The Heroes of Olympus The Lost Hero Discussion

ngweien posted on Oct 17, 2010 at 04:28PM
So if you haven't already read the book, read it first, then come back. Otherwise, this is where you can post your ideas, important concepts, opinions and anything else to do with the book. Have fun! :)
So if you haven't already read the book, read it first, then come back. Otherwise, this is where you

The Heroes of Olympus 345 replies

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over a year ago ngweien said…
So anyway to start off, remember how Jason stared intently at the entrance to Highway 24, the Caldecott Tunnel? I think that it might, might just be the entrance to the roman camp, anyone agree?
over a year ago ngweien said…
Also, Piper has the rare ability of being able to charmspeak, while Leo has the even less common power over fire. Perhaps ability to control winds is a rare ability of Zeus' kids? If that is so, they are 3 of the 7, all 3 have rare powers and are the greatest demi-gods around? What of the other 4? And if Jason is to be part of the 7, I believe that Percy should be too.
over a year ago SonofEnyalius said…
I think they are going to choose the most important demigods of the last century. That would also mean Percy and Thalia and possibly Nico. The other one would be Roman. I hope they at least include a minor god.
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
I think it's unlikely for the stars of the Percy Jackson series to be a part of the BIG 7 because it seems that they have already had "their run".
over a year ago ngweien said…
The others should come from the roman camp.
over a year ago HecateA said…
I dont think Thalia will be in it. She's had her prophecy and she isn't a part of camp anymore. But Percy and Nico I can sort-of agree on. Percy more likely. Maybe there'll be a son of Pluto to fill in for Nico. (Pluto is Hades)

OMG, Nico is part Italian, right? Rome is now Italy? You see where I'm going with this idea.

I think one of the Roman sensations will be in the 7. 3 from each and Jason sort-of being from both is the 7th.

And remember in book 1, when Grover wants to go to Maine instead of to the Underworld entrance? I think there's something in Maine.
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Eh, Heacte I don't think there is anything in Maine. Just that it is the farthest thing away from the Underworld and for Grover it has a lot of nature that hasn't been ruined.


The book was AMAZIING!!!!

I agree with Heacate. Thalia will most likely not be one because she is know immortal and stuffers.That's right stuffers. Anyways...

This is my pick Jason,Leo,Piper,Percy,Annabeth,and some of Jason's friends that I forget that name of right now.
over a year ago HecateA said…
^Hazel, Bobby, Dakota, Reyna and Gwendolyn, Those guys?

That's sort of where I was going. But like, he belongs at CHB, but 9 hours after I think its a really dumb idea.

Stuffers? I shouldn't talk. I say weird shtuff. (not a typo, NOT A TYPO!)

I have this new demigod speak slang I'd like to share.

What the heck
What the Hecate.

I know 'tis rponounced differently but shtill! (not a typo either, NOT A TYPO EITHER!)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hilalaoa said…
Hiya!!! I love this book!!!! Though I was very sad Percy wasn't in it at all. You know that he'll show up in the next book because, 1. It just seems obvious and 2. The next book will be called Neptunes son or the son of Neptune or something like that. I think that the seven will be Annebeth, Jason, Leo, Piper, Percy, and two new people. And I think Highway 24 is definetly the entrance to the Roman camp. It it wasn't signifigant then it would've been completely useless and pointless. Can't wait till the next book comes out in fall 2011!

P.S. Awesome slang! I'll use that!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HecateA said…
^Nice. Welcome to our spot byt he way, I'm Hecate, the welcoming commity, please accept this complementary muffin basket which is nut-free too. *hands basket*

Highway 24, there needs to be something there. I think it is most likely the entrance to camp, but it could be the Roman entrance to above or bellow.
over a year ago SonofEnyalius said…
I say that because in the book it says the 7 most important demigods will go i like the nico idea but there is no way.\
over a year ago xoxliz123 said…
OMGGGG I agree!!! The Highway is DEFF important. And I really hope Annabeth is part of the 7, and that Percy ends up remembering her!! It's really upsetting if you think about it, they just got out of the Titan War like a few months ago. I'm just scared things won't go well :/.
Here's my theory:
Percy can't forget Annabeth, because she is the thing that anchors him to his mortal lifee! Remember, Achilles Heel?!
but i doubt thaqts right :/
over a year ago HecateA said…
^Hey, that's actually something... Maybe he can forget her, but she'll be the memoire Hera leaves, like Thalia. Or maybe she's the one who activates the its-all-coming-back moment.

And are you new here? If so, hih, I'm Hecate the welcoming commity, please accept this complementary muffin basket. *hands muffin basket*
over a year ago ngweien said…
Ok, the weapons that can harm monsters are Imperial Gold, Silver arrows used be the hunters and celestial bronze. Gold, silver, bronze... wierd. And remember how Jason caused the Venti to disintegrate, I think it works the same way that Bianica killed the skeleton warriors in the Titan's Curse.
over a year ago hilalaoa said…
What if percy can't remember annebeth and he falls in love with someone else. Though it could also be what Hecate said and ut's like how Jason remembers Thalia.
over a year ago xoxliz123 said…
Yeahh OMGGG Hecatee! That's what I was thinking if it wasn't the one thing he remembered; it would be like when he saw her he'd go all: OMGSSS I remember! (at least thats what i hope will happen ;) )
and yes; I am new here :D
and hilalaoa; thats the one thing i really dont want to happen. :/ That would be very upsetting for meee.
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
I absoultuly belive that Percy will remember everthing when he sees Annabeth. HI NEW PERSON!!!!
over a year ago HecateA said…
^Or at least some shtuff.
And don't scare the new person!
over a year ago BlackSword64 said…
Well from what I got from reading was that Hera wants the 'strongest' 7 Demigods. This order isn't a 'strongest - weakest' list. I know people are thinking that Percy/Annabeth wont play a major role in this series but I really doubt that with the way book 1 of this series is set up. Percy being exchanged for Jason means that the gods see Percy & Jason as the 2 Unofficial leaders of their respective camps. Annabeth once she gets him back is very unlikely to leave Percy's side. Nico has been pretty much an independent character since it was revealed that he was Hades' son and he has only had supportive roles throughout the first 5 books and it was made clear is this book that Piper & Leo are part of the 7. So That pretty much means we have 6/7 already lined up and we will probably get 1 other bad ass hero from the Roman camp. I'm thinking we will get a insanely strong son of Ares or Apollo. However seeing as Apollo is one of the few gods that is called Apollo in both Greek and Roman it will probably be Mars. Further more Mars was believed by the Romans to be much more powerful then his Greek counterpart. It is even possible that they could see him as just below a member of the 'Big Three'!

It appears that both Lupa & Chiron both are aware of the other camps and it would seem that Lupa is aware of Hera's plan. She was the one who told Jason where he could find Hera. Lupa seemed to know where he was and didn't seem surprised by the fact that he lost his memories. I doubt that Percy is in much trouble seeing as besides Lupa none of the other Demi-Gods in the Roman camp should be aware of their Greek counterparts they will simply think he is a strange but Powerful Demi-God.

My 7 Demigods:
1.) Jason / Jupiter/Juno
2.) Percy / Poseidon
3.) Nico / Hades
4.) Piper / Aphrodite
5.) Leo / Hephaestus
6.) Annabeth / Athena
7.) Unknown / Mars / Apollo
over a year ago HecateA said…
^Hello, welocme to this spot, here's your muffin basket *hands muffin basket*

I think there will be more then 2 Roman sensations (Jason coutns in my head)

And Annabeth will be on the second quest for sure, but I am pretty sure that when it comes to the 7 someone else will take her place.

And Jason is actually an official leader of Camp Ceasar Salad. He's a praetor (of the first legion) meaning he is in charge of the army, and he's a consul. If he would've been in Ancient Rome liek that, he would've lived freaking well (I'm not sure Ancient Romans were both, do)

And I'm nearly 90% sure there will be a child of Mars. Because the two founders of Rome, Remus (Lupin!-had to say it)and Romulus were the twin sons of Mars.

And did'ja know that Mars is married? Bellona, goddess of war. Sometimes she's his sister of BFF do, but I like the "I'm Mars, and I'm married" idea better.
over a year ago kidofhades97 said…
I hope to see a lot of things happen in the next book - mainly to see my "brother" Nico, I strongly believe he will be one of the 7. And I hope to see a more, I guess, "Noticed" Apollo kid. The book was great and my picks for the 7 are as follows:

1. Jason
2. Leo
3. Piper
4. Nico
5. Roman
6. Roman
7. Roman
over a year ago xoxliz123 said…
big smile
I haven't been on in a while lmaooo; but I REALLLY hope Annabeth is one of the seven, because she's my absolute favorite character, although Piper comes close, as she is a child of Aphrodite. But for Percy and Annabeth's sake I was hoping they wouldn't be of the seven, but apparantly Percy is, so I hope Annabeth is, like what BlackSword said, unable to leave his side. (why yes, I am a child of Aphrodite at heart.) Plus, the AWESOMEST scene ever would be if he saw her and remembered everything! I would love it!
So anyways, this is random, but I want to know what everyone else thinks of this:
Why can't they just iris message someone who is missing? I know you need the place that they are in but if they think they know where, can't they attempt it and if they aren't there they know not to search there?! It would make sense. Sorry if that came out confusing, loll.
over a year ago xoxliz123 said…
Oh and by the way- just an interesting tidbit. You know Remus LUPIN, and Lupa. Lupin is a wereWOLF, and Lupa is a WOLF.
In Latin, lupus/lupi means wolf.
Loll, that's where JK Rowling got Lupin and many other names for things. And as for Lupa, Latin was the language of rome so there you go! Loll, I took Latin for half the year last year and happened to make that connection ;).
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile

i'm a little late on this but I think he will remember all stuffers.

o late here too.... I say stuffers and i dink and stuffers like that all the time.

So here is my pick

7.Roman or Greek
over a year ago xoxliz123 said…
ha, now i scared you ;)!
i love your wordss! personally, i say randomerzzz and yuperzz and yuperoo/zee like all the timee! its like awesomeee.
over a year ago Odssey said…
I'm thinkin that. The seven are:
1. Jason( counted as roman not Greek )
2. Roman
3. Roman
4. Leo
5. Piper
6. Percy
7. Unkown (either roman, Greek, or a newly claimed demigod)
and another thing I was wondering ok I know that Medea, and Midas were able to come back to life because mother earth is aperently going raise an undead army but what's stopping the gods to be patron to heros and bring them back to life if the doors of death are open shouldn't all monsters and mortals( good or evil) be able to come back and also the gods may have cut themselves off from there children (some gods more than others) but why the hades is HADES not doing anyhing I'm pretty sure letting all those spirits escape isn't the best thing to happen especially if your the god of the dead. Anyways I'm just wondering if heros can come back from the dead aswell as villans and if hades has gone as crazy as Aeolus letting all those souls get away.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SonofEnyalius said…
What about Butch? Rick Riordan never mentions someone like that without a purpose. Plus Annabeth thinks hes big.
over a year ago Odssey said…
true i think he may be important but probably not that important that hes in the 7
over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
ok I think that the people well demigods going on the quest are
Jason (counting as Roman)
I'm sorry but Nico doesn't seem like someon who will be on the quest yes he will be helpful but I don't think he will be on it
ok I don't think heroes will be coming back to life the quest would be to easy and the story wouldn't be as interesting
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
So I agree with Rick. Nico I think isn't that big of a person. I repeat NOT THAT BIG OF A PERSON. I mean honestly really people Nico. No. Sorry but no.

Thank you for the compliments on my picks.

You no sacary me. I hear or see much worse. Trust me.....

sorry that was really randomaerzz stuffers. hahah see wat i did there.

I don't think Heros will be able to stay in the mortal world. Only for a little while like a week times and then return to the Underworld.
over a year ago xoxliz123 said…
YOU'RE WELCOMEE! hehe randomerzz muchh?
ikrr?! nico should not be involved, idk rlly like him that much.
i sound so racist! i mean god-parent.... ist. ??? and what do you mean about heroes in the mortal world?! im confuzzleedd.
over a year ago Odssey said…
becasue i asked if heroes that have died could come back becasue the doors of death are open. I do think that nico is important he's one of my favorite characters but he isnt going to be in the 7
over a year ago xoxliz123 said…
Yeahh, I have a feeling he may be important. I meann, he wasn't in the first series all that much; why else would they have created him? But I'm nervous about the 7. The space seems to be filling up really fast and I don't want Percy or Annabeth to be completely or mostly gone after the next book. Especially Annabeth. She's like my favorite character.
over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
hey nico did play a pretty important role in the first series if he wasn't there then Percy wouldn't have gone into the styxs(excuse spelling)and the demigods abd gods would have most likely lost the war.
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
1. jason
2. piper
3. leo
4. percy
5. annabeth
6. renea
7. one more roman person
over a year ago HecateA said…
Rick's right.
OMG red found a friend! (JK, we're all friends!)
Oddsey, I think you might be onto something. Unless, you know... for some reason the more souls come out, the more can come out and they need to try and stop it.
Or they're trying to respect the laws of like, life and leave dead things dead. But wouldn't it be so helpful if the great heroes like Achilles, Theseus (Mr D would kill him the moment he comes back do), Perseus, Beckendorf, Lee, Michael and *sigh* Luke would come back?
OMG BECKENDORF'S COMING BACK AND THE CURSE OF CABIN 9 WILL END AND THE ARGO 2 WILL GET BUILT FASTER!!! (sorry, fantasising here, he lives on... in our hearts)
And Hades is probably aggravated by that, but he can't do anything because maybe he got called back to Olympus! Well, it seems odd only the wind gods stay in their domains...
over a year ago MichStarr said…
I think the 7 will be:
1.Jason(as Roman)
6.(the one that it says might be Percy's girlfriend)
7.(one of Jason's friends)
i think Grover could go too, because he's not a demigod?
But if Nico does go(hopefully, love him.)then Luke or/and Beckendorf could come back because Nico could bring them back from the dead!
and i think Piper will stay in Camp Half Blood to take over from Annabeth in being Chirons second in command. Or she might go out recruting new demigods.<3
over a year ago Odssey said…
yeah really hope Beckendorf comes back but its still highly unlikly and too tell the truth I think Luke should be forgiven not to the point were he is allowed inside the camp and isnt hated im meen come on even after all that he ended up saving the world and killing chronus come on he had a crappy life if my life was that bad with a neglecting father monsters trying to kill you at any moment (which would be kinda cool in a weird way). so yeah i forgive him but i dont mean id like him that much. but thats isnt what bothers me most its the new great prophecy:

"Seven Half- Bloods Shall Answer the Call"
"To Storm or to Fire the World Must Fall"
"An Oath to Keep With a Final Breath"
"And Foes Bear Arms to the Doors of Death"

we no thats theres seven demigods that will save the world and that the doors of death are open letting greeks Evilest and dangerous foes out and bout the world but the other two lines thats the part that bothers me the fact that history is repeating itself and they someones going to die keeping an a promise to a friend. that sounds alot like what luke did (well sort of alike i guess.) and that the world Must fall by Storm or to Fire. ok ive come to learn that most propecy line arent always what they seem so it could mean that:
the future of earth must fall into his hands like to care for our something but once again thats not what scares me bout this part it could also mean this:
Leo and Jason will fight big time im talkin unstoppable force versus imovable object somthin that will have great impact on the earths future. probably because Gaia might be leo's moms patron to get her out of tarturus( dont think i spelled it right) i really hope this dosent happen personally Leos my favorite character in this series so far. but the rest of the GP( great prophecy) is really workin my nerves especilly since they sound worse than the last one. So very long thought short anyone want to help me out with figuring out the GP?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lilsparky14 said…
heres my pick on the 7 demegods
also i think once they find percy, him and jason will get into a fight.(why? through out the book jason didnt seem to enthustiactic about finding him). The romans and greeks at some point wil try to kill each other and i think that piper and maybe drew will stop it.
over a year ago lilsparky14 said…
all right i think i might know what those last two lines odssey.
"To stom or fire the world must fall"
I think it means something like the first great prophecy. The line about endless sleep. The storm part might be that Khione or Aeolus mught be causing a storm. The fire part might be the same thing but with fire.
"an Oath to keep with a final breath"
The only oath i can think of is the one chiron said in the begining of the book but the camper find out at the end. Maybe theres a part he sint telling them. Thats about it hoped it helped a little.
over a year ago SonofEnyalius said…
Guys i dont think Gaia is the main Bad Guy. I mean in the prophecy it says To storm or Fire the world must fall not earth.
over a year ago HecateA said…
lilsparky & Michstarr, welcome to the spot, I'm Hecate, and from all of us, here are your welcome-here muffin baskets.

OKAY, now to more important things...

I have this weird feelign that when he says "world" he means bigger then Olympus. But "world" might be a referance to "earth". Earth= Gaia, so all is good. Or maybe (hihi, crazy coming up), it's another world. Like Poseidon's place, the Underworld (which is kind-of happening, everybody's coming back, eh?) or Atlantis. I don't know, it's just...

OMG maybe the Romans will fall! History in reverse, man!

"An oath to keep with a final breath"

I think it means that the 2 camps will have to be re-seperated and forget about each other for ? reason and someone or somebody's (you know where I'm going) will die for that to happen. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN, AND YES I DO MEAN THAT.

"To storm or to fire"

That makes me think of Leo (epic) and Jason. So I have this idea Jason will be forced back to Camp Ceasar Salad and the two camps will fight 1 ennemy except apart.

Storm could be about Khione, she plagged the second silver-trio (they can't be the golden trio) with storms, and she probably won't be welcomed back to Québec, so she'll probably hang out with the ennemy.

Fire could be Hestia. We should SO see her again!
over a year ago fromdistrict13 said…
well i was thinking ...
obv, they'll need the prophecy's seven on the argo ii , but maybe (thinking back to the original argo)they'll be more people there than them ? it says in the final? chapter that there'll be a great battle at mount olympus, and they might need more than them for this battle. so maybe percy, annabeth, nico, thalia etc will still be involved, just not in the seven.
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
Sorry I haven't really been around in awhile butttt I had to comment about Beckendorf I know I know touchy subject...but I would say that he is pretty happy over in Elysiom. I'm sorry if I made anyone a little depressed about not seeing ol' Beck.
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Eh, he was okay. To tell you guys the truth I don't really care about him. I mean sure he had a romantic realtionship with Seleana and then died a heroic death (but it really wasn't heoroic) besides that he didn't really do anything else. He can stay in Eslyuim for all I care. Sorry Hecate but that's how I feel. :)

Fromdistrict13, I think so far on the Argo II ,as of now, it will be Jason,Leo,Piper,Annabeth,maybe Grover(speaking of Grover did he die or something, I don't remember him at all in TLH) and then there might be some more people from camp but like if there is it will only be one or two. I don't think this voyage will be anything like the orignal Argo.

OMG HAS I WAS TYPING THE THING ABOVE I THOUGHT OF SOMETHING!!!! So here it is..... What if since some dead peoples are coming back from the Underworld the orignal main people of the first Argo come back. Like Jason and that's all the people I remember from it. Not the best memory.

This MIGHT sound crazy but I was readig Hecate reply and she said that Roman's might fall but CRAZY IDEA TIME!! what if the two camps, Camp Cesear Salad and Camp Half-Blood join together. They are more friendly and they combine.
over a year ago Odssey said…
grover sent the entire book looking for Percy he was mentioned somwhere andthey might go threw the sea of monsters our something similar to that. i dont think that CHB and the cesear salad camp will be more closer but not combine entirly
over a year ago lilsparky14 said…
another for storm could be Ouranos Gaeas husband. He is sky but this world only work if it was like what Hectate said if it was like the underworld or something because he wouldnt kill his wife Gaea
over a year ago HecateA said…
Beckendorf's death was too heroic! Just needed to say that, but its cool.

The original Argonautica cast... Hmm... Heracles, Jason, Medea (OMG foreshadowing!) etc... Could be interesting.

But that's what I was thinking. What's the use to build a giant boat for 4/5? I have this feeling some croutons (CCS campers, geddit?) will hitch a wind, so we will possibly go to Italy.
CHB: Ha ha, our country kept its original name...
CCS: Our country defeated your country.
CHB: My fist will defeat your face.

I kind of doubt the two camps will unite. They might stay on like penpal or if-I-see-you-I-won't-kill-you or Call for help base, but the cultures are very different, no matter what you see at first (trust me, I've been researching this, 'specially the army)

Ouranos! Oh my God, that's brilliant! We have to see him! He knows Gaia best of all, weak points included! Maybe the flying boat will have to stick to boat do if he sides with his wife. And mom. (messed up)

Grover is NOT DEAD. He's like Nico. Looking. NOT DEAD. (please not Nico, please, please not Nico D:)

fromdistrict13, welcome to the spot! I'm Hecate, the welcoming commity and one of the only goddesses here right now D: (has anyone seen Amph?). Anyways, welcome, here's your complementary muffin basket, enjoy browsing, reading, theorising, talking, fanficing, contest-participating and whatever else we do here you can come up with.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
Does anyone else think that if Ouranos comes into play, that he will be at least 10 times more mean and spiteful than Gaea.

Orrrrr maybe he won't be to happy about these evil giants not being his sons(I mean he is married to Gaea right?) and he might want his own grand and great grandchildren to beat them in this upcoming war so he might lend a hand every once in awhile. Although he might be "seduced" by Gaea into going on her side but who knows...
over a year ago partypony said…
big smile
Oh yeah? Here's my pick:
Some other dude in CCS

yeah, I didn't include percy in there cuz i read from a RELIABLE souce that percy isnt one of the 7, but he's gonna play a major part. at least that spares him the trauma of being a child of prophecy again xD