The Heroes of Olympus Daughter of the Sea

teamleo posted on Nov 25, 2012 at 10:07PM
Summary: this story is about a demigod (i guess you know who her parent is) named Amelia that has to find her way to camp Half-Blood.Though her journey is rough, she finally gets there and is claimed. she quickly discovers her famous sibling, Percy Jackson and decides that she will have to do something important to make her own name. There is a problem at camp though, and percy is already preoccupied with another quest. Amelia rises to the challenge and befriends 2 demigods in which she will bring along with her. will things take a turn for the better, or for the worse...?
Characters:Amelia (no duh) and PJO& HoO characters also new people

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the PJO OR HoH characters, nor do i own CHB or anything rick riordan came up with!!!

Hope you guys enjoy and i am always open for critcism!!!!!!!
(also this story might have a bit of cuss words)

last edited on Dec 07, 2012 at 11:31PM

The Heroes of Olympus 727 replies

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over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
hey guys as sonn as i get some comments (one will do) i will post the first chapter!!!!
over a year ago teamleo said…
Maybe you people will comment if i give you something to comment about. Alright, heres the first chapter

Ch.1 Amelia
i had been runnig for three days now. From what, monsters, my stepdad and my mom, from my old life. I was tired of the funny looks that people gave me and the hushed tones people used when i walked by in the hall. I knew I couldm't stay. I didn't belong here. Before i tell you about my adventure so far though, i might as well tell you my name.
My name is Amelia Beuadare(A/N: her last name is pernounced bodare) and I am fifteen years old. I am ADHD and dyslexic, but, back when my parents actually cared about me they got me classes to help me overcome my dyslexia and now i love to read. In my past, things were never easy. it seemed i could never go to one school more than twice if i was lucky. I didn't have any friends, but that was okay with me.Lately though, things had gotten strange.I was getting into more fights and i kept seeing things in the distance that no one else seemed to notice. My parents thought i was crazy and tried sendind me to a therapist, but that was the day i left.
Now here i am, somewhere in Vermont.I desperately needed to find shelter and food. As i looked up, i saw an abandon house. At least it looked abandon. i walked over and knocked on the door, but it just creaked open. Normally, i would have been suspicious, but i was to tired to think. I set my things down and started to explore.

OK: so what do you think????
Is it good??
Is it bad??
Plz comment ( sorry that its short)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago seaistruth said…
Nice post more....
over a year ago teamleo said…
i have somethin, but i neead three comments before i post again. (seaistruth counts as one)
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
niceee post soon!!!
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…

does this count?
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
sure why not? i will post in about half an hour but until then, go get me some readers!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago seaistruth said…
Yea * peanut butter battle cry!!* let's get team Leo some new readers!!
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
alright! its been 10 mins since u said that, gotta wait 20 XD. Well atleast this means ill stop procrastinating and do my english paper..... o wait i have to watch that elmo behind the scenes video erm..... I JUST CANT DO HOMEWORK OK????!!!!
over a year ago teamleo said…
First off.... Lt_Pupster elmo behind the scences is HILARIOUS. second off, i can't post the full chappie right now because my parents want me to get off and do my homework, but here is a preview.

Ch.2 the not so abandoned house
I sensed something was wrong as soon as i walked through the door. "Hello?" i called. No one answered. That's wierd, i thougt. The living room was the first placed i checked for any signs of life. the furniture was torn and worn out. i could make out the silohoutte of a lamp, but when i pulled the chain, the light didn't come on. i walked into the next room, the kitchen. it looked like a regular kitchen, but i cou;d tell it had been out of commision for a while. i saw a light switchand this time when i flipped it, the light turned on.i scavanged for food in the cabinets and came out with a soup can, some slices of bread, and a small orange juice carton. I kept looking and found a pot. After numerous accounts of trial and error, i finally got the stove to turn on so i heated up the the soup. After i polished of part of the soup, a slice of bread, and half the orange juice carton, i continued my "tour" of the house. As soon as i left the kitchen, a light flickered on upstairs. I could have sworn that no one had been there before. I picked a knife that i found and crept up the stairs...

So what do you think she'll find????
i really want to know cuz' i'm gettin writer's block.
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
you're getting writers block too? LOL ok maybe it should be like a greek monster or a demigod. idk x_x
over a year ago teamleo said…
Bad news fannies, i have a BIG project so i won't be on in a while!!!! So sorry!!!!!! Love Ya and i will be back as soon as possible.

over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
new reader!!!!

how about Leo and Grover went on a quest and the Grover smelt a demigod and was led to Amelia.
and then it gets too dark and when they turn on the lights... man idk justtt CONTINUE!!!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
HEY! all you people who read my forum, just dropping in to check on u and make sure u are all still breathing. Anway i have a friend who has a forum called One Of A Kind. in case you were wondering who the author is .... it's

LeoNicoCrazaiii so get off your buts and go read her forum and leave a comment. her forum is super awshumm!!!!!!
over a year ago teamleo said…
hey fannnies, i still have a lot of work to do, but since she meets someone i the house, i gonna make the preview the official chapter 2. i should have the new chapter up by the end of the week or sunday. and as a hint a a show of gratitude, LeoNicoCrazaiii and 8xchristellax8, your suggestions were taken into consideration and have been added to the newchapter. i will be back soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
^also lies, she has no work to do, shes only 14. (im assuming 8th grade, if ur 9th grade its easier than 8th grade) ugh i feel like shit right now, ive stayed up till 2 on sunday and 1 on monday, though i guess it would be 2 on monday and 1 on tuesday cause its passed 12 but idc much. I was staying up doing homework and other stuff.... I usually get tired and stop working effectively at around 12 so me doing for example 1 hour of work at 6 would be 2 hours of work. I also try to do things to stimulate my senses so i dont fall asleep and fail that english paper. Ive actually fallen asleep working on it beforer and i woke up at 4 am then i was like screw it and went to sleep anyway even though the rough draft wasnt done and it was due the next day. (by wasnt done i mean, none of it was done i only had a thesis statement XD)
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
HA!!! i have only a 2 page history thing 2 write tonight :D. Well i guess i do have to study for tests but i dont study and manage to get As anyway for tests. Though i do bad on homework mostly cause when i do homework i have a computer.... i cant do homework on/ with the computer next to me cause i wanna do things not boring D: so im not good with homework
over a year ago teamleo said…
well ur wrong because i am not 14(or am i ???????) and i have now a test, a project and my regualr everyday homework
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
eh you dont rlly have to study for tests
over a year ago megon4ever said…
So cool!!
Glad you have time to at least stop by my forum!
I know how writer's block feels... IT SUCKS!!
Recover soon and get a move on with this story!
Love you!!
over a year ago Kikat13 said…
Hey it's Kat, love the story!!!
Please add new stories (with me in them, maybe ;-) )
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
you said u finished ur project, can u write now? :D
over a year ago teamleo said…
um i don't have the full chappie but i might post what i ahve written so far. i twon't be a lot though. when did i say i finished my project?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
big smile
on rainbows forum...
awwwe thx teamleo for letting ur fannies noe bout' one of a kind! relli sweet of yuh <333
im thirteen 8)
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
big smile
post!!!!!!!!!! type quicker!!!!!!!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago teamleo said…
Sorry my computer died but I am getting on writing right now. New page!!!!!
over a year ago ihatekronos123 said…
Yay! I like ur story! I Have a friend names amelia!
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
okaii guys ... sorry it took so long but here is the first pov for Ch.3. i have taken the liberty of dedicatting this chapter to LeoNicoCrazaiii and 8xchristellax8. without u guys, i would not have had the ideas i had to make this cahpter. Thnx so much!!!!!

Ch.3 (i think XD)
Nicos POV
Grover and i had been chasing the stupid killer sheep all across Upper Manhattan and into Vermont. When the sheep finally stopped, we were in front of an abandoned house. Before i could kill it, the sheep disappeared in a puff of smoke. Grover looked like he was about ot pass out. "Sit down." i told him. chasing the sheep of doom had made me tired too. Just before i dozed off, i saw a light go on in what seemed to be the the kitchen window of the house. Event though he was obviously tired, i woke Grover up anyway. "Food." he mumbled.
"Dude,wake up." I pushed him a few more times.
Finally, his eyes fluttered open. I showed him the light coming from the kitchen window. Grover's eyes went slit goat-style the way they do when ever he gets nervous. It creeped me out, but i didn't tell him. He started sniffing the air.
"What is it ?" ?I asked.
"Do you smell that?" he said.
"No, is it like a demigod or monster or something?" I asked, starting to get worried. What excactly was in that house?
Grover's face started to mold into a look of unease. "That smell, why is it so familiar." I heard him say under his breath. What is he talking about?
"We need to get inside that house. Now." Grover said urgently.
" Why? What's in there?" I questioned. The look on Grover's face told me it was something important.
"I'm not sure," he replied, " but it is definetely something powerful." He got up and started walking towards the house.
"Wait up!" I yelled. He didn't stop. Now I was sure that Grover knew something big was going on. The only time Grover ever walked this fast was when they served enchiladas for dinner at camp.
When we reached the fornt door, i felt something strange. I looked around, expecting to see someone peeking out from behind a bush. Nothing. I had a bad feeling about this place. Before I could stop Grover and tell him ny suspicions, he went inside. I had no choice but ot follow him. The first think I noticed was the girl. She had light brown skin with eyes a mixture of blue and purple. Her long, brown hair fell over her shoulder in a single braid. She had on a white hat that reminded me of the one my sister Bianca used to wear. She wore a perriwinkle shirt with dark faded skinny jeans. She also had on black combat boots and a dark purple hoodie.
"Who-who are you?" she stuttered. "Why does he have furry legs?" She asked, looking more terrified than before.
"I'm Nico Di Angelo," I told her, seeing as how she didn't look like much of a threat, "and this is Grover Underwood."
"Are you going to hurt me?" she asked.
"No, i don't think that's necessary." I answered.
She seemed to relax a bit.

OK, there is more to come!!!!!! next will be grover's pov!!!!!
See ya soon!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
I have a suggestion. When she gets to camp, make either annabeth or percy dislike her. Possibilities for percy: um... not sure yet but it would work
possibilities for Annabeth: Percy spends too much time with her and is jealouse even though they are just related.
I think both ideas would work well for this story. Good luck in next chapter!
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
YAY u posted!!! but....what was the 2nd spoiler u didnt wanna tell me? xD
over a year ago teamleo said…
i don't know Lt_pupster, i really like Percy and Annabeth and i want both of them to like her, maybe though
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
fine then!!!!! D:
over a year ago parras2 said…
I would really appreceate it if some people took a look at my forum:link
over a year ago parras2 said…
great story btw
over a year ago teamleo said…
Thnx and I think I saw ur forum, it's great what u r trying to do
over a year ago seaistruth said…
Good I think when she gets to camp like nobody likes her but Annabeth eventually becomes friends with her cuz like she's just pretending to be awful and eventually she is nice to everybody and I REALLY DON'T want to see Annabeth be jealous because like I'm nit trying to be offensive but its way overused Annabeth is like always the bad guy which in the real stories she's not!!! Anyway love it can't wait for a Grover pov post soon
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago teamleo said…
Hey fannies, my mom took my computer away so i won't be able to post for a little while :'(. I hope you all survive while i am gone. and i wasn't planning on making Annabeth not like her.i definitely won't make her mean and if u read the summary u know she befriends two demigods.but maybe percy....
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
great post!!!
well i hope u get ur computer back...
o.O hatred in camp half-blood?
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
her computer is back, she just lied
over a year ago teamleo said…
Lt_Pupster, why do u always assume i am lying? The truth is my mom took away my laptop and i hooked my desktop up to the internet so i am using that instead. I still have to sneak on here though so i don't know when i will have the next chapter up. Until then...
Teamleo away!!!!
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Great story! Keep posting!
I wish I could write like this.....
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
ha that definitely wasn't made up on the spot^^
over a year ago Kikat13 said…
Hey, great story! I'm loving it!!!!
over a year ago Kikat13 said…
Hey I would love it if you would check out my forum-

BTW, I love your forum, its great!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago yumalicious said…
I justed started reading this. I love it!!!! Please Post when you can!!!!! XP great story!!!!
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
THNX SO MUCH YUMMALICIOUS. Come back tomorrow and is should have a preview of the next chapter. I am working on it right now!!!!!!!
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
Hey guys here"s a link tothis form called The Marked Ones. I think its really good and i think u should get off ur butts and check it out
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
Hey guys, i just wanted to give u a visual of what Amelia's eyes look like. Just focus on her eyes, not the makeup or anything, but Elizabeth Taylor(may she rest in peace) is pretty much what i imagine aphrodite to look like(in this picture at least) XD. But her eyes are amelia's eye color.
last edited over a year ago
Hey guys, i just wanted to give u a visual of what Amelia's eyes look like. Just focus on her eyes, n