The Heroes of Olympus The House of Hades By Karaoke_Leo.

Karaoke_Leo posted on Oct 10, 2012 at 08:44PM
*This forum has been abandoned.*
Thank you to all that read it, you made my day countless times!
*This forum has been abandoned.*
Thank you to all that read it, you made my day countless times!
last edited on Mar 28, 2013 at 06:59PM

The Heroes of Olympus 194 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 194

over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
It's all amazing plz continue
over a year ago book-worm said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
u write just like RR!!!
continue!! and please read my forum too!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
post soon!
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
big smile
Hey everyone reading this...
First of all thanx so much you guys that commented you are all so nice!!! Thankyou for the fanningness rainbow_girl and book-worm. I feel so special...XD
@rainbow_girl: I write like Riordan?! Read some of your forum too, my comment is on there. I shall post when I manage to get my butt off distracting Fanpop, and finish my chapter!!!! I'm trying to figure out some plot ideas for the up coming PoVs. I SHALL WRITE NOW BYE!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
im kinda glued to fanpop. im kinda stuck on my chappie.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
is it one of those tattoo giants percy played dodgeball with?
over a year ago precious211 said…
That actually was good. It didn't suck omg good job!<3
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
@precious211:" It didn't suck" whaaaat....? What does that mean exactly?
@rainbow_girl: nope te he (I am sooo sry but trolling is really fun for ppl who have never shared their writing with anyone) it's some one else. He goes by a different name though in this story, until towards the end...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago precious211 said…
It wasn't bad.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
okaay then......
over a year ago precious211 said…
Lol its a true compliment from me:)
It was really good! Does this sound better?
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
Just want to point out that I'll post like maybe one or two times a week. (Three if I'm on a roll) I have chapter 3 done, but I want to get ahead on my writing so that if I get stuck on a chapter I still have something to post for you. :)
and precious211: I got what you meant I was just a tad confuzzed on why you seemed so incredulous.
(does anyone base what they think someone looks like on here because of what their profile picture is? I do somehow, but I don't even know's so weird...) xD

***edit*** looks down at precious211's comment below: "YESH! I'M NOT ALONE!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago precious211 said…
Lol I sounded incredulous? Hmm I guess I did. I was just really surprised, in a good way of course:D
And yeah i do. Though you can't tell with mine, cause none of them make any sense. I change my pic to either what I think its pretty or what am really into:D
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
I FOUND THE MORTAL SIDE TO THE DOORS OF DEATH!!!!! Not even kidding. It fits like EVERYTHING that Nico said in the book.
-Temple to Hades? check
-Located in the region epris? check
-spooky sacred place? check
And no I shall not tell you where it will be revealed in chapter IIII.
I feel so smart...
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
wow. i never research. too lazy to.
but could u tell me some good websites for greek and roman mythology? that was be very helpful.
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
lol. I only decided to research for this story. Like a lot. Bascically because I had no idea where the DoD would be, or what Tartarus could be like. I try to base my "next book fanfics" on actual Greek and Roman mythology, like Riordan, because I want my story to be as much like Riordans' as possible. It fills your desire for the next book more.
Anyway, I don't have like specific places I go for research. I just sort of come up with an idea for something and google it. Like I wanted a titaness in this story, so I googled that. (And yes, I did find something, so I shall have a titaness in this story) One site I do particualarily like is: link
Probably because it gave me so much information that I used in this forum. I found some pretty good stuff.
What I would say to do for myths in a fanfic is think about the place your characters are at or what lessons they can learn from a figure in mythology. You can use certain gods or figures in myths according to that.
Still as for websites, you'll laugh at this, I just asked HecateA for the exact same thing a few days ago.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
okay. thanks! and POST SOON!!
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
I'm proof reading! Meh. Proof reading...who invented this stupid idea...
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
i cant think of any crits.
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
big smile
Thanx rainbow_girl!!! Hey are you going to write a House of Hades? I'd really like to read it! (A really good one is by a guy named Ares2002 or something.)
over a year ago --Ares2002-- said…
Ok I just started reading this and this is AWESOME. Ive only read the firsrlt chapter but soon i will catch up:)
over a year ago precious211 said…
: D
*le smiles*
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
This is amazing! Post soon!
The giant kinda reminds me of Tyson :(
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
OH MY GOSH GUYS! (I just got like two new readers! JK that's not why Im commenting) Riordan just gave a semi spoiler about the House of Hades!

I quote:
The one thing I can promise regarding The House of Hades ***SPOILER ALERT**** At the end of Mark of Athena, Nico senses that Percy and Annabeth are still alive, despite the incredible danger they are in. Nico is right. They are alive. You WILL find out what is happening to them in the next book. They don't disappear from the story. **** END SPOILER ALERT*****

He posted it on his blog! Yay! Percabeth won't die, we'll probably get one of their PoVs, I love these two! FANGIRL RANTING: iiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii SocuteIadorethemIlovethemtheyaresoromantic­ala­ndc­ute­!(H­ave­you­fli­ppi­ngs­een­myi­con­?)L­ove­lov­elo­veP­erc­abe­th.­
Love them.
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
big smile
PERCABETH NOT DEAD! This is the best new I heard besides the Norse Series! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
meh flash drive just snapped in two... so all my writing on it is gone like forever. (Which is like 3/4 of it) I'm just praising the Lord that I was working on my House of Hades so I still have it! Don't worry guys! You'll get your chapter soon! Thank you Jesus! Amen! :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
over a year ago precious211 said…
NO...That means I got that question wrong
Lol awesome chappie
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
OMG! amazing chapter!!
please post soon again!
over a year ago parras2 said…
amazing story post soon
over a year ago ycrepercy said…
big smile
i actually just signed up to say that ur writing is epic....i've been restless since i finished reading the mark of athena,(which by the way i waited for a year to be released only to read it within a day)...anywayz tnx for the chapters..pls do post more!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
Post soon!!! Your writing keeps making me think that Hazel is going to sacrifice herself so that her friends can go back to camp, while she stays in the Underworld to guard the Doors of Death. If that's true, then Frank's job is to make sure that Percy allows Hazel to go instead of him going.
Did I just give you an idea??? IDK. Well, I'm just rambling.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
Le post!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
where r u?
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
@precious211: you got what question wrong?
@rainbowgirl: thank you so much!
@parras2:thank you!
@ycrepercy: Oh my gosh I am so flattered! Thank you! I don't know what to say!
@Wisdoms_Child: I am making it sound like that aren't I?

So according to all of you i should really post. Thank you for putting pressure on me. XD Anyway, I'd be writing right now but Brooke is over and we are writing our HG fanfic right now (which isn't online) say hi Brooke!: hi Brooke~
Wow I thought you were smarter than that.
Anyway, I'll get to work soon!

Edit: @rainbowgirl: where am I?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
i dunno. thats why i was asking u....LOL!! jk.
and yes, POST SOON!!!!
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
^just reread that. oops! XD
I'm in Brooklyn, 21st Nome. That's where I stay during the school year. The ankle biters are being really loud today, think that one just broke the shandelier. Yep. So yeah, I stay here during the school year and then CHB during the summer. CABIN SEVEN BABY! XD

Lots of homework rawr, may not post until the weekend. :*(
over a year ago parras2 said…
I would really appreciate it if some people took a look at my forum it's called Just trying to help: link
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
Alright. I finally have time to write, but I'm sort of a writer that needs motivation to write, so normally unless I'm totally pumped--I don't write. need to get in a mind set...get off fanpop...go write now Karaoke_Leo...I can do this...

eh, sry for talking to myself, you'll get your chappie soon.
over a year ago ycrepercy said…
more pls..:)
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
dont leave us w/ a suspense. u want motivation?
over a year ago parras2 said…
amazing chapter! thanks for posting
over a year ago LeoLuver19 said…
big smile
Daliah, write more! I have no clue what I was reading, because as you know I haven't read the Heros of Olympus series yet :( but I know as your friend I need to tell you that you need to KEEP WRITING! Oh, and get that chariot PoV done, (How dare you leae it at school!) I need to read B and N's part!!!!!!!!!!