The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Time

ontril86 posted on Dec 27, 2011 at 08:38PM
Yes, this is a series. No, I will not be hyphenating the title to include both books because I'm not writing the first book anymore

Book 1: The Earths Revenge

(I know that there are a LOT of these stories out there, but I have tried very hard to make mine different. Please don't just pass this up as another betrayed/banished story.)

The Hero of Olympus is betrayed by one he would call a friend and blamed for a theft he didn't commit. He is banished from camp by Zeus himself. Just as his friends learn the truth, something horrible happens and he dissapears. 2000 years into the future the giants and titans are back and the new great prophecy hangs over every bodies heads.

You're enemies combined, will prevail,
The Olympians alone, are destined to fail.
To heal the heart and seal the mound,
Son of the Sea must be found.
A promise to keep, a decision to make,
The fifth age shall endure or fade in tune with a hero's fate.

The gods manage to make contact with someone they thought faded long ago, but will he remain a friend to the Olympians, or become their enemy? Meanwhile, three new heroes set out on a quest of their own. Percival, son of Annabeth, born out of her memories of Percy. Hector, the son of Nico, and Michelle, the daughter of Thalia. Their prophecy, while not as encompassing as the great prophecy, still weighs heavy in their minds.

Three shall go west and investigate the sound,
One shall be lost and one will be found,
Daughter of time will turn traitor to her kind,
Death will find the storm and what once was whole will be torn,
A love will be lost and the tide stopped,
The hero’s will save the fifth or see it start to decay.

Book 2: The Son of Time

The quest to stop the Titans and their allies, the Giants, has ended horribly. Percival is lost and presumed dead, or stuck in a fate that is even worse. Chloe is in bad shape. She has spent the time since the quest ended actively avoiding everyone at camp. The camp is depressed and grieving, Percy hasn’t been seen for days and Annabeth is doing what she can to keep the camp running smoothly, but the campers don’t know the full truth. Olympus is slowly losing its grandeur, slowly decaying and none of the Gods know why. On the day that the camp is set to burn Percival’s shroud Nico shows up in camp with news that demands a quest. At the campfire that night, instead of burning a shroud, the camp receives a prophecy, but prophecies can never be nice, or simple.

To the frozen wastes of the north,
The traitor will travel alone.
Journey west from the mouth,
To find time’s lost dome.
Beware the first one’s birthplace,
Rejoice in what is gleaned from the tome.
However, despair for all will be lost when all is gained,
To return home alone.

It falls on Chloe, the demititan turned traitor, to go on a solo quest. The prophecy however isn’t clear if she will succeed or fail, only that she will find what she’s looking for, time’s lost dome.

To complicate matters further, far in the north, out of the Gods control, the Titans and Giants are gathering their forces. Alcyoneus has again been born in Alaska, only this time, he has made his home inland and away from neighboring lands. To complete her quest it appears that Chloe will have to visit her estranged family.

What does the prophecy hold hidden within its lines? Will Chloe succeed or fail? Why is Olympus decaying and what does it mean for the Gods and their children? How will the camp deal with the threat of the Titans armies and will they even be able to defeat them? Read on and find out!

Note: I dont own any of RR's characters and all credit to him.

Rated T: I dont plan on using swears but they might crop up.

I don't mind spam but please keep it short. I hate it when people post spam that is longer than the authors chapters and if I see it I will ask that you delete the comment or edit it.

Characters: Most of RR's main prophecy characters from The Hero's of Olympus, Thalia, Nico, and Other main characters, as well as quite a few monstrous characters and an immortal demigod. My OC's, Percival, Hector, Michelle, James, Chloe, others who's names I either forgot or haven't brought into the story yet.

This is percabeth, however, percabeth is not the main point of this story. It follows the path of a different hero as he struggles under the path that has been lain down in front of him, as well as the pressure of being the child of two very well known, powerful immortals.

If there are any monsters in particular that you would like to be included or that you want to see make an appearance, leave your suggestion in a comment and if I can, I will put them in the story.
last edited on Jul 31, 2012 at 10:35PM

The Heroes of Olympus 567 replies

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over a year ago ontril86 said…
I have over ten chapters written already but I want to see if people are interested in the story before I post again
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Sounds kewl!!!!! Post soon!!
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
You don't have to apologize if you created your own idea, but if you got inspired by someone, you should give them credit. Anywas your prophecy sounds very interesting, I hope you'll post it.
over a year ago ontril86 said…
Alright ill put up a falter tonight or tomorrow
over a year ago ontril86 said…
^oops, chapter
over a year ago ontril86 said…
Alright here it is, just give it a chance, it'll pick up as it progresses


Five years after Gaea and the giants were defeated and the camps were combined the camp was gathered at the arena to remember all who were lost in the giant war and to pay tribute to Jason, who gave his life to help his friends win the war. As Chiron and Lupa call the camp to silence they hear in the distance a satyr calling for help. The camp jumps to their feet when suddenly they hear thunder roll over head and a lightning bolt shoots from the sky. The campers get to the top of half-blood hill to see Percy, who had sprinted there to help, and a new demigod finishing the last of the monster horde that was trying to kill the new boy. Percy looks at the new boy smiling and they shake hands as they turn towards the hill. The camp is struck by how much the boy looks like Jason. when he gets to the top of the hill the boy says "I am Alex, son of Jupiter."
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Really good start. Post soon!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ontril86 said…
i probably wont post till tomorrow evening 'cause i'm going skiing but as mentioned i have about ten chapters written and i'm working on more.
over a year ago GoRgOnxx said…
big smile
COOL!Post soon....
over a year ago ontril86 said…
here you go


I was sad as I bowed my head, remembering how my friend had died to save us. I hoped he had gotten to Elysium at least, he deserved the isles of the blest. I was thinking this when I heard a cry for help coming from half-blood hill, instantly I was out of my seat and running. I was out of the arena before the rest of the campers realized what was going on knowing that anyone on the hill asking for help needed it, and probably pretty bad. I was reaching into my pocket for my handy dandy pen, when I heard the thunder and saw the lightning. instantly I thought it was a child of Zeus or Jupiter. I got my pen out of my pocket and uncapped it, as it grew into my celestial bronze sword, riptide I thought about which monsters were likely after this kid. There wasn’t a pact of the big three anymore, I had ended that years ago so I wasn’t expecting furies but a child of the big three was likely to have hellhounds at least, if he is as lucky as me, the minotaur will have reformed and be after him, I thought. I topped the hill and saw a blond boy of maybe fourteen or fifteen defending a satyr from a pack of hellhounds. I plunged down the hill and yelled out "I'm here to help!" so that he didn’t fry me by accident, it's happened before. the boy nodded without breaking his concentration and I plunged into the fray letting my body go into autopilot as I dodged, parried, cut, and thrust trying my best to make the rest of those hellhounds have a, well, a terrible end to their day. I spun around after the hellhound I had just killed dissolved into shadows expecting to see another enemy, instead I saw the boy stick his gladus into the last hellhound and shoot electricity into the beast. A son of Jupiter then, I thought, as I noticed the gladus. "Hi, I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon." I said holding out my hand. The boy shook it saying "I'm Alex Jones, son of Jupiter ". We walked up the hill talking about swordplay and other things like that. I saw Chiron look a question at Alex and he obviously picked up on what Chiron wanted because he stopped at the top of the hill, just inside the boundary line and said to the campers, "I am Alex, son of Jupiter."
over a year ago GoRgOnxx said…
big smile
Nice.... Post!!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Love the chappie!!
over a year ago ontril86 said…
oh yeah totally forgot, this is rated T, I dont plan on cusing but a few "choice" words might end up in here.

here it is, chapter two



I woke up thinking about the new kid, Alex. It had been a few months since he showed up at camp and he had proven himself a very strong camper. Within weeks he received a quest to shut down a group of monster who were trying to revive the giants. He had beat them so badly that it was rumored that monsters all over the country were scared silly, afraid to be caught in a group so that Alex isn't sent after them. I'm glad I had Percy though, Alex was letting his fame get to him and he was getting a swelled head. Good old seaweed brain. I thought smiling, I had asked him a week ago how he thought of Alex getting all the attention and he just smiled and said "let him have it, I never really wanted it in the first place." Oh I am so happy with him! I thought, as remembering that conversation made me smile. I wonder where he is, I'd better go find him or he might do something stupid, well more stupid than normal. I wandered around checking his usual spots but he wasn’t in the arena, he wasn’t climbing the rock wall, he wasn’t at the lake either. hmmm… where would I go if I were Percy? Of course, the beach. I thought wondering how I didn’t think of that first. Sure enough when I got there I found him on his favorite rock which had an amazing view of the ocean. I climbed up to him but he didn’t seem to notice me so I slipped my arms around him and gave him a hug saying " Hey seaweed brain, what are you up to?"
"Oh, hey Annabeth," he said giving me a kiss, "sorry I disappeared but I was doing some thinking."
"Thinking Percy, you know how dangerous that can be for you." I joked. He laughed that wonderful laugh, making me smile and said,
"Yeah I know but this was important, I figured I needed to risk it."
Uh-oh, I thought, he's serious. "Percy, what's happened?" I asked.
"I got a dream last night, from my father, and Hades."
"WHAT? What the Hades, er… does Hades want from you?"
"They were warning me, Annabeth, something bad is going to happen today, and it's going to happen to me." "But Percy everything bad happens to you, it can't be that much worse, could it?" I asked, worried when he didn’t smile at my joke.
"No Annabeth it'll be very bad, I can't tell you though so don’t ask, If I tell you it will be worse than it will already be, they promised me they had a plan but warned me that if I tell I’ll die and you might too." "Just promise me that you will believe in me." He said.
"Don’t worry Percy I'll always believe in you." I said. He just smiled, gave me a kiss and turned back to the ocean, I left for camp.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ontril86 said…
I'm copying in from word and when i post its not spacing right for the dialouge. ill work on it in the future.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Love it!!!!!
over a year ago GoRgOnxx said…
Love it! Nice chapter...
over a year ago ontril86 said…
Hey im super wiped out tonight and im not going to post. I'm really sorry but to make up for it i'll post a chapter tomorrow ASAP
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Ok I will wait
over a year ago goddessgirl said…
big smile
love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago ontril86 said…
Thanks to everyone reading this, i really appreciate it. Sorry it took so long but here is chapter three.



I walked out of the woods an hour or so later. I noticed Annabeth looking at me but more importantly I saw Alex walk towards me, a hand on his gladus. "Hey Alex, just the person I was looking for. Do you know what's going on with that?" I asked pointing towards the sky. It was filled with a wall of clouds that stretched from horizon to horizon and as tall as I could see. The worst bit? They were pitch black.

"No, I don’t know what's going on, usually I get a little extra thunder when I tell my dad good night but since yesterday, it has been silent in cabin one." Alex said. That made me worried but not too much. Zeus was a bit of a drama queen, as my dad had once said, he would have made a good god of theater.

"So Percy I want to challenge you." said Alex. This also wasn’t a surprise, he does it about once a week.

"The usual rules?" I asked, "all our powers, nothing held back?"

"Of course, it wouldn’t be fun if we did it different."

As we walked down to the arena I saw Annabeth, a few other campers, and Thalia? Huh, why is she here? I thought. " Hey Thals, why are you here?" I asked.

"Oh the hunters and I were doing some tracking for Lady Artemis and ended up close to camp so we decided to crash at cabin eight for the night."

"Oh that’s cool, enjoy the fight, these get crazy!" I told her. When all of the campers who were going to watch the fight were seated I willed a very thin sheet of water onto the floor of the arena behind me in case I needed it and then walked out to shake Alex's hand. As soon as we shook I could feel the electricity buzzing on his skin and I knew what he was going to, I willed the water behind me to push me into the air and not a moment too soon, a huge bolt of lightning came down from the sky and obliterated the spot that I had been standing just a moment before. alright, he wants to play rough, I'll play rough. I yelled "wave!" and a twenty foot wave sprung up behind me. I landed in it about halfway up. looking down I saw Alex's face light up, like he had been hoping I would do something like this, and he brought down another bolt of lightning. Now, according to some of my friends, I wasn’t the smartest person in the world, but I did know that water is a great conductor of electricity so I summoned a sphere of water and had it intercept the bolt. All the lightning was absorbed by the water and I threw it down on Alex, hoping it would shock him. He was able to somehow control the electricity in the water and make it pass by him, not a single drop touched him. He seemed to realize that he would have to use his blade so he yelled and a third bolt came down and struck his blade. the power was contained in the blade and I watched as the imperial gold took on a bluish tint and sparks started rolling across the blade. I can't let him so much as touch me, it might mean the end of the fight. I summoned some water and coated my blade in it, I wasn’t expecting it to do much but Riptide seemed to quiver in delight at the touch of the water and of its own accord the water formed a sort of sheath around my blade, it was wider and longer than ever before, and it looked to be wicked sharp as well. I didn’t have time to ponder this though because Alex was running at me, preparing to strike. I met his blade and the two swords seemed to want to fight each other as much as we did. I parried and tried a thrust of my own at his shoulder but he just pushed my blade a little and it went right past him. we continued to trade blows and I noticed two things. 1) every time our blades met, they would throw off little electrified water droplets, which fizzled like sparks, if you as ADHD as I am, it is really distracting, not a good thing in a sword fight, and 2) the arena seemed to be filling with clouds that were humming with energy. I thought about calling in my hurricane in case he decided to stick a cloud on me and fry me. I disengaged and took a couple steps back, as I brought my sword down and prepared to charge again the strangest thing happened. A bolt of lightning seemed to shoot out of my sword. I watched as it struck Alex on the chest and he flew backwards. Everyone in the arena, including myself had their mouth open. What just happened? I can't control lightning, Zeus would kill me first.

Then Alex spoke, ”You see father? I told you!" I had no idea what to make of that but then the sky rumbled and a voice said, "Perseus Jackson! You will pay for this!" I was confused, to the best of my knowledge, I hadn't done anything but with a flash of light Zeus was standing in the arena.

"Give it back Jackson."

"Um… My Lord? Give what back?"

"Ha, as if you don’t know. My master bolt, I want it back."

"But sir, I didn’t take you bolt."

"Olympus was broken into last night, Hephaestus confirmed that it was with a celestial bronze weapon and only a child of Hades, Poseidon or myself could handle the bolt and not be killed. You just confirmed my suspicions by using it on my son. Now give it back or I'll kill you and find it myself." As soon as he said that another flash of light filled the arena and when it died, there stood my father, Poseidon.

"Zeus! You will not harm my son!" Besides you know he could not have taken it, the bolt would have killed him before he could move it."

"Well it wasn’t that child of Hades, he doesn’t use a celestial bronze weapon, my daughter was with the hunters, and my son uses imperial gold, that leaves your child."

"That’s still not enough evidence to kill him."

"Very well, I won't kill you, but for taking my bolt, you are hereby banished, no one from this camp is to help you or they shall suffer a worse fate." I was dumbfounded, Zeus was going to banish me from my home without letting me defend myself?

Then I heard another voice. "But sir, he couldn’t have taken your bolt." It was none other than Annabeth.

"Oh and how can you know?" asked Zeus.

"Well sir it just isn't logical that Percy would take the bolt, what reason could he have, and also, I was with him last night." she said blushing. Thalia looked disgusted and a couple of guys wolf whistled.

"Be that as it may, I see no other possibilities, Perseus Jackson, you are banished from this camp.”

"Fine, I'll go." I said in disgust. I turned and walked out of the arena, heading for half-blood hill. I turned around to see the valley one more time and I saw Annabeth running towards me, her blond hair streaming behind her and tears running down her face. Gods she's beautiful. I thought and although it broke my heart to do it to her, I willed myself to turn into water vapor and blew away from camp on a sea breeze.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Love the chappie!!!!!!! Post another chappie soon!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Please post soon!!!!!
over a year ago ontril86 said…
Hey i ment to post on new years eve but i ended up at a party instead. heres the next chapter though. well half of it.



I sat there stunned, Percy was banished? After everything that had happened and now he was gone, just like that? I sat in my seat in a daze until I noticed Poseidon was flickering, in a manner of seconds he turned into Neptune and glared at his brother so ferociously I'm surprised that Zeus didn’t flinch.

"You'll regret this brother”, and then he flashed away.

That brought me back to the present, Percy was leaving. I sprinted out of the arena attempting to chase him down. I saw him as he stopped on top of half-blood hill and turned around. I poured on the speed, I could feel tears on my face, I could get there in time, I knew I could. He smiled sadly at me, like he knew that I would go with him if I caught him, (which I would have), then his outline blurred and he turned into a sea breeze and disappeared.

Everyone at dinner was subdued. I was just looking at the plate in front of me wondering when I would ever be hungry again when I heard boisterous laughter. Looking up I saw that Alex and a couple of his friends laughing at the Zeus table. I was surprised to say the least, none of them seemed to care that Percy was gone. That made me mad and I decided to go and listen in on what they were talking about, I pulled out my hat and disappeared. When I was close enough I found a nice pillar to stand by, I may have been invisible, but I didn’t want anyone to run into me. I noticed that one of his friends was talking so I started listening.

"… Tell us again Alex, how'd you do it."

"It wasn’t difficult. I simply took a sword out of the armory and then flew to Olympus. It was incredibly easy to get into the throne room and then a couple quick slashes and the bolt was mine. I flew back to camp and hid the bolt near that Greeks cabin. All I had to do then was tell my father that I thought I felt the presence of his bolt near the son of Poseidon. It wasn’t difficult!"

All his stupid friends laughed but I was ticked off. I almost stuck my knife in his back when I had a better idea. I took off my hat and said so the whole of camp could hear "YOU BASTURD! You framed him and all Percy ever was, was nice to you. I should kill you myself for what you did!" Alex didn’t look too worried but as I'd hoped my little outburst had caught Chiron's' attention.

He cantered over and said to me, "Annabeth, what's going on here?"

"Chiron I was walking back to my cabin when I heard these idiots talking about how Alex took Zeus' master bolt and framed Percy!" At these words everyone in camp got up and started glaring at Alex, Chiron sensing the mood of the campers said, "All cabin leaders at the big house, now."

over a year ago Kaia143 said…
big smile
Love the chappie!!!!!!!!!! I knew Precy didnt do it.
over a year ago ontril86 said…
Im putting the rest of the chapter up soon
over a year ago GoRgOnxx said…
big smile
Nice chapter!!! I love it!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
K. Cant wait to read them!!
over a year ago ontril86 said…
Hey sorry i didnt post earlier but my internet was acting up. Its working now though so while it is,

Ch. 4, part 2

- - - - - - - -

Once there Chiron had Alex tell his story again only this time it was in front of people who didn’t find it so funny.

When he finished I turned to Chiron and said "this is good right, now we can go get Percy!"

"Why do you want him back. It's not like he's that great." Alex grumbled, so I punched him in the face and he crumpled to the floor.

"I'm afraid it's not going to be that easy, the Gods must here of this and repeal Percy's banishment."

"Oh don’t worry Chiron, we heard that boys little confession." I turned towards the new voice and saw none other than Mr. D.

"So," I asked, "can Percy come back?"

"Yes the council voted eleven to one to let Peter Johnson come back to camp. As for you." he said, Waking Alex up with a snap of his fingers, "We have decided to send you into exile in place of Peter." Mr. D's eyes started glowing with that weird purplish fire he gets that lets you know he's going to do something godly, and bad. Alex just stood there for a while with a puzzled look on his face then he bent over like he had been punched in the gut and started to scream. none of us had any idea what was going on, Alex was just laying on the ground yelling in pain and asking, "Why do you do this for him?" Dionysius looked down coldly and said, "Perseus Jackson has earned my respect, that is more than you'll ever be able to say." We all watched as all of Alex's hair fell out and his skin took on a grey hue, his face started to elongate while his arms shrunk and his legs fused together. His fingers started to merge into something that looked like flippers and his feet turned into a fluke. It had only been a minute and where Alex had stood, a dolphin flopped on the ground. "You think children of Poseidon are weak? Let us see how you do in his realm. Alex Jones, son of Jupiter, you are hereby exiled to live out your days in the ocean." and with a flick of his wrist Mr. D sent Alex the dolphin flying towards long island sound. With a splash the dolphin hit the water but before it could go anywhere, the waters under it started to froth and boil and with a roar a massive pillar of water shot one hundred feet into the air and froze, with a dolphin in it, something told me that that particular ice wouldn’t melt anytime soon. "Well, It would appear that Lord Poseidon does not want that particular subject." said Mr. D, turning into the big house. We stared at Mr. D in fear until I remembered that we had to go get Percy. "Chiron we have to go get Percy!" I said.

He looked down at me and said, "not so fast, you need a prophecy and you will leave tomorrow."

"OK, fine someone get Rachel." It felt like forever but Rachel finally appeared and without letting her catch her breath I said, "Rachel we need a prophecy, were going to get Percy."

She smiled but said "You know I don’t control this it just sort of happens when it happ…." she trailed off and closed her eyes. "Rachel, are you OK?" She opened her eyes and I noticed that they were glowing green and that greenish smoke was building up around her, something told me that this prophecy was going to be a big one. She opened her mouth and said in that voice that sounded like three Rachel's talking together said,

"You're enemies combined, will prevail,
The Olympians alone, are destined to fail.
To heal the heart and seal the mound,
Son of the Sea must be found.
A promise to keep, a decision to make,
The fifth age shall endure or decay in tune with a hero's fate."
over a year ago ontril86 said…
And because i missed my posting time,



Wow, I thought, that one was something else. Some of the campers pulled Rachel into a chair so she could recover. I wandered down towards the Hades cabin and, realizing how late it was decided to crash. The quest would start tomorrow and I was planning on helping. Surprisingly, I didn’t have dreams, that is, not 'till around midnight and then I got a whopper. I watched as Percy was fighting a hellhound, and this thing was massive, bigger than Mrs. O'Leary. Things were looking good, Percy had scored multiple hits and it looked like he was going to win, when suddenly things all went wrong. He was in the middle of a swing when an earthquake made him lose his balance enough that he missed the hellhound and was left over extended. The hellhound took advantage of this and knocked riptide away into the forest, then with its other paw smashed Percy into a tree, and he didn’t get back up. The last thing I saw was the hellhound advancing when my dream was shattered by a piercing "NOOOO!" Nothing wakes you up as good as someone yelling. I ran out to the hearth to see what was going on and I saw Annabeth, Thalia and most of the camp.

Annabeth was crying but I heard her say "I'm sorry everyone, please go back to sleep. I was just having a bad dream about Percy,"

"Fighting a hellhound"? finished Thalia.

"Yeah I saw it too." I said.

Annabeth looked at me with terror in her eyes and said "Dear Gods, then it wasn’t a dream, it was a vision."

The sound of hooves on grass filled the night and Chiron appeared with his horse tail in curlers. He took one look at us assembled and then looked at me and said one word, "go."

I understood immediately, I could get there the fastest. "Thalia, I'll need your help! Get Aegis!" She slapped her wristband which transformed into her shield, the presence of it made all the campers except Annabeth step back. I grabbed her arm and we stepped into the shadows of the night. We arrived at the place where we had seen Percy in our vision but there was nothing there except the tail of a hellhound disappearing into shadow. "Percy! Where are you?" I called, but no one answered, I hadn't really expected it to work.

Thalia looked at me and I could see tears forming in her eyes, "Oh gods, telling Annabeth won't be fun."

"Well there is nothing we can do here," I said, "let's get back to camp and get this over with."

"Wait, which way did riptide go?" Thalia asked.

I pointed to the left and said, "over there."

She walked over and picked up riptide and said, "alright, let's go." I grabbed her by the arm and we shadow travelled back to the hearth at camp. The campers started asking us questions like, 'did you save him?', 'where is he?', but I didn’t trust myself to talk so I looked at Thalia. She looked straight ahead at Annabeth and gave her riptide. Annabeth took one look at the sword and broke down in tears.
over a year ago Inevera said…
This story is great! lol Mr. D turning Alex into a dolphin was awesome.
over a year ago GoRgOnxx said…
The story is cool! Alex turned into a dolphin! I love it post soon!
over a year ago magic-cow said…
Omg mr d turned more people into dolphins
over a year ago percyroxz said…
post soon pls this rocks i want to know what happens and if u have over ten chapters writen already why not post them all?
over a year ago ontril86 said…
I'm spacing out the posts 'cause i'm trying to stay ahead on the writing. All the chapters i have so far will be up before the sixth though because i'm going on vacation, i will put up the next chapter today, but seeing as its 1:15 i'm going to bed.
over a year ago percyroxz said…
oh that makes sense. post soon
over a year ago ontril86 said…
heres the chappie



Annabeth's crying was the worst thing I'd ever heard, it was the sound of someone who's heart had just broken when they found out their soul mate was dead. I was feeling pretty miserable myself and was thinking of going back to the Hades cabin when I felt something. I ran up to Annabeth and said, "Hurry, you can say goodbye to Percy, even touch him, but we have to get to him before the ferry leaves this side of the river."

"Nico, what are you talking about?"

"Charon's ferry, Percy is boarding it right now."

"How do you know that?"

"Son of Hades, duh."

"alright, let's go."

I took us down to the shore of the Styx and got Charon to stop just in time. Annabeth was just crying looking at Percy when I noticed something strange about him, just as I opened my mouth to ask I saw him shake his head no. I heard Percy and Annabeth talking and decided to give them their space but I could still hear the words.

"Hey wise girl, didn’t see this happening so soon."

"How could you seaweed brain, what am I supposed to do now?"

"That’s easy, you keep living."

" I don’t think I can without you though."

"Don’t talk like that Annabeth, you did fine before you met me, you can do it without me again, and besides, they need you for Rachel's new prophecy."

"How do you know about that?"

"Spirits hear things, and I'll tell you a secret, that’s the next great prophecy and they will need you in it."

"I've had my share of prophecies, let someone else do it."

"You know it doesn’t work that way, I want you to do me a favor, one last favor."

"What is it?"

"I want you to swear on the Styx that if the gods offer you immortality, you'll take it."

"What? I don’t want to live forever without you though."

"Please Annabeth I need you to do this for me."

"Alright, I swear on the river Styx to become a goddess if offered immortality." Thunder boomed and I realized something, the thunder originates from the river itself.

I heard Percy say, "Thank you Annabeth, I was going to give you this yesterday but things didn’t work out like I'd hoped, and I want you to have this as well." I looked over to see Percy giving Annabeth his necklace from camp and a necklace with a pearl set in a sea shell. "If you need help, smash the pearl, but remember, it only works once so only use it if you really have to."

Charon looked over and said "wrap this up kid, the boat needs to leave." So Percy leaned over and kissed Annabeth one last time, only breaking it as Charon poled the ferry across the river Styx. As the boat faded into the mist, Annabeth sat down and cried so I transported her to the Athena cabin and then went to the Hades cabin where I sat down and succumbed to my sadness.
over a year ago percyroxz said…
awesome i wonder why percy looked at nico like that and why he made annabeth swear to become a goddess if offered????????????? post soon
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Love the chappie!!! Im wondering the same thing percyroxz. Post soon soo we can find out.
over a year ago ontril86 said…
Well im not telling, I guess you'll just have to keep reading.
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Nice chapter
And i think i know what's happening but i wont post it. It will spoil the fun.
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Plz post sooooon
over a year ago ontril86 said…
Hey shubham06, welcome to the story. here's the next chapter



It had been a few months now since Percy had died and the whole camp still hadn't recovered. Annabeth was the worst, she was a specter of her former self. Malcolm had taken over her duties as head counselor of the Athena cabin because she hardly ever got up anymore. It seemed like all she did was train, sit with Mrs. O'Leary, sit on the beach, or occasionally come to a meal. I had good news, at least, I hoped I did. I decided to wait to tell Annabeth until Thalia and the hunters stopped by camp again. I figured I wouldn’t have long to wait. In the five years since the war, the hunters had been stopping by much more frequently, I think that Lady Artemis and Thalia had realized the necessity of keeping the camp familiar with the hunters, in case we needed to fight again.

As we sat down to dinner that night I noticed that Annabeth was there. I hadn't gotten a good look at her in weeks, and even though she'll hit me if she hears this, she looked terrible. Her eyes had lost that gleam and they now looked bleak and overcast, her hair was a rats nest, like she had just stopped caring about how she looked, and even though I expected it from all the meals she had missed, I wasn’t ready for how thin she had gotten. I knew Chiron was worried about her, the whole camp was, but no one knew what to do. As I scraped part of my meal into the fire for the gods I sent a prayer to all of the gods, 'Please guys, help her.' As soon as I finished the thought, a hunting horn sounded in the woods, the hunters of Artemis were here.

The next day I went to talk to Thalia and Annabeth. "Hey, so I found some things out about Percy, and Jason." I saw that with those two name I had instantly got their attention. "My dad, being who he is, pulled some strings on their behalf and got them into the isles of the blest."

"Really? why would he do that?" Thalia asked

"Hey my dad's a nice guy."

"Yeah, to you."

"OK, the real reason is that he respects them for their parts ending the wars and saving Olympus. He also said they deserved it and it wasn’t fair to make them wait two more lifetimes."

Annabeth looked up at me with fresh tears and said, "Thank you Nico."

"That’s not all though, my dad said that I could bring you two down to talk to them, Thalia I know you didn’t get to say goodbye and Annabeth, I figured you would want to go see him." They both nodded and I shadow traveled us down to the isles of the blest. "Stay here, I'll go get them." I walked back to the girls a few minutes later and said "They're coming." Jason showed up first and before he could say hi, he was tackled in a flying hug by Thalia. Percy walked up a minute later and I noticed Jason looked really surprised to see him here but Percy just shook his head before Jason could ask a question, which only confirmed my suspicions. I couldn’t ask that question here though, not in front of Annabeth. I decided to ask later so I wandered off to my father's palace, I'd get the story out of him first.
over a year ago ontril86 said…
This is only half of chapter 7. I decided to break this one up 'cause it span three pages on word. I'll put the rest up in about 12 hours.

And could someone put on a comment how to do bold and italics? I forgot.
over a year ago swiftwater said…
to boldyou do[ b ]to start without spacing at the end of what ever your typing [/b ] without the final spacing I heard you do the same for italics but with an I
over a year ago percyroxz said…
post soon i can't wait
over a year ago shubham06 said…
I know its something about percy coming back to life or not dying at all. It would be interesting to see how u represent it...
Post soooon
over a year ago shubham06 said…
Let me guess whats wrong with percy
He has come to the underworld with his body right? Like its not only his soul present there but also his body....
Anyway post soooon...
over a year ago percyroxz said…
i think i get what nico is suspicious about. i don't think percy getting attacked by those hell hounds was real. i think hades sent them so they can bring him to the underworld. percy isn't really dead that's why wen jason say him he was surprised (i think)
over a year ago Inevera said…
I agree; I don't think he is actually dead.
over a year ago ontril86 said…
Heres the rest of the chapter, sorry it's later than i said, i had a busy day today.

I shadow traveled off the isles of the blest and popped up in the middle of my dad's throne room. He was having an audience with the furies, talking about some rather disquieting rumors that had started to float around the underworld. Figuring that it would be best not to interfere, I bowed to my father and retreated to the edge of the room. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but it had started to become a bit of a habit of mine and this is what I heard.

"… But, my Lord."

"Silence Alecto, there is nothing to these rumors, nothing at all."

"But Lord, all over the underworld there is talk that Gaea is slowing, more than if she was just sleeping, lava is cooling, the plates are slowing, soon the mortals will notice and…"

"Enough, she was beaten only five years ago, she is just settling down. Now, be gone, my son is here and I wish to speak with him."

I watched the furies fly away and moved into the center of the throne room and knelt in front of my father. "Hello father."

"Nico, how are you my son?"

My father's expression was always hard to read, but he looked kinder today, his face more like stone than steel. "I'm fine father, I have a question though. It's about Percy."

"Ah yes, sad that. My brother completely over reacted, however it's too late to fix it now. You know that I, of all the Olympians must respect the rules of death."

"Yes father, but that is not my question. When I brought Annabeth to the ferry and just a moment ago on the isles of the blest, I realized that there is something different about Percy. I felt him die, but when I'm close to him, it's like he is somewhere in between."

Hades looked at me, and he actually looked sad. "I'm sorry my son, it is all in the plan but I can't speak of it, Percy will tell you but you must first promise him not to tell anyone. Now go, you have been here for longer than you think."

"Goodbye father." And I travelled back to the isles of the blest.

I got back at the same time that Thalia and Annabeth were saying goodbye. I knew that they would have preferred to stay there but we all knew they needed us back above. "You two go ahead, I want to talk to Percy and Jason."

Thalia looked at Nico and said "alright, call us a boat then."

I flagged down a boat and had them taken to Elysium, they would be fine over there. As soon as the girls were out of earshot, I turned to Percy and said, "Bro, we need to talk."

"Yeah I want to know what's going on as well." Said Jason

"Alright, I'll tell you the plan but I need both of you to swear on the river Styx that you won't repeat what I say until I say different."

"We swear to those terms." Jason and I said together

"Alright, the truth is, no, I'm not really dead. At the moment I'm somewhere in between. Your dad Hades is behind it. Poseidon and Hades sent me a dream the night before I was banished from camp explaining that they had learned what Alex was going to do and they told me their plan. Gaea had spent too much of her energy trying to beat us and when we all managed to beat her, all the credit to you Jason, she was spent. Gaea is fading and with her gone, it would be worse than her awake. All tectonic motion on the planet would cease and the magnetosphere of the planet would fail. The atmosphere would be stripped away and the planet would die."

"But Percy," said Jason, "how could Poseidon and Hades know about this."

"They told me that Chaos spoke to them. Chaos said that the earth needs to have a caretaker. Without one the amount of chaos released would unbalance the fabric of reality."

"So what are you saying?" I asked, "That you're going to try and help or something?"

"Yep." and as soon as Percy said that a hole in reality opened behind him. "That’s my ride. Listen, Nico, I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Annabeth, become a god if offered the choice. Thanatos was weakened in the war to the extent that he is fading now too. There has to be death in the world and I'm almost positive that your dad will offer the job to you. Please take it."

"Why should I?"

"Well to keep Annabeth company for me and to make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid."

"OK, fine, if I'm offered the chance I'll take it."

"Thanks Nico, Jason, it was great seeing you again but this is where we say goodbye."

"OK Perce, I'll see you later." And with that said Jason walked back towards the middle of the isle.

"So Percy, what happens later on then?"

"Well, I suppose if the plan works, then I will stop existing in-between life and death."

"You'll die? For real this time?"

"Yeah, my time being mortal will be over. Everything fades Nico, Everything except the gods and the monsters, Oh, Nico?"


"Watch over Mrs. O'Leary for me will you?"

"Course I will."

"Thanks little bro, see you around sometime." He gave me that lopsided grin I knew so well and jumped backwards into the void spinning behind him.