll probably be the best if you just write some kind of symbol near "The Son of Neptune" because, well you probably know about Hecate's chapters and they are with the same name in the same club, it's hard to find the one we are(at least I am)looking for. And sorry for writing it here but she got the name first.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
Hola! I'm back. sorry for the shortness of the last chapter I promise that this one will be longer. P.S. I wrote like 50 chapters but I didn’t have them saved so my computer deleted all of them. Grrrrr. Sorry it took so long to get this one up. to barogr: After being in the fort for a while maybe Percy will get some admirers... to barogr: I will try to put a symbol next to the name

7. I Meet Farmer Girl

I woke up in the Infirmary -Lupa demanded that I stay there for one more night and I was too tired to object- feeling good. My face broke out into a grin. I got up and was walking out of the door to the building when I slammed straight on, into another soldier.
“Ow! Oh, I’m so sorry.” I apologized.
“No biggie- Ouch!” she replied. I looked at the person I had knocked into closely and saw that she was one of the girls from Gwen’s group of friends. She is very pretty. She has soft brown hair that cascades down her shoulders, a beautiful -but, small- face, and gentle blue eyes that now looked at me with recognition.
“Yep, that’s my name. Though, how would I know for sure, mhh?” I said .She glowered at me. ”I’m sorry, but, when I was being introduced to your group of ahh … friends?” She nodded. I continued , “Well, Gwen didn’t exactly introduce anybody but herself. So, may I ask who you are?”
“I’m Reyna, daughter of Ceres.” she announced.
“Ceres. Don’t you mean Demeter?” I asked.
“Demeter?” On second confusion was all over her face and then an understanding washed over it. “Oh, Demeter. “ She paused, “Ahh, well you see, the Greek gods and goddesses died when Greek rule died. But, Ceres is still alive and, kickin’. Though, Demeter would be the Greek equivalent of Ceres.” she informed me.
“Oh.” I said lamely.
“Wait, do you know what Ceres is the goddess of? Because you would not imagine how many people have no idea who she even is. And every time, I want to show them the wrath of a daughter of Ceres.” She said the last part frighteningly. But, mostly I was frightened that her voice could hold so much threat.
“Well, I think that Demeter is the goddess of Agriculture so, Ceres must be the same thing. “ I said, my voice quivering at some points.
“Your right.” she said, her voice laced with shock. Then she regained her calm ”I think I’ll like you, Percy. Even though you can be extremely annoying at times, I think you’ll fit in here just fine.” She paused for a sec, and then she exclaimed, “Hey, come on we got to go.”
“Wait! Where are we going?” I demanded an answer.
“Well, first, we are going to Lupa to get permission for you .-”
“Permission? Permission to do what?”
“Don’t interrupt me.” she told me sternly, kind of like a parent scolding a child.
“Well? …”
“We are going to get permission for you to go to training with me. Which do you like to do better? Riding Pegasi or sword practice? I’ll even go easy on you.” She looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes.
“Oh, your on farmer girl.” I retorted, smiling.


When we reached Lupa’s house, I immediately gasped. “I-It’s …It’s beautiful.”
“That’s an understatement.” I guess I wasn’t the only one who loved it. The house had a swirly metal thing that made your eyes hurt because it was so mesmerizing and it was an amazing purple color. It wasn’t the same as the Trivia Cabin -that was the cabin that I saw that I thought was cool- though. Man, would Annabeth love to see this. The thought shocked me out of my awe. Reyna looked at my face and immediately asked me, “What’s wrong? Are you all right, Percy?”
“I … I’m all right. I just had a thought of someone.”
“Someone from before here?”
“Yes. Well, I don’t know for sure but I think it’s a good guess to make.”
“Well, that’s a good thing right? What was the thought?”
“’Man, would Annabeth love to see this.’ Do you know an Annabeth?” I asked.
“No, but, we could ask Lupa. She might know an Annabeth.”


“I’m sorry, children, I do not know an ‘Annabeth’” Lupa told me sadly, as if it pained her to not have good news for me.
“Thanks anyway Lupa.” I bowed to her and was just about to leave when Reyna grabbed my arm.
“Have you forgot the original reason why we came to see Lupa?” She paused as if she was considering something, “Or are you just trying to get out of me kicking your but in everything?”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. And Lupa is it okay if I begin training with Reyna?” She seemed amused if my question.
“Child, you do not have a choice. You must train or go through many, many, worthiness tests that get harder every day.” I didn’t exactly enjoy what happened with the hellhound so I chose training with Reyna.
“Where is the training center?” I asked enthusiastically.



Oh. My. Goddess. That’s how good this kid is at swordplay. He laughed at me and lowered his sword from my throat once again.
“Give up yet, farmer girl?” He chuckled
“In your dreams, Perseus” I shot back. That was my name for him until we found out what his godly parent was. Its hard to come up with a name that beats farmer girl, when you don’t know his parentage. The second he turned his back on me I pulled my extra knife out of my pocket and looked up to hold it at his throat when I saw that his sword was at my throat already.
“Put down the knife.” he said sweetly. I shot him a look that said *glower* all over it. I haven’t even touched his skin and yet, I had cuts all over my hands, legs and shoulders. They weren’t deep and I wasn’t bleeding a lot, its just enough that I’m gonna be needing a bunch of band-aids. I dropped my knife. “I would have thought that you would be a fair fighter and wait until my back wasn’t to you to try and get me to cry uncle.” he said.
“Have you forgotten already that you are invincible?” He winced. “Sorry. Even if it is true, I’m sorry.” It was then that the dinner bell rang. “Time for dinner, Perseus. This way.”
“Kay’” he responded . Little did I know that I would get a bigger shock than there being a better swordsman than me, that night.

Hey next chapter should be done soon sorry it took so long

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
big smile
hmmmmmmmmm........ "bigger shock"..... I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! that was AWESOME! i love the sword play part and the cliff hanger! how'd you get so amazing at writing cliff hangers?!?!?! anyway it was ornate and amazing as usual! keep it up!!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago barogr said…
No, no really it doesn't take long, you are just writing them, and I am really sorry for your lost chapters I hope you have hand written back-ups -I usually write things with my hand before typing on computer, makes it easier to edit for me, I don't know about you though- You are still brilliant I am sure if you don't have back-ups than you will write even better chapters than them. And thanks for responding my comments :)
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
I agree with barogr about the chapters. even though you lost all of the other ones, you will write even better chapters than before (if that's even possible)
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
thanks guys! i really appreciate the support that you have given me. I would have quit before if i didn't have so many good supporters.
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
oh my gods!! you should never quit your too amazing and awesome and ornate and so many other awesome things!!!!
over a year ago omgITSthem said…
i agree with Calypso_ you should never quit!! you have great cliff hangers!! i am checking back every hour or hours!!! maybe even less than that time.i am also sorry about the lost chapters but i agree with everyone else that you would have even better ones(if possible) to write on here! i cant wait till next chapter! Is it going to be with Blackjack or is it going to talk about the big shot Reyna has!! OMG its killing me!!!
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
Hello! People of the world, welcome to my story(s) of the adventures at Camp half-blood and any other god/goddess related places-that does not mean churches place. Lol here’s chapter 8.

8. I Find a Missing Man's Pet

The second I stepped into San Francisco, my eyes were bombarded by harsh, bright lights. Wow, what time is it? What day is it, for that matter. I looked around my settings and saw that I was on the edge of the forest. I saw the city park in the distance and I started for it. I looked at my clothes to find them ripped. There were cuts all over my skin too. Damn. I caught a man on the street and asked him,
“What day is it and what time?” I looked at him pleadingly. He jerked his arm away from me.
“Crazy freak.” he muttered. I still looked at him. “Will you go away if I tell you?” he asked louder this time.
“Yes!” I practically shouted this. He winced as though he didn’t want to be seen with me. Or heard.
“Its around 4:30 pm on Saturday. Fine? Now, leave me alone.” He hurried on.
“Thank you!” I shouted. 12hours. Its been 12 hours since I woke up from my dream with Ju-Hera. I corrected myself. Iris-traveling must take a lot of work for Iris if it takes that long to get me from New York to California.
I started back to the park. It was just in view now. I started to jog after a while. What can be such an important hint that Juno would want me to come here immediately? I wondered about that as I was looking for the helpful hint that I was sent here for. When I was for the hint, I saw something that made me stop in my tracks. Not than 20 yards away was a hellhound on the ground, sleeping. ‘The hellhound must be guarding the item I need to get’ I thought. I reached for my bag and got out my new replacement coin/sword/javelin (Juno broke my original one) and flipped onto my sword side. then next second I was ready to battle the hellhound. I ran toward the hellhound ready to kill it when the monster woke up. She shook off the leaves and stuff that was stuck to her fur. She saw me and my sword and bounded over. I paused my walking while the beast came over. 5 feet before me the hellhound stopped. It took one look at my sword and … smiled? I was so shocked that a hellhound could even smile, that I wasn’t prepared to defend myself when it leaped onto me. When I reigned my shock in, I noticed that I wasn’t dead. Then when I thought she was going to bite my head, she started to lick me. I struggled against her while she licked me.
“Get off of me!!!” I yelled at the monster. It was then that I noticed the collar around it’s neck. It read ,
Mrs. O’ Leary
If Found Bring
To Long Island,
New York. 468-
I recognized this name tag immediately. That phone number… it’s Annabeth’s. And Mrs. O’ Leary. I recognized that name. Annabeth’s voice popped into my head. ‘Percy’ she paused, ‘Percy has a pet. She’s ahh … well, lets say that she’s a different type of pet. Her name’s Mrs. O’ Leary.’ Oh. My. God. Her name’s Mrs. O’ Leary. Her name’s Mrs. O’ Leary. Her name’s Mrs. O’ Leary. I laughed and started to pet , Mrs. O’ Leary.
“You must be Percy’s pet hellhound.” I stated. She perked up at the mention of Percy’s name and looked around. “You miss him don’t you?” She nodded her big head as if she understood me.
I then realized that she was the clue. I looked around where she was sleeping before and I saw a piece of paper. I picked it up and read it.
Dear Jason,
Good job! You have found your clue. Now lets just hope that she isn’t dead, shall we? Well, I’ll just cut to the case. You will be shadow-traveling home with Mrs. O’ Leary. Step 1 of shadow traveling: Get on her back. Step 2: Whisper in her ear where you are going. Step 3: Hold on tight. And Jason you can only shadow travel once every few hours. So don’t make any stops unless you plan on walking and getting killed by monsters. Oh, and p.s. don’t talk to anyone, even if they are from Fort Rome. And trust me you will encounter a soldier from Fort Rome. If you talk to them you will be delayed and you will be killed.

That’s refreshing, I thought. I was just about to jump on Mrs. O’ Leary’s back when someone interrupted me.
“JASON?! ohmygods. Its you!” I turned around and saw a red-headed girl running towards me, about 40 feet away. She must be the one that Juno warned me about. I climbed on Mrs. O’ Leary.
“Jason! You realize that your sitting on a hellhound, without your sword?” 20 feet away now.
“Half-Blood Hill, Long Island New York” I whispered into her ear. She perked up and right before I was going off with her I yelled.
“Goodbye, Hazel!”

Enjoy! Thank y’all so much for the support! oh and this chapter is dedicated to barogr and omgITSthem
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
MRS. O' LEARY!! AAHHHHHH!!! she's back! thank you for bring her back keep up the awesome work! i like the part with Juno's note and Hazel at the end, that should cause some gossip on percy's point of view with Hazel most likely freaking out over seeing Jason. anyway THANK YOU! You rock! adore your writing!
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
Heyyy. This chapter is dedicated to HecateA.

9. I Have A Conversation with A Flying Horse

“Blackjack!” I exclaimed. The black Pegasi neighed towards me and nodded his head up and down, hugely. “Where have you been?” I asked as I approached him. I petted him. “Have you seen Percy?” I asked him desperately. He nodded no. “Have you seen Jason?” I asked less enthusiastic. Another no. “How did you get here?” I took the tilt of his head as a ‘I dunno.’
“Huh. That’s eerily like Jason’s story except you came here with some of your memory obviously, and he didn’t.” I stroked his mane and he whinnied loudly
“You want to go out and find him, don’t you?” The winged horse looked at me, pleadingly. “At least wait till we get you some donuts. Percy said you liked donuts.” I recalled the memory of he telling me about Blackjack, sadly. Blackjack must have sensed my sadness because he then made a motion for me to get on his back and riding Blackjack has always reminded me of Percy, and right now, that’s what I need. I nodded and climbed onto his back and he flew up into the air.



I stumbled off of Mrs. O' Leary and immediately fell. I was vaguely aware of someone running towards me. I was kinda busy moaning. I felt someone pick me up and another pointed a sword at Mrs. O' Leary.
"Don't. She's... Perc-Percy's" I mumbled this.
"Mrs. O' Leary?" a feminine voice asked. I nodded weakly. She sheathed her sword.
"I ...I have important news f-for Chiron and Annabeth. Its about Hera and Percy." I whispered.
"Okay, It's all going to be okay Jason." I nodded. It was then that I passed out.

That's it for now. only one or two more chapters maybe for tonight! Sorry this is probably the shortest chapter in the world. I'm anxious to start writng the next chapter *Hint* next chapter in the POV from San Francisco
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago omgITSthem said…
your stories are soo amazing!!Cant wait till next chapter!!!! Oh.. and thank you for dedicating the other chapter to barogr and me! i love the other fact that in the other chapter you brang back Mrs. O' Leary!!! THANK YOU!! Missed her and Blackjack! hoping to see them more later on!!oh and thanks for the hint on the next chapter! looking forward to it!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
It's ok that it's short it dosen't take away any of its awesomeness, you are amazing thank you so much for bring back BOTH of Percy's pets! I can not wait to find out what happens with Renya's surprise (though I have my suspicions)! Thanks for the hint by the way. Your writing is awesome can't wait for the next one!!!!!

TheHero_AC is soooooooooooooo right!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheHero_AC said…
I love how you post them so fast ! Yes some are short but they are amazing keep writing
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
Hahahahahaha. In a good mood. Are you???!!!! This chapter is dedicated to TheHero_AC. Here are is a guide of Roman equivalents of the Greek gods/goddesses:
Bacchus= Dionysus
Mercury= Hermes
Trivia= Hecate
Minerva= Athena
Neptune= Poseidon
Apollo= Apollo
Diane= Artemis
Pluto= Hades
Jupiter= Zeus

10. I Know this Hellhound!

Dinner at Fort Rome is … lets say, different than most dining. First of all you don’t get to chose where you sit. Lupa does. Your spot changes every day. And you dine with a wooden plate and a golden goblet that you tell what you want to drink and it gives it to you. Luckily, I was placed at Reyna’s table. With her was Gwen, the boy with elfish features -his name was Bobby. He is a son of Her-Mercury - , and a girl that had a super-sunny smile -her name is Dakota, Daughter of Apollo-.
“Isn’t Hazel part of the group? Where is she?” I asked.
“Yes, she is part of our ‘group’.” her face darkened as she answered my second question, “And she’s out looking for Jason in the City.”
“Who’s Jason?” I asked confused.
“He’s the leader of our group. He has always had a huge crush on me. It wasn‘t vice versa though” she informed me, “He disappeared about 2 days after you appeared.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. … It must be very suspicious that I come here just days after he went missing.” I stated. She nodded. We both got back into conversations with Dakota, Bobby, and Gwen. Well, Reyna did. Gwen was just glaring at me. If looks could kill, I would be up down in the Underworld right now. Right when Gwen informed me that it was almost time for the Training Game of the Day, Hazel busted into the room. She ran up to the table where Lupa was and was gasping for air when the beginning of a shocking night started.
“I -gasp-- … I saw … I saw” she kept gasping.
“Child, calm down and catch your breath.” Lupa ordered. After a couple of minutes, her breathing went back to normal. “Now, talk.” Lupa told her.
“While I was out looking for Jason in San Francisco, I went to take a break in the park. While
I was there I saw a hell hound with a teenager beside it. The guy seemed to be reading a note. Right after that he looked up and … It was Jason, I’m sure of it.” Everyone gasped. “He then climbed onto the hellhound, without any weapons. I have no idea why he did it though. He ummm leaned down then to talk into the beasts ear. The animal seemed to know what he was saying. After that he looked at me and said , ‘Goodbye Hazel.’”. He knew who I was and yet, he didn’t wait for me to catch up with him.” she sobbed a little. She regained her composure, “After that, he and the hellhound disappeared and the only thing left was this note. The words were disappearing as I read them so I could only catch part of it. It read, ‘Dear Jason, Good job. You have found your clue. Now lets just hope that she isn’t dead, shall we? Well, I’ll just cut to the case. You will be shadow-traveling home with Mrs. O’ Leary. Step 1’.That was all that I could catch. I’m so sorry Lupa.” Mrs. O’ Leary. I know that name. It’s the name of the hellhound from my memory!
“Hazel, there was n-” Lupa started.
“I know that name.” I interrupted. Everyone turned to look at me.
“What are you doing, Percy?” Gwen hissed at me.
“Excuse me, but, Percy, could you please elaborate?” Lupa asked me.
“That name. Mrs. O’ Leary. I recognize it.” I said.
“Continue.” Lupa ordered.
“When I was battling the bloodhound in the worthiness test, the bloodhound looked me in the eye. During that second, an image popped into my head of another hellhound that had a name tag that read ‘Mrs. O’ Leary, If found bring to Long Island, New York.’ And then there was a phone number. But, the strange thing about her was that she was smiling and I had an urge to pet her.” I admitted. That last comment got me some laughs.
“What was the phone number? Maybe it will lead us to Jason” Hazel said
“And my past.” I added.
“Whatever, now what is the phone number?” she demanded an answer.
“No.” Lupa interrupted.
“What?” Reyna asked confused. “Why not?”
“Because, the tag according to Percy, said if found bring to Long Island, New York.”
“Oh.” Bobby said.
“What’s wrong with New York City?”
“The gods are most powerful when they are closer to Olympus. Some of the gods have grudges against Demi-Gods. Most actually. So, if you go to New York, you’ll most likely get incinerated by a god or goddess.” A dark haired boy that was familiar, told me.
“But, New York is safe.” I argued.
“What makes you say that?” he retorted.
“I … I don’t know.” I said pathetically. I tried to remember why I said that, but, it was like trying to grab air.
"So ... what do we do now?" I asked.
"Tonights training game is cancelled. We will be sending a the search parties to the area around the park for now on.Can you tell them to do that?" She directed the comment towards Hazel. She nodded.
I looked at my table to see that they all were staring at me."What?" I asked them.
They all mumbled something along the lines of, "Sorry." I studied them all for a moment and concluded that something more than judt Jason, was up.

Hope you like it. I'm tired *yawn* goin to bed now. nighty night!
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
big smile
I was right! hehe jasons apperance DID cause gossip but I'm also wondering about the big surprise Reyna was talking about earlier I don't know if I missed it because I'm too tired to notice or if it's yet to come. In other words I'm confuzzled but it's probably me just confusing myself......
Anyway it was fanastic! Can't wait till morning for the next one thank you for satisfing my Percy craving!!!!!!!!!!

-love Calypso
over a year ago juststephjubjub said…
I totally agree with Calypso_ and everyone saying you an awesome writer the only reason i joined fanpop is so i can read you chapters :) so please dont stop writing :)

i just finished reading them and i cant wait for the morning your writing made my day
last edited over a year ago