The Heroes of Olympus Destiny Rising series: A Titan's Rage and The Frozen Desert

Jupiter305 posted on Dec 03, 2011 at 08:07PM
Hello, they call me Jupiter305 because...well...its my screen name. I have a story about children of the titans. Who may appear to be evil in the opinion of humanity but in reality they were the good guys.

Backstory: Humanity lived well under the Titans. No war or disease. Until Zeus came and took over. Slowly under his control the world has become corrupted and more dangerous. Zeus took credit for the adventures of other demi-titans to bring more support under his name.
The Titans have been bidding time until five heroes can change the tide...

A Titans’ Rage
Since the Titans lost millennia ago, the world has been at peace. So the gods say. Little does mankind know, life under the Titans was paradise. Zeus, mad that his brother Hades would inherit the throne of Kronos, overthrew his father and became king. Since then mankind has slowly dissolved into something more…aggressive. Heroes have risen to take on the gods, but failed. A prophecy has been given Zeus will be defeated by his mortal brother...
Jesse, Vanessa, and Tyler must now embark on a quest to bring the Titans back to power and escape the endless grasp of the gods. First they must overcome the hidden clues of their pasts and figure out the divine powers given to them.

Jesse Pierce: The loner who finds himself in the struggle between two ancient forces. Jesse finds out early he can’t run from destiny as he is the key to the fall of the gods.

Vanessa Sullivan: The beauty queen who learns that she can’t outrun her family. She proves to be the brawn in this new battle.

Tyler Garcia: The jock with the perfect life. Girlfriend, humor, and good grades. Perfect, huh? But every full moon Tyler can’t help himself. It’s a curse that proves deadly…
last edited on May 14, 2012 at 11:23PM

The Heroes of Olympus 459 replies

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over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Omg that isss sssooooooo aweeeesssssommmeeeeeee :))))))) <3
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…

Today was pretty embarrassing. I mean, yeah school filed trips to a history museum are supposed to be a great learning experience. But if a fourteen year old girl hands your butt to you on a platter, you lose all pride in yourself. I guess it doesn’t make sense unless I explain the beginning…

That day we went to Broward Museum of History. I live in Miami within near the beach. I’m slightly pale and really slim. I’m fourteen with a black hair that falls onto my face with hazel eyes. Well, they’re more golden which people find disturbing.
I’m not that popular guy. I’m more of that loner who hangs out by himself at school. Why? There’s this feeling I don’t belong. Not with popular, nerds, or even other loners. I feel there’s another place for me, like I belong somewhere else.
Here I am with my high school freshman class listening to man being enthusiastic about dead people.
“Napoleon was a great military leader in my opinion,” he said.
A guy raised his hand. “Then why did he die?”
The smiled before he made his own joke. “Because he always came up short.”
The class groaned. Not more lame history jokes.
“Come onto the pre-world war Germany.”
The class shuffled to follow but with no interest in learning. I was about to follow when something caught my eye. In the Ancient Greek part of the museum stood a statue of a man with a lightning bolt in his hand.
A sudden spark went through my spine. I felt a connection. I slipped away from the group and made my way to the exhibit. As I stopped in front of the statue, I read the description.
King of the gods and ruler of the sky. He overthrew his father, the Titan Kronos, and ruled with his brothers Poseidon and Hades.
I frowned. Zeus? Why do I feel like I should know him?
“Hey, you!” A guy called out. I turned and scowled. It was Tyler Garcia, the most popular freshman at school. He’s a part of the swimming team, football team, and has the perfect cheerleader girlfriend. Am I jealous? Maybe.
That’s not why I’m scowling. Our school is very divided by social groups and Tyler is I should say…cocky.
Tyler was a little taller than me with spiky black hair and a tan look. He was my age too with a black leather jacket with a T-shirt and jeans. He was more muscular than me and had a smile like “he owned this world”.
“The class is that way. Are like blind? Can you see where I’m pointing?”
“I can see,” I said surprisingly calm.
“What are you looking at?” He looked at the Zeus statue. “Are you into this dude?” Then he frowned. “I meant, into this Greek stuff. Not that you are…you know…”
I realized what he said. “I’m not. I just feel something here.”
“The bathroom is near the Egypt room.”
“Not that kind of something. I feel a connection.”
I’m so indifferent to Tyler that I could care less whether he thought I’m creepy or crazy.
Tyler looked awkward. “What kind of connection? Like you belong?”
I looked at him directly. “What about you?”
Tyler looked unsure whether he should say more. “I do…what about curses? Do you know about those?”
“Curses?” I asked with confusion. “I don’t know about any curses.”
Tyler looked sad. “Yeah, crazy.” Then he brought back his I own the world smile. “The only curse I know is my handsomeness. Look at me from my south west angle.”
“Don’t you feel like you’re too cocky?”
“Nope, it’s just called confidence.”
We heard footsteps pound against the marble floor. A girl our age with blonde hair came over. Vanessa Sullivan. The second most popular girl in my grade.
She was slim with blonde hair and blue eyes with a European complexion. She was really pretty for a girl my age. I’m not just saying that, it seemed like all her features together became even more attractive. My heart skipped a beat and I almost fainted. She was wearing brown boots that made a loud sound against the floor. She had on a brown jacket and black shirt under it with white jeans.
Vanessa didn’t look happy. “Mr. Blowfis is looking for you too. We’re about to leave.”
“I guess it really is no child left behind,” Tyler joked. “Come on…what’s your name again?”
“Come on, James!”
“Jesse,” I repeated.
“Who’s that?”
Vanessa had enough. “Let’s just go guys. Boys,” she muttered like it was terrible word.
Tyler smile couldn’t get bigger. “I just kid.”
So together we walked out but I lagged behind to look at the paintings of Greek myths. Meanwhile, Tyler and Vanessa whispered in front of me, but I could hear their conversation fine.
“I thought he was cool,” Tyler said.
“Jesse is really cute, but that’s not the point. Your girlfriend isn’t happy about your secrets.”
“Quinn is scaring me. I need some space can you tell her to back off. It’s a personal family thing.”
Vanessa hesitated. “I may be her best friend, but even she won’t listen to me. I told her not to invade your life.”
“Can we not talk about her? She’s raising my blood pressure already.”
“Okay, so is Jesse single?”
“All the girls are. He’s so dark and mysterious. Everyone loves a brooding loner.”
That took me by surprise. I’m somewhat popular?
The next moment changed everything.
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
big smile
There goes chapter one!
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
O: that WAS EPIC :)
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
The next moment changed everything.
A white hot explosion appeared in front of me. It was about five feet away so I really felt the impact and was blasted backwards off my feet. It singed the front of my shirt to almost black and filled up my nose with a burning scent. My face flushed from the explosion. I landed hard on my back and felt pain in the back of my head. I heard Tyler and Vanessa screaming but I couldn’t make out the words.
A girl appeared before me. She was about sixteen with long silver hair tied into a ponytail. She wore some kind of Greek designed armor. Her eyes were blue like the sky and she looked…hot. That’s the only word that came to my mind. But…her expression scared me. It was cold and merciless. At her hands were a bow and an arrow with a bunch of other arrows slung over her back in a quiver. The tip of the arrow glowed with a white aura.
I didn’t know what to say. My heart began to beat faster from fear. Something told me she isn’t a friend.
“W-who are you?” I stammered.
“Artemis, maiden of the moon and of goddess of the hunt. You, Jesse Pierce, will die by my hand.”
“No thanks?”
“It is not an option.”
Artemis placed an arrow in her bow and pointed it to my chest.
Tyler appeared at the side of Artemis. He tried to grab her bow. Artemis grabbed his wrist and twisted his hand behind his back. It wasn’t the manliest of screams. It sounded like a girl who saw a rat. I didn’t know whether to be amused or scared. Tyler getting beat up by a girl and screaming like one? Amusing. But she might really be a goddess ready to kill? Scary.
Tyler kept screaming until Artemis flung him over by the Roman god, Roma. He slammed into her hard, but held on in some kind of bear hug so he wouldn’t hit the floor.
I tried to get up but it was slow due to my pain. Artemis turned back to me.
“I will kill him after you.”
“No chance!”
Vanessa literally came out of nowhere. She leaped over me and charged Artemis. Artemis responded with another arrow. Vanessa raised her fist and pounded the arrow. It broke against her fist like it was solid rock. The arrow exploded again creating a flash of light. I had to close my eyes, but Vanessa needed backup. I fought my pain and rose to my feet. I was shocked to see Vanessa still alive but her clothes were burned all over and steam rose from them.
Vanessa was beyond furious at the state of her clothes. “That was brand name from London!”
Even Artemis looked confused. “How did you withstand an exploding arrow?”
Vanessa wasn’t in an answering mood. More like white-hot fury. She ran at Artemis and swung at her with that fury in a fist. Artemis dodged and leaped back.
She placed another arrow in her bow. I ran to Vanessa’s side feeling a bit helpless, but I knew Artemis had a different plan. She regained her cold expression with a slight smile. The new arrow had a more metal shaft.
“This is a titanium arrow laced with an explosive rarely made by Hephaestus. How will you survive?” Artemis mused.
“Ka-chow!” Tyler came out of nowhere and snatched the arrow from Artemis. He ran with it toward our direction. “That was for my pride!”
Artemis’s eyes flashed anger. “No foul mortal touches my sacred arrow.” Artemis sounded angry. More angry than Vanessa was. Supernova angry.
Artemis grabbed a hunting knife, a good sixteen inches of pure steel, and threw it at Tyler.
A rush of adrenaline flowed through me. I felt the urge to protect Tyler and my instincts took over. I raised my hand in the direction of the knife. My energy drained and I felt more tired. The knife slowed down to halt right behind Tyler in mid air. I put more concentration on it and it reversed back toward Artemis in the same path faster than how it was thrown.
Artemis rolled out of the way and the knife slammed into the wall with so much force it broke clean through leaving a pizza sized hole.
Tyler joined us. “Wow, Jesse. You should try out for the football team.”
“Whoops,” I said. I felt more tired like I just ran two miles to school.
Artemis glowered at me. “I will not stand here as you mock Olympus.” Artemis seemed to grow. I’m so serious, every second she seemed to become bigger. At one point she passed ten feet. “Your time powers cannot defeat me. Your parents will not win and the rule of Zeus will last. Feel the full power of the moon!”
Tyler turned green. “The moon?”
Artemis began to glow bright white. Her power seemed to burn the air and my skin. I knew all three of us would die if we didn’t escape.
A voice spoke at the Roman exhibit. A woman at a doorway spoke to us. She was at the supply closet next to Roma. We couldn’t see her due to the doorway being as bright as Artemis.
“Come!” She yelled. “Run here to safety!”
Tyler squinted. “Mom?”
“Come on!” She yelled.
“Let’s go,” I said. I hope we can trust her.
Vanessa didn’t move. She was Chuck Norris mode ready for another round with Artemis.
“Let’s go,” I said surprisingly soft. “We need leave.”
Vanessa scowled and turned on Artemis. “She owes me a new wardrobe.”
We ran to the doorway as quickly as we could.
“Do you think you can run away from me? I’ve hunted monsters more dangerous than you snot nosed creatures!”
Tyler threw the arrow back at her like a football. “Hunt my-”
I’m not repeating what Tyler said. It would offend a donkey.
The arrow exploded behind us. Tyler went first through the doorway, then Vanessa, and at last me. The woman at the doorway closed the door as a wave of fire came at us. I caught a glimpse of the woman who just saved us.
Now, I’m wishing we stayed with Artemis.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
i just started reading this and this is REALLY interesting!! post soon!
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
“I’m not your mom,” the lady repeated.
Tyler slumped his shoulders. “You seemed so…familiar.”
The lady smiled with pity. “I was there when you were born.”
“Who are you?” Jesse asked.
“I am…”
Yeah, I stopped paying attention after a while. I had bigger things to worry about. We were walking on a regular sidewalk. It was gray but the edges and the area surrounding us was white like snow. It was like we were in another dimension.
I still couldn’t believe what I did with Artemis. I knew she wasn’t good and something told me to fight. All that punching the arrow and surviving was my instincts. I knew despite the logic, I wouldn’t get hurt. Artemis woke up something in me. Something strong and indestructible.
I knew I had a tough personality despite my frequent weakness for a little glamour. That surge of super strength was a stretch.
Tyler’s voice brought me back.
“The rash went away after I put the cream. Actually…” He scratched his rump. “It might still be there.”
“Ew!” I said in disbelief.
Everyone looked at me with me with confusion as we walked.
“Tyler is talking about some kind of…what was it?” Jesse asked.
Tyler avoided looking at us. “Nothing, Eos knows.”
“Who’s Eos?”
The lady looked at me. “Are you okay?”
The lady was pale but had an inner glow to her. Her hair was golden like was morning sunlight and the same color as her eyes. She had one a simple white dress that seemed to glow.
“Yes, you’re Eos? I’m sure your parents thought it was original.”
Eos frowned. “This is no joke. I am the Titan of dawn. I saved you from Artemis, Zeus’s number one assassin. She will not rest until you three are killed.”
“Another thing to look forward to today,” Tyler mumbled.
A doorway appeared at the end of the sidewalk. It was pitch black so it was impossible to see the other side.
“This is the best I can do for you. Tyler, your mother never wanted this curse for you but she had no choice. The best you can do is deal with it. Vanessa, you are capable of great things, probably more than your brother. Jesse, good luck with the impossible task ahead of you. I will help in anyway I can, in which you all are my family.”
“Family?” I repeated with disbelief.
“Yes, I am your…cousin.”
Tyler shook his head. “I’ve never seen you at any family reunions.”
“On your Titan side,” Eos exclaimed.
“You keep saying Titan,” Tyler said. “You mean we’re related to the Tennessee Titans? I guess that football team is okay.”
“No,” Eos said with irritation. “The Titans, rulers of the cosmos before the gods.”
Jesse laughed nervously. “You mean Greek mythology is real? Eos, you’re so funny.”
“I do not lie. The gods are the fiends who destroyed our king and took over. Humanity has held on due to us Titans still fighting to protect them from domination. You guys can tip that scale.”
“Slow down little mama,” I said. “In Greek mythology the gods are somewhat good. The Titans are the evil ones.”
“In reality, the Titans are when humanity prospered and the gods is when your kind has been going downhill,” Eos said. “War, disease, and even terrible darkness occurred under Zeus.”
I frowned. “So, what can we do? They’re gods. All powerful immortals.”
“Yet you are half Titan,” Eos explained. “You were able to take on Artemis with no knowledge of your powers. Think about what you are capable of. There is one family member I want to train you.”
We reached the doorway, but Eos stayed back.
“Wait, what about my monthly problem?” Tyler asked.
“Yeah, and what brother?” I asked.
“And what impossible task should I do?” Jesse complained.
Eos smiled at us. “Ask Themis.”
A wave of air slammed into us and we fell back into the darkness.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
AMAZING! teehee :) post soon!
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
That was soo cool, you write amazing! lol :)
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
^ I agree! Post soon! :D
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
Thanks! Here comes four!
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
big smile
I woke up in a library. This is not the place I expected to be after our little journey. It was bigger than a basketball court. Books everywhere with little signs telling where each section was like: Fiction, History, and Mythology.
Tyler groaned. “I hate learning.”
We all got up. Tyler looked freaked out like he was close to something that was important. He was Hispanic from Spain. He had a muscular build but still a little slim. He was taller than me by a couple of inches but it was no contest who was in charge with us, me. I wasn’t good friends with him but we hung out a lot because his girlfriend Quinn was my best friend.
Then, Jesse. He was the guy I wanted more information on. He had really golden eyes and slightly long black hair that seemed like a waterfall on his forehead. To be honest, Jesse is good looking. Not in that athletic way like Tyler, but in that mysterious sense. I don’t really know him but the way he stood at my side today, it shows that he’s really brave.
We all got up. I was still wondering about what Eos said. I have a brother? No way, not even on the Titan side.
“No shoes in the library!”
I turned to a woman at the doorway. She looked older like a mother with long black hair and analyzing brown eyes behind glasses. Just one look it appeared was piecing together our identities. She wore a simple bronze dress with several books in her hands.
Tyler scoffed. “Since when?”
“Since Caesar was killed,” the woman said simply.
“Are you another Titan?” Jesse asked with disbelief.
“Yes. I am Themis, Titan of law and order.”
Tyler sighed. “I hate that show.”
Themis remained unfazed. “You guys are…”
“Here, because Eos sent us,” I explained.
“She sent you here because…”
“We were attacked by Artemis.”
Themis finally realized something. “You are the heroes I’ve been waiting for! The ones who will return Kronos to the throne.”
“What?” We all said unison.
“You don’t seem much like heroes. Tyler, you’re too cocky. Jesse, you’re so anti-social. Vanessa, you’re so easily distracted. So much flaws to fix.”
I scowled. “I’m no hero. I’m a regular fourteen year old girl who wants to go back home. Right guys?”
Jesse and Tyler suddenly found the rug interesting.
“Right guys?” I repeated with more force.
“I don’t want to go back home,” Jesse admitted.
Tyler nodded. “I need to find out about my real mom and why I have this…problem.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “I guess I’m going back alone.”
Themis held up a free hand. “Vanessa, Artemis is a hunter. You go back home, you will put all your friends and family in danger. Please, listen to why you are here. Then you may make your choice.”
I scowled. I have a family back home. My mom, sisters, and even my friends are people I can’t leave behind so easily.
Jesse awkwardly put his arm around me. “We’ll see your family again. When we understand the danger and are able to protect ourselves. We will return.”
I was stunned for a second he knew exactly what was bothering me. I felt my eyes tear up but I didn’t want to look weak not even for a second.
“Fine, I’ll listen.”
“Take your shoes off and follow me to the Greek section.”
We all listened and followed Themis to the biggest corner. At the table we sat at one side while Themis sat at the other side.
“You guys look so much like your parents,” Themis commented. “But I was hoping for more…heroic choices.”
“Sorry if we disappoint,” I snapped.
“It’s okay, your brother wasn’t much when he came here.”
“Who is this brother?”
Themis smiled at my frustration. “Let me explain from the beginning. The Olympians are the villains. All myths you heard about the Titans doing evil was false. The original ruler passed the throne down to Kronos after he proved he was able to handle the weapon Ouranos thought his true son can handle.”
“The sickle,” Jesse said.
“Well, it’s more of a scythe. The gods said sickle to make the weapon seem more…tamed. So out of all the Titan sons, Kronos took the throne while Gaea and Ouranos slept parallel to each other in the earth and the sky. Kronos never killed his father; Ouranos gave him the throne of pure choice.”
“What about the Cyclopes?” Jesse asked. “I thought Gaea was mad he threw him into…that…place…where it’s dark.”
“Thank you for that wonderful description,” Themis said sarcastically. “Tartarus is a prison for the most evil of spirits guarded by the immortal with the same name. Ouranos never imprisoned them. Cyclopes always had a knack for building things. It came down to a point where they wanted to build weapons and Ouranos forbid that. Then when Zeus wanted to overthrew Kronos, he came to the Cyclopes and proposed no limit to what they wanted to make. They could make whatever their hearts desired.”
Tyler made an intense face like he was on the toilet. I think he was trying to understand what Themis said.
“So,” he said. “Why did Zeus want to overrule Kronos in the first place?”
“Kronos knew his time would come one day,” Themis said. “So he chose his eldest son Hades. Kronos never ate his children, another rumor spread around by Zeus. Zeus knew Hades never desired the throne, but Hades couldn’t deny his father. None of the brothers wanted to rule. Zeus went to Kronos and pleaded to take the throne, as Kronos was the youngest brother like him to the throne. Kronos saw greed and jealousy in Zeus and never wanted to give him the throne. Kronos would rather Hades or Poseidon take control.”
“So,” Themis continued. “Zeus gathered an army. He convinced his brothers Poseidon and Hades that Kronos would create a new set of children to take their place. It was false, but his brothers believed him. So, that was the war against the Titans. We lost and Zeus took control by force. The Throne of Creation cannot be taken by force; it must be passed down to the most eligible successor in the family. Humanity went downhill after that. War erupted, death became more constant and violent, and disease became common.”
Themis sighed and looked depressed. Suddenly I felt more interested in this.
“Do you remember the war?” I asked. “What was it like?”
“All earthy elements at war,” Themis continued. “Clashes of nature, enough to devastate the planet. Gaea and Ouranos did all they could to minimize the damage and stop Zeus. Gaea even created Typhon but even that was unsuccessful. They even used our last resorts against us.”
“Last resorts?” Jesse asked.
“The demititans, like you served the Titans. There are no such things as demigods. The gods would not come together with humans as it beneath their dignity. But we Titans knew that humanity could walk freely and even with our mixed bloodlines challenge the gods. We couldn’t have many children, but we had some. An example is Vanessa’s brother, son of Atlas. Hercules.”
My jaw dropped and I stared at Themis with disbelief. “Atlas is my dad? How? The Hercules is my brother? No way.”
“Yes, he is. Zeus claimed Hercules as his son but Hercules was known for his strength. Not a trait of Zeus. Atlas bears the heavens and it is his power that Hercules inherited. Some other famous ones was Perseus, son of Hyperion and Theseus, son of Oceanus. After their time, Zeus implanted into society that they came from the Olympians, which is again false. We Titans couldn’t freely challenge the Olympians as we didn’t have the strength necessary. But we just got a prophecy from Gaea not long ago that only one person has the power to defeat Zeus.”
“Why are you looking at me?” Jesse asked.
Themis shrugged. “No reason in particular.”
“How is Atlas my father, he’s trapped under sky!”
“What about my mom, S-” Tyler started.
“Enough!” Themis commanded. “It is bedtime, so go to bed. You each have individual rooms I will show you to. Tomorrow, your training starts and I will answer all questions in the morning.”
Not one single demititan was happy with that answer.
“Um, Themis,” Tyler said awkward. “Can I talk to you privately? It’s a super emergency.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
lol awesome chapter! post soon!
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
This story is so good! I love the interesting twist on the plot. It's amazing!
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
:D that was soo good, lol Hispanic guys are good looking, sometimes hehe xD I'm dieding to find out who's their parents, and Tyler curse!¡ >•< post lol <3
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
^ Same! Post soon :D
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
Thanks guys!
There are three questions you need to ponder for this story.
Who ordered the moon curse to be put on Tyler?
What chance will Jesse have against Zeus?
What is Vanessa's deepest most destructable power?
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
“What is it, Tyler?”
“Answer my question. I have this curse where every full moon…I loose control. I definitely know it’s not puberty.”
“Tyler do you know who your mother is?” Themis asked.
I sighed. “Titan of the moon or something.”
Themis laughed at me. “You’re so wrong. Don’t you sense it? What’s your favorite sport?”
“Yes, feel it. The power of the ocean flows within you.”
“Who’s my mom? I’m not into this Greek thing. My dad called her Selena.”
“Maybe she wanted to use a nickname. Your mother is Tethys, Titan queen of the oceans.”
My hopes soared. “I’m prince of the oceans? Awesome! Do I get a princess? A royal bodyguard? Endless buffet of sea food? Can I breathe underwater forever? Am I immortal too? Do I get an entourage of sharks?”
“Slow down, Tyler!” Themis smiled faintly. “You are not prince of the oceans. The curse you have was given to you for a reason.”
“Why?” I lost my hope. “Why do I have to turn into sea werewolf freak every full moon?”
It isn’t fair. People think I’m cocky because I want them to. This curse destroyed my life. I keep hiding secrets from everyone in my life so they don’t trust me anymore. They don’t understand what I go through. The pain of transforming is unbearable. It’s like walking through a sea of fire naked, and I’m not exaggerating. That first night I cried through it all. But to everyone else, I have to look strong. Act like nothing’s wrong and seem like the life of the party. Then, maybe…people will accept the freak I am. I still never got over that very night a year ago…

I was walking Quinn home. Its eighth grade year and we go to high school in a couple of months. Quinn was a great girl. Someone who knows how to have fun and is smarter than she looks. A bit too smart, for my own good.
“In high school, let’s be the power couple,” Quinn proposed.
I smiled. “Why?”
“Tyler, you really are handsome. I just don’t want to lose you to the head cheerleader. Plus, I don’t want to be a nobody anymore. I want to be a queen bee.”
“You’re perfect just the way you are.”
Quinn wasn’t pleased with that answer. “Well, I’m going in. Talk to you later Tyler.”
“Bye, Quinn.” I kissed her on the cheek and walked back down the street to home.
It was a dark and cool night. The town of Miami was quiet but restless. The full moon rose up into the sky. Its light illuminated the city.
My skin began to itch as I walked near the beach where the light of moon was at its peak. My head felt woozy. I tripped over my own feet. I fell to go the ground. My vision became uneven. My temperature began to rise and sweat poured down my face.
Pain seared through my body like a wildfire. I felt my body trembling. I looked at my hands and saw the bones under them moving unnaturally. I lifted up my shirt and saw my ribcage shifting under my skin. My vision turned red and my teeth became sharper. The pain was too much, that was when I blacked out as tears strolled down my cheeks.

My first transformation was that night. The house I ended up in was abandoned. It was old but I made things worst. Claw marks on the walls and the foundation torn up completely. Every full moon for the year, I went there and chained myself up. The damage I caused made me fear the creature I became.
“Tyler, are you with me?” Themis asked.
“Yes,” I said. “Wait…fudge pops! There’s a full moon tomorrow night!”
Themis frowned. “True, I’ll help you. But you have to tell Jesse and Vanessa. You need to trust them.”
I wasn’t so sure about that. They might not want to be near someone dangerous like me.
“Tyler, trust them. You need them to watch your back against Oceanus.”
“He is…”
“King of the oceans,” Themis answered. “Husband to Tethys.”
“My mom cheated on him with my dad. Why?”
“Ask your mom. Ask her why you bear this curse. Please, go to bed. We have to go train tomorrow and I need you at full strength.”
I nodded wistfully. “Okay.”
I trudged to my bedroom more scared of tomorrow than any other full moon.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
oh and for your questions...
1. Oceanus?
2. Jesse will fight against Zeus? Overthrone him?
3. IDK.. lol
post soon :D
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
Thanks for posting! It was really good. I bet Oceanus had the curse put on him. But, dosn't the moon pull on the tides? I wonder if that has something to do with his mother's name with his father. If the gods don't interact with mortals, the titans do, then who would percy's dad be? Will he be in this?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
Sorry for the wait, I'll post tomorrow.
As for Tyler's curse, it's not the most obvious choice but will come up very soon. We will very much see his "full moon".
Jesse has a deep past that will come to life.
Vanessa will prove to be a dangerous weapon.
For Percy Jackson he will make a "physical" appearance very soon. But on who's side will he be on?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
OOOHHH can't wait!!
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
“Stop it!” Jesse scowled.
“I’m not touching you!” I growled.
“You’re violating my personal space.”
“Get back up, guys!” Vanessa yelled. “You’re embarrassing us.”
I helped Jesse back up. Themis was playing something similar to flag football. She wore track clothes with a flag hanging from her hip. She told us we had to use our powers to get the flag. She told us that the exercise could last all day if necessary.
We were outside the mansion. It was big and white. It seemed even bigger than our school. Themis lived in Kansas within a secluded area of pure woods. She told us not to worry about people finding out where we were. Our practice took place in the grassy backyard.
“Jesse, for a son of Kronos you aren’t a great leader,” Themis pointed out.
Jesse didn’t enjoy that comment. “I’m no leader. I’m a one man team.”
“Jesse, I’m going to pound you! Use your time powers!” Vanessa ordered.
“I don’t know how,” he said frustrated.
I knew Tyler Optimus Maximus could save the day. Oh yeah, in Latin it means I’m the best and the greatest. Hold the applause.
I just needed a good source of water…then it hit me.
I ran to Themis using some football moves. I tried to tackle her but she easily dodged. I rolled with it and did a cartwheel to land back on my feet.
“Vanessa!” I yelled. “I need to some heavy pressure.”
“From where?”
“Toward the house!”
I charged Themis. I did a low kick sweep and simply stepped over it like it was nothing. I reached for the flag and she flashed away, like she teleported. This time she was next to Jesse. Themis whispered something in his ear and he looked enraged. Vanessa jumped about twenty feet into the air above Themis and began to fall back down. Jesse saw the attack ran out of the way. Themis looked up in the air with a look of surprise.
I had to admit, I was a bit jealous of Vanessa. She had super strength and almost indestructible skin. The best kind of skills for a head on battle.
Themis smiled, which worried me. She took out a book and started reading it.
They said I was cocky, I thought.
Themis jumped into the air toward Vanessa threw a random left kick. Vanessa blocked it and got in a good right punch. Themis blurred out of the way and appeared behind Vanessa. Her eyes never left the book from what I saw. Vanessa landed to the ground with a big BOOM! Dust encased Vanessa and eventually blew away. She wasn’t exactly happy. Themis landed like a soft feather.
I needed her closer to the house then the magic happens. Vanessa charged to Themis again. Themis dodged every attack like it was nothing. Even I knew Themis was making Vanessa angrier. People don’t like to say it but Vanessa has temper problems.
Vanessa did an impossible roundhouse kick to Themis’s side but she blocked it with one hand like it was nothing. Vanessa fell upside down being held up Themis. It bothered me how she never took her eyes off that book. Are all immortals this powerful?
Themis casually threw Vanessa away in the air. Thankfully, Jesse came out of nowhere and caught her. I had no chance against her without any water. Just a bit more towards the house…
“Kronos defeated by a son of Poseidon?” Themis shouted at her book. “Nonsense! Well, compared to Jesse’s fighting it might be possible…”
Jesse looked beyond mad. He dropped Vanessa.
“Sorry,” he said quietly. “I’m so over this. I’m going to hand your butt to you on a celestial bronze platter!”
Themis laughed. “You guys need to read this book. Percy Jackson is so funny. Athena knows how to write a good book.”
Jesse ran at Themis. At first I thought another lesson in humiliation. Then, Jesse got even faster, so fast that he seemed like a blur. In a quick second he jumped and came back down in super speed. Themis jumped back with surprise.
Jesse didn’t even let her finish. He charged at her again with his super speed. Themis took her eyes off her book so she could focus on Jesse’s attacks.
So not fair! I thought. Jesse gets super speed?
Jesse began to run around her. A couple of times I heard a laugh. A crazy laugh like Jesse was enjoying the turn on this tide. He was creating his own mini-tornado and Themis was trapped in the middle. I could feel the strong winds from where I was standing and Themis was beginning to float into the air. She scowled and did a rotating kick into the tornado’s edges on the ground. In a heartbeat, Jesse tripped and he flew out of the tornado. He landed hard on his face.
The tornado disappeared and Themis stood with her hair in a crazy looking form. I doubt we could win this exercise. I looked at my team. Vanessa gave up and was staring at the clouds. Jesse looked at me and gave me a thumb up and nodded his head to the house.
I noticed that Themis was practically five feet from the front door…
I concentrated on the plumbing. Themis said that it was directly under the foundation of the house.
Hello, water. Bend to my will!
I am your prince! Karate Chop!
I became angrier. I channeled that to the water. Fear my wrath!
The ground shook violently like an earthquake. A foot from Themis a strong stream of water shot from the ground. I let my instincts take over. I raised my fist in the direction of Themis. The stream made a U-turn to Themis.
“Tyler!” She shouted. “That’s toilet water!” Oops.
She got dumped with gallons and gallons of apparently toilet water. After a minute, I made the water stop. The ground around Themis was muddy and brown.
I walked toward her but almost face-planted myself to the floor. I felt exhausted like I went to all of my sport practices in one day.
Themis snapped her fingers and the landscape went back to normal and Themis was dry like she was never wet.
Wow, the power of an immortal.
“Good job guys!” Themis shouted. Jesse and Vanessa lugged over. “You did well, but I expect more teamwork. Jesse you can’t just do what you want. If there were multiple enemies, you need to consider what’s best for everyone. Not you. You have a team now, not your one man show. Vanessa you did good but you can’t give up so easily. Tyler you make a great leader. You can teach Jesse a couple of things.”
Everyone was pleased except Jesse.
“I’m not a leader. Make Tyler leader.”
Tyler noticed his plea was more desperate.
“Destiny does not work that way,” Themis said.
Jesse shook his head. “Then I reject my destiny.” He turned and began to walk away.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m leaving!” Jesse called back.
“You’ll die if you leave this sanctuary,” Themis warned.
I swear I heard Jesse say, “Good riddance.”
“Did anyone notice we didn’t capture the flag?” I asked.
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
That wasn't what I expected you to put in about Percy... It was really funny though! I hope Percy comes in as a son of Oceanus. It would be interesting if hades and poseidon found out Zeus tricked them... Great chapter!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
lol "Did anyone notice we didn't capture the flag?" hahahah that was funny
Awesome chapter! Post soon!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Okay now I get why Tyler lose control on a full moon cause tides of the ocean lose control
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
That's possible... POST!!!
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
Now that it's winter break I can post more often so expect a new part tomorrow!
over a year ago goddessgirl said…
big smile
I love this story! Post soon!
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
:( Lucky! Imao mine is next week, better post -.- I miss your story lol
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
Thanks for liking my story! As an early Christmas gift for you all....I have an amazing surprise for all my readers tomorrow!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
yay! can't wait :)
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
I hope it's like 5 chapters! That would be awesome!
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
Merry Christmas! Here is a very surprising chapter
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
I kicked a stone as I walked through the forest. Why is Themis so expectant of me? Sure, that running fast thing was cool. Somehow I “pushed” myself forward through time. So every thing seemed slower and I was able to react to everything faster.
But I can’t be a leader. I’ll just let everyone down.
“I believe in you big brother.”
That voice sent chills down my spine. It can’t be…
I turned to see myself facing a ten year old girl. She had my black hair but it was longer for a girl. Her eyes were a golden hazel. She wore the same thing she had on the day she died. A yellow sun sweater and shirt with jeans. She had on that weird combination of socks and sandals. Her smile was the thing that tore out my heart.
“Jenna?” I called.
“Yes, big brother?”
“Am I…are you…”
Jenna reached her hand out but something seemed to push it back.
“You need to save me. Find me and you will be able to release dad.”
“What? Kronos?”
“Save me!” Jenna yelled. Her body became blurry and was fading quickly.
“No!” I reached out to her but I was too late. Jenna was gone like she was an illusion.
I fell to my knees. My baby sister. The one I killed…
“You really need to get a grip.”
A turned to see a guy standing casually behind me. He was older than me at about two years with black hair that fell onto his face like a split waterfall and sea green eyes. He had on a blue windbreaker and regular running shorts.
Seeing my dead sister was still bothering me. I had to calm down before tears came into my eyes.
“What?” I asked trying to be a little more casual. “First of all, who are you?”
“It’s okay,” the guy said. “I know you won’t go fan girl on me. I know you know me.”
I blinked. “Not really.”
The guy looked at me with surprise. “Come on! I have seven popular teen books about myself and a hit movie with a sequel coming out soon! You know me! My last book was named after me: The Son of Neptune!”
I thought about it. “Harry Potter?”
“Percy Jackson,” the guy corrected.
Didn’t Themis mention a Percy Jackson?
“I honestly don’t know you.”
Percy scowled. “You suck eggrolls.”
“Hey! I’m allergic to eggrolls.”
“What are you? Son of Apollo? Please don’t say Ares.”
I shook my head. “Son of Kronos.”
“Demititan scum!” Percy yelled randomly.
“Hey, watch it.”
“Come at me bro!” Percy said taking out a pen. “I’m ready for you.”
I bit back a laugh. “You want to defend yourself with…a pen? Classic.”
Percy uncapped his pen in a split second it grew into a three foot long leaf-shaped blade. It grew in the forest with a faint glow from its bronze.
My jaw dropped. “Listen Percy, I don’t want to fight. Can’t we take a nice walk by the creek?”
Percy definitely came at me. He did an overhead slash and I ducked. I rolled to the left and took off running.
“Coward!” Percy yelled after me.
Something in me made me stop. I remembered Jenna and how she was depending on me to save her.
My baby sister needs me, I thought. I messed up with her but now here’s a chance to fix everything. I need to be better and stronger.
I turned back to Percy Jackson. “Percy, we live in a society where honor is everything.”
Percy shrugged. “We also live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police from personal experience.”
I stood in a dramatic fighting pose. “Prepare for defeat!”
I super sped to Percy. I jumped up and came back down punching him with a good right hook.
Percy fell back into a tree and leaves rained down around us. He smiled and came at me with his sword. He slashed and hacked but with my super speed I was able to dodge his attacks.
Suddenly, things began to change. The wind picked up and water slashed in my face like I was walking through a storm. Lightning flashed at my side.
“What the peach fuzz?” I yelled over the howling wind.
Percy smiled like he was enjoying my fear of the storm. I realized that Percy had created his own personal hurricane.
“Who is your parent? Oceanus or are you Tyler’s Titan brother?”
Percy continued to smile. “Neither.”
The force of his hurricane was too much. I was lifted off my feet and was thrown back almost thirty feet. I landed hard on the moist soil near a small creek.
Percy stepped out of the forest calmly. His hurricane was already gone.
“Try harder son of Kronos.”
I got up to my feet. “You want me to whoop your butt? Fine!”
“I lead my friends to victory. Can the same be said for you?”
“Of course! I have purpose to fight!” I said thinking of Jenna.
“What about Vanessa and Tyler?” Percy asked. “Aren’t they your comrades?”
I thought about it. I finally feel like I belong to a proper place. Being with Tyler and Vanessa feels…right. I felt guilty for leaving them. I let down Jenna once. But I won’t do the same to my friends.
“Yes, I will return to them. I will bring down the gods!”
Percy frowned. “Why does that bother me? Whatever,” he shrugged. He leapt into the air and brought down his sword on the mud where I used to be.
We ran at each other for one final clash. The part where it will be decided who will be the victor.
“Stop!” Percy yelled. For some reason, I listened.
“This is dangerous,” Percy pointed out. “It’s muddy and one of us could slip, smashing their head into a rock. Or even fall into the creek.”
I nodded. “I agree. Where do we continue this battle?”
Percy shook his head. “You found your purpose in this war. Well, a temporary one but still motivating. Your friends are counting on you. One last thing, I’m a son of Poseidon.”
Everything around me began to dissolve into bubbles, even Percy himself.

I opened my eyes to a new place. I was back in the forest just after I kicked the stone.
“So Jesse, have you found your resolve?”
I turned to Themis. This was her plan. Everything was an illusion. That made me angry…again.
“How dare you use my sister on me!”
Themis gave a look of confusion. “Come again?”
“My sister, Jenna,” I repeated.
Themis continued to look clueless. “You have a sister? My illusion was only the famous fictional character Percy Jackson.”
Even an immortal couldn’t have pulled off looking like a clueless badger. Themis can’t be faking. My anger disappeared and hope filled me up.
I will save you Jenna, I thought to myself as a silent promise. I’m sorry for what I did, but I will things right.
Jenna even mentioned bringing back our dad, Kronos.
“Themis, there’s something you need to know.”
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
Awww! Great chapter, but I was really hoping that the real Percy would be in it! Boo! Jk, well kinda. It was an amazing chapter though! You are an amazing writer! How did he kill his sister? I bet Percy could totally whip hi butt though, well if it weren't an illusion. Amazing!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Good chappie!! I really like the part about percy yelling stop over mud on the ground. That was funny!! Post soon
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
big smile
Thanks lol, I'm sure Jesse would appreciate Percy whooping his butt. We'll learn what Jesse did to his sister...Thursday!
over a year ago goddessgirl said…
big smile
That was awesome! Post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
AWESOME! lol ohh, Percy.. post soon! i wonder if Percy will join the Titans' side.. dun dun dun dunnnnnn
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
I have good news and bad news. I'm posting another chapter now! But...I have a lot of things to do so I won't post again until Friday or Saturday. Sorry!
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
“Yo, bro!” Tyler yelled. “What happened?”
Themis and I finally arrived at the mansion again. I could tell she was still troubled by my possible revelation. My sister Jenna is possibly a daughter of Kronos.
“I have a new respect in that book series…with that dude…what was his name again? Perry Johnson? And…I’m not your bro.”
“Percy Jackson,” Themis corrected. “Let’s go to the kitchen for some ice tea and then I can attempt to answer any questions you have.”
We all walked into the kitchen. I knew had something to say to both Tyler and Vanessa but I figured it could wait a while.
“You each get one question. So choose wisely.”
“I’ll save Vanessa one,” I said. “How did Kronos and Atlas meet our parents? They’re not exactly able to travel freely.”
“Smart move,” Themis commented. “Atlas is able to leave his burden once every thousand years for one day only. Kronos was more difficult. By channeling his spirit, he’s able to possess another person and embed his spirit in them temporarily for about a while over…a couple of years. I guess that’s how he had you Jesse and…” Themis trailed off but I knew she meant: and Jenna.
“My question,” Tyler said. “Who gave me my curse of the moon?”
Themis shrugged. “I don’t know. But I know who you should ask. Selene, goddess of the moon, would know the answer.”
“How can we ask her?” Tyler asked.
“You already used your one question! Vanessa, what is yours?”
Vanessa studied Tyler as he flashed his tongue at Themis.
“My question is for Tyler. What is this curse you’re talking about?”
Tyler suddenly found his shirt interesting. “Not anything serious…I just go on a murderous and destructive rampage every full moon.”
“Sounds pretty serious to me,” Vanessa said. “How long have you had this?”
“About a year.”
“You never told me!” Vanessa cried.
“You were my girlfriend’s best friend. Not exactly the first person on my list to inform about my condition.”
I saw Tyler differently. As he talked he seemed more weary and unenthusiastic like this curse was doing some damage.
“How can we help?” I asked.
Tyler sighed. “You can’t. Just stay out of my way tonight.”
“I know how Tyler’s curse works,” Themis admitted. “The moon has always had an effect on the ocean pulling in and out the tides. Due to his mom, the ocean runs in his blood making him an easy target for the curse.”
“Great sea water runs in my blood,” Tyler said sadly. “No wonder I have high sodium levels in my blood.”
Themis clapped her hands on her head. “I have a great idea for an amazing bonding experience for you all. You all will camp out to see Tyler on his full moon!”
Themis made it sound like a cool adventure.
“I would love to help Tyler,” I admitted. “But if he becomes a murderous beast….I’ll pass.”
Tyler nodded. “I could hurt them!”
Themis shook her head. “Share your curse Tyler. So you may not go through it alone. Jesse and Vanessa can handle themselves. Jesse controls time itself and Vanessa is virtually indestructible.”
Vanessa was staring at Tyler. “Tyler is my friend. I’ll go.”
I sighed. “It’s not like we have cable out here. I’ll check it out too.”
Tyler looked outraged. “Guys-”
Vanessa pounded her fist on the table. “You try to change my mind and I’ll pound your insides outside.”
Tyler dropped his head to the table. “I like my insides in. Fine, but be super ultra careful.”
“Careful is my motto,” I promised.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
lol awesome chapter! reading 2 chapters in one day is awesome :) can't wait til you post again on Friday/Saturday!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I have to wait till thursday to find about this Jenna character!! That sucks. Oh well I guess I will wait. Good chappie to!! Post soon!!
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
Yeah, I really want to see Tyler's curse! What happened to Jenna? I can't wait till friday. Oh and just know that if a single person starts sing ing that song I WILL KILL YOU PAINFULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:I on a happier note, great chapter!
over a year ago goddessgirl said…
big smile
i love this forum!!!!!!!! post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Please post soooon!!!